San Antonio mayor on possible second wave in Texas – Car Mod Pros Portal

Mayor Ron Nirenberg on the rise of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Texas.

#Pandemic #MayorRonNirenberg #Covid19


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “San Antonio mayor on possible second wave in Texas”
  1. 🇺🇸 Event 201, Clade X, Lockstep, Agenda 21. It is a crime to mislead the American people! 🇺🇸

  2. Nuremberg is a fckin idiot puppet never had a real job n his wife is a millionaire fully entrenched in shady dealings w the city . San Antonio suffers as others ( Wolfe , sculls) run the city .

  3. Seriously ? 6 Feet Distance OMG Are You Kidding Me…LOOK What's Going On Around The World… This Is NOT A Snake Bite..This Is Serious. Needs To Be Address.. FAST

  4. By August 2020 The Spike Will Be Way Up There…No Way Going Back To Normal Life With A Mask.. It's A Trap.. People Should Just PTA.. Park That A** … Just My Opinoin

  5. The mayor is a piece of sh*t!!…he supported the riots and looting we had here, and does nothing about the rise of homelessness in our cities and homeless camps breaking out here!!…DONT TRUST A DAMN WORD HE SAYS!!

  6. Places around Dallas are getting ready for fireworks shows on the 4th 🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. California pop 40,000,000 coviddeaths 5,300
    Texas pop 30,000,000 covid deaths 2,100
    Florida pop 20,000,000 deaths 3,000
    90,000,000 ppl 10,000 ds
    1 in 9,000 chance of being struck by lightening 1 in 3,000 417 HCP deaths wake up.RETWEER/SHARE #Scamdemic#fakevirus

  8. "ARE Y'all GUYS FUCKING DUM"?!!
    The CORONA IS DEAD cause how u PROTESTING OR RIOTING OR LOOTING and there's NO CORONA to be found!!!! "Don't believe it"!!! OPEN YOUR CLOSED EYES!

  9. It's all the idiot's I see when I go shopping not wearing mask, who have to go out to eat, get their hair and nails done, and party.

  10. Texas is setting records for hospitalizations. Gov Abbott needs to stop trying to accommodate trump by opening the cities.

  11. The only thing I can say is political, political, political. Because trump says we’re all good & don’t stress on wearing masks all the republicans are doing what he wants them to do, open everything up right now! Never thought in a million years something like health pandemic could get so politicized. But with trump everything in political. I live in San Antonio & it’s getting scary how much the cases are going up every day. I just thank god that we’re fortunate my husband can work from home.

  12. Hmm… let’s see if opening up increases infections from a highly contagious bioweapon! You can’t help stupid.

  13. Our Mayor has done an excellent job being transparent and trying his best to keep San Antonio safe. Unfortunately, his hands are tied due to the terrible choices Abbott continues to make. Texas should not have opened.

  14. The media never reports on states that reopened very early, like Wisconsin and Georgia where there are NO spikes. The media only wants to cherry pick to drum up support for another shutdown of business so that it hurts the Trump economy. ABC = fake news.

  15. How many more Americans must get infected or die before the Government starts taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously??? To hell with the economy, restaurants and bars. Lives are all that should matter.

  16. PLEASE!!! Do your homework. The “second wave” is expected in the Fall AFTER the first wave subsides. We are still in the First Wave.

  17. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  18. my daughter is 20 and is quarantine at home she was 1 of the workers whom was aroumd someone who was tested positive for virus at her work 😤 thank you governor and mayor😤

  19. Hi. I don’t live in the states and was just wondering if the Covid test is free?

  20. So younger people are getting sick more? So you mean to say those who (were the majority of protest) went out to protest are getting sick! Who knew! And no it’s not from reopening that was six weeks ago if it was from reopening we would’ve seen the spikes weeks ago

  21. R u sure it’s the second wave? I still haven’t seen a single case and I work in healthcare, specifically geriatrics. In April, two months after my original facilities lockdown started…I transferred facilities. They’re almost an hours drive apart. We’ve had zero positives since this whole thing started in both facilities. Not one. So again… are you sure it’s not just a continuation of the first? I live in Ohio btw.

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