White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News

White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News

Watch as the White House Covid-19 response team holds a press conference on the coronavirus pandemic.

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Live: White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News


50 thoughts on “White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News

  1. Plandemic daily briefing with Dr. Doom 👏

  2. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩👹👹👹👹👺👺👺👺☠️

  3. I don’t need your stinking vaccines! The 100 MILLION that Trump ordered on December 23rd are already available

  4. When is MSM going to realize it doesn't work that way anymore? The gig is up…we are so on to you and your game. Anyone with 2 functioning brain cells just laughs at 95% of what you put out.

  5. ☣️+

  6. Government approved News. Story fact check ✔️ by approved and authorized government media enforcement division.

  7. Imagine a scenario where you have 7+ billion people with zero survival skills who are living paycheck to paycheck and completely dependent on a functioning society. Now imagine that society collapsing and 7+ billion people left to fend for themselves. It's a nightmare you cannot even imagine and that is the nightmare we are heading for and they don't dare tell you about it.

  8. More fake news to Control The Masses》

  9. I can’t believe people still think there was ever a pandemic.

  10. I'm just happy to see that Alex Jones has peddled more for the immune system than a vaccine that is less likely effective than the actual survivor rate of the pandemic but you keep telling the pro abortion side that it's there body there choice while everyone else is wondering why it's not there choice to run there business and after that why it's not there choice to not open if they are not vacxinated

  11. Homeless 📱📲💻🖥️📺👜👠 Special Mansion beautiful home hoe Care 💵💰💳 💅💅🏽👠💋 Cornicha Tracy Joan mookie grandma grandmother For years help Cornicha Tracy Joan mookie grandma grandmother Homeless 📱📲💻🖥️📺👜👠 Special Mansion beautiful home hoe Care 💵💰💳 💅💅🏽👠💋 Cornicha Tracy Joan mookie grandma grandmother Help I'm dirty Mama don't take care of me help

  12. Agenda 21 👿 Don't take the vaccine 😈 Run away 😈 The Great Reset 👿 population control 👿

  13. Audism: discrimination against a person based on whether or not they can hear. How many businesses realize that the changes made in the name of “safety” have actually been unintentionally discriminatory against the deaf? How many deaf are disappointed for not being able to patronize restaurants that have gone drive through only? How many have had to get creative to work around not being able to read lips through a mask? And hearing people are not hampered in the slightest. ??IS THAT FAIR¿¿

  14. Every circus in the world couldn’t produce the f**** clowns in and around the United States democrat party.

  15. Committing High Crimes Under The Cloak Of “Science”. Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  16. fraud fauci he’s a lying monster arrest him

  17. you dont even have proof covid even exists and are doing all these measures as a means of control over the population who are easily scared and mind controlled by your pathetic propaganda….i heard the globalists are itching to start another war for there agenda

  18. The 3rd Reich. Line everybody up for the vaccine immediately. 😆 I like how the lady says, "another safe and effective vaccine", meanwhile they have to request emergency approval for all of them which means jumping the line of scrutiny for safety before giving it to millions of ppl. around the globe while they make millions in profits. Not taking away the seriousness of the Pandemic but this leaves room for a bit of comedy.

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