Berman could shed light on the pattern of ‘chaos crisis and corruption’: Jeffries | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., is interviewed on “This Week” and discusses the firing of the Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman and former national security adviser John Bolton’s new book.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #HakeemJeffries #GeoffreyBerman #JohnBolton #WilliamBarr


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Berman could shed light on the pattern of ‘chaos crisis and corruption’: Jeffries | ABC News”
  1. It should be taken out of the Presidents hands it should go off record and Qualifications and years served in the D.O.J or in other equivalent districts!

  2. Bolton is a traitor
    Trump is a traitor
    His entire administration is treacherous
    They are both the same person,and of course his book Is true.
    They belong together that's for damn sure.

  3. I’ve read Bolton’s book. The content would be a good script for “The naked gun” with Leslie Nielsen, for as low the quality Trump’s administration has been. The book also proves how miserable and cynical Bolton has been, for knowing all these things and refusing to appear before the House judicial committee during the impeachment. If you despise Trump, you should despise Bolton twice as much because he had at least two brain cells that could be used to free the United States from this cheap monster at the White House. Let the press do all the talking. Just DO NOT BUY BOLTON’S BOOK

  4. “A black speaker of the house”? Now we choose leaders based on the color of their skin? I’m pretty sure that that is the definition of racism. How about choosing the speaker of the house based on their ability, or their experience, or the best person for the job? Apparently there is systemic racism in this country but it’s not from the Right, it’s from the Left. It’s unbelievable how this ass hat Who thinks of himself as a “journalist”, could ask that question with a straight face. This is such blatant racism it’s shameful.

  5. This is what an educated person sounds like…very refreshing compared to the dribble we get from bunker baby diaper donnie

  6. House Democrats are honoring their Hypocritical Oath again – Whining that Bolton didn't volunteer to appear at the Impeachment Hearings. The Walrus dangled multiple hints of what he could say and pretty much begged them to finish the court case to enforce the subpoena so that he could cross the Executive Privilege order, but Dems refused to put the work in.

  7. Jump on the Trump Train and Fight the WACKY LEFT and VOTE for Trump2020 in a 2nd Term in 2020. Don't let the FAR LEFT DESTROY THIS COUNTRY. Support your local Law Enforcement. #MAGA2020. Donate to Trump's Campaign.

  8. republican and Democratic senators telegraphed their verdict before floor vote – in turn, majority republican senators did jury nullification; aided and abetted by judge roberts not presiding hence bolton's testimony worthless

  9. Lock Jeffries up in a jail some where.. He has lost his rabbit minded brain. Shame ABC you fools love to lie to the people.

  10. How was the committee supposed to know these allegations outside of Ukraine?
    Bolton didn't show up before or during the impeachment trial and it seems no one else stepped forward who knew of these things either.

  11. Show the president underboss that y'all mean business I might not know much y'all have a right by law to do some do it🚨

  12. “Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.”

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    looking for new donations daily. any size donation towards me completing this mask to help save lives. otw I probably won't be making very many. Will you want one please donate. the mask designed for this pandemic to help ensure you never get covid-19 and can live with greater security walk around and do things and work with my mask on until this crazy thing is done. This is the solution. This is it. Think about it. Please donate. OTW you have high risk of getting the virus when they pick back up. They will. They already are and when it gets cold it's probably going to be worse than last time potentially much worse. We simply need the right mask for great protection. The DG Mods mask will you fund me. I will do this mask myself. I have the skills and background to make it my full time job and with urgency but need funding to do it.

  14. ABC deflecting again! Every story, every bit of coverage is anti-Republican. Absolutely no objective criticism of the Democrats! You're not news. Objectivity is gone from ABC. You're disgusting.

  15. Why did Trump say, "A perfect call"?! John Bolton knows! Because that silly phone call was NOTHING next to all the crimes he got away with!!!

  16. DRAIN THE SWAMPS good ridden don’t need them they’re all corrupt losers💩💩💩👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

  17. Thankfully Bolton didn’t testify. The republicans were never going to get rid of Trump. If they did, another far right president would probably be elected this year. Bolton’s book coming out now is working better to get Trump out of office than his testimony in Congress.

  18. The Democrats are just as guilty for allowing this atrocity "pattern of chaos and corrruption"…too slow…My name is Tamara Stanley.. I am a Independent write In for Presidency…for the People, from the "People."

  19. I’m with the protesters…. to stand up to make government officials accountable for their failed action/inaction. The citizens will have to clean up the swamp 🤔

  20. Bolton, though reprehensible for not testifying in the House, is credible because what he is saying is consistent with the behavior that we have all witnessed from Donald in the last 3 years, a corrupt, self-serving, ignorant dummy.

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