Trump administration receives more fallout from Tulsa campaign rally – Car Mod Pros Portal

The White House quickly put out a statement saying the president was joking about slowing down COVID-19 testing.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Trump administration receives more fallout from Tulsa campaign rally”
  1. He was joking? You can joke about so many things, But not about testing for a deadly virus. Trump, 140,000 deaths. Your citizens. Tell me another joke. Dumkoff.

  2. Once it reached the shores of The US , it's no longer a problem of jus China. Kung Flu , Trump Flu, no matter the name but it's in Trump's Administration for now. He's doing a poor job at handling it… Strange, everything he said bad about President OBAMA has came to visit him

  3. “I can name nineteen different versions…” said nobody worthy of dealing with a pandemic, ever.

  4. If Trump knew there would be political consequences to what he said then why did he bother to say them in the first place?

    Because it's hard to think straight with Trump's head up so far up his own ass.

  5. I support our president. He stands against globalism. Jesus placed Trump here for this reason. You don't have to like him, he is an elected official, you must respect him and the office he upholds. We have a chance to turn our nation back to Jesus. If we don't, we will be harshly humbled.

  6. What is wrong with trump we have 2watch who we vote 4 when he says june teenth. What is he really saying. Now june will b call. Juneteenth making fun of black people sorry man. We fun on u

  7. Trump administration: "Mr. President dont say anything that will lower your reputation".
    Trump: "slow the testing down! Kung flu"
    Trump administration:……………………. facepalm…🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  8. Is there no limit to how vile this disgraceful man will go?
    Yeah, let's slow down testing so it can make ME look like I've handled this epidemic "Tremendously" .
    He's such a gross person

  9. Forrest Trump at again, where were the other 19 names? We test too much,its laughable how Donald Gump carries himself, really the media is right, hes nothing more than a carnival barker, it isnt the least bit funny and it is unfortunate that so many people have to die because of one persons ego. Its a shame. My $0.02

  10. I dont like trump but he will be president again theres no one on one good to vote for this year we have decided not to waste our time voting ..theres no one we would vote for ..same as before i dont know just know we wont be at the polls voting ..

  11. Just because you don’t count the cases, does not mean these infections go away. An infant understands Object Permanence , when you shut your eyes, the world still exists!

  12. Psychotic: when the oppressor label the oppress "evil". When the lawless Commander attempts to bring " Law & Order". When those who claim to be followers of Jesus, yet they yell " we want Barabbas". Jesus wasn't surprise, so neither should I be! We're not trying to change history, instead, we're making it. His-story is twisted like his feeble mind.

  13. Idiot Fox News!! Donald Trump made the decision to have a 20K crowd in Tulsa, PERIOD. Who else would be STUPID enough to do this? It will probably be a major global hotspot of Covid activity within a week!!! McEnany needs to come up with the virus!

  14. Trump knows his numbers a way down so he pulls stunts like this to keep himself in the news. And looks like it worked again. Trumps smart and knows what will keep him in the headlines and talking. Even bad press can be good press and Trump has learned that well the past 4 years.

  15. Did we really think Trump supporters have any intelligence at all. I mean going to a crowded rally in the middle of a pandemic without at least requiring masks.

  16. How can this president think America doing to many test? We've never reached the level of testing needed to slow down covid19 especially when people everywhere are running around like covid19 is magically gone. All slowing testing down does is lower the amount of positive covid19 cases counted. The people with covid19 and spreading it would still be going up they just wouldn't be counted. Is there some contest amongst the world leaders where you win by having the fewest counted cases and what would be the prize?

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