White House says actions by federal officers in Portland were justified – Car Mod Pros Portal

Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that federal officers were deputized in order to protect federal property.

#KayleighMcEnany #Portland #Oregon #FederalOfficers #WhiteHouse #ABCNews


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “White House says actions by federal officers in Portland were justified”
  1. Kayleigh shows video of the violent and criminal behavior of the Marxist mobs rioting and looting in present day america and the reporters avoid the elephant in the room by asking irrelevant questions a clear sign of their leftwing anti american hypocrisy  and activism..the whitehouse should show these videos at ever briefing and trump needs to move in to these states with the military and put this national insurrection down immediately. 

      Now a message from the silent majority..because the leftwing anti american media wont address the elephant in the room, a word from the silent majority… attention blm antifa nfac feminists and sjw marxists know this..  the silent majority is watching and listening and you are digging your own graves… Enough is enough the left wing democrat socialist marxists anti constitutional anti freedom anti liberty anti american race baiting and pandering traitor leaders in Seattle Portland Chicago New York Detroit california and any others sympathetic to their cause need to be arrested for treason sedition and starting a national insurrection they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and have their property and moneys confiscated for civil liability to the businesses that have been looted and or destroyed as well as being held accountable for the murder and violence that has been allowed to increase under their watch, under their dereliction of duty.  And if civil war breaks out these same traitors in positions of authority should be tried as aiding and abedding the enemy of these United states and its citizens.  And finaly the leftwing news media should be held accountable for ensighting riots and violence   and have the platform returned to reporting absent the activism. 

     And now about my favorite issue the education system…the education system produced this generation of politically correct feminist marxists mindbots and spiritual zombies.. dissolve the education system and return to home schooling and or trade schools learn to be productive. As for the teachers and students that support blm antifa feminism and socialism send them to re education camps and strip them of their rights to vote having been found to be co conspirators in national treason.  As for feminism in particular… dissolve family court, if the father/husband is the bread winner he gets the kids, if the wife is unfaithful he gets the kids, if the wife is promiscuous she gets no visitation rights.. if the wife is the bread winner she gets the kids the father pays child support unless she let's a man move in with her or marries in which case the father doesn't have to pay child support.  And as for feminism with regard to abortion it is not the right of the woman to have an abortion without the consent of the father because it's her body.. it's his seed!  Furthermore abortion should be outlawed except in instances of rape or incest. 

     Now one last thing…to the lgbtq community keep your perversions in the closet where it belongs, no civil rights, sexual preference is not a matter of the state.. there are only two genders Male and female as for women born with a penis bare your cross gracefully and maybe sexual reassignment is lawful but only in this instance and still it's not your right to be recognized other than what's down there a penis is a man a vagina is a woman. To you gay zombies stay away from my children with your perversions sexual identity is the responsability of adults an issue for adults not children stop sexualizing children ya perverted latent pedophiles no sharing bathrooms no hormonal treatments no lgbtq perverted propaganda allowed around children again stay in the closet where you belong…take a lesson from sodom and gommora, the last stage of a nation that has declined into degenerates and on the verge of collapse is when said nation embraces shame and is a sinful perverted nation without shame.  All the afor mentioned interests that I have spoken against in this comment should be ashamed, very ashamed for your godless truthless loveless prideful blasphame… fear god and give glory to the creator of heaven and earth, repent, for the hour of the wrath of the lamb draws nigh…. American Mgtow red pill in your faces

  2. Trump staffer saying Federal Officers were justified. Is that really news? Just that response was a waste of time except being the new better looking (probably better paid) Sarah Huckabee Sanders. That podium had to be used instead of just gathering dust.

  3. Enough of this BS….who is supposed to pay for all this damage that these no good for nothing bums have done? You got it….WE ALL WILL…that is the working Americans that are out taking care of their families and themselves. If you can't control the people in your own home and your neighbors are fed up with noise, filth etc., etc., etc. guess who's coming to put a stop to it? THE LAW! Don't feel one bit sorry for the morons causing all of this trouble and anarchy in the streets. They need to answer for what they are doing and President Trump will cap it. If Obama and Biden were in office they would be hiding under the sheets shivering. TRUMP 2020!

  4. the law was created after 911. i forget the name but Canada Command is involved and Northern Command. It made it legal for military to kill their own people in the case of "rioting" and for Canadians to go down and also kill american rioters. and vice versa.

  5. Piss off cry babies, you riot you get fked. Simple as that, and i'm not even american or a supporter of the left or right. Emotional fks

  6. If the federal agents are acting unlawfully in Portland and/or anywhere else, then the city police and the state police need to step up and confront those unlawful federal forces just the same way that they would toward and against anyone else acting outside of the law. Local and state police should challenge and confront and engage in law enforcement actions, even using force if needed, to any outside, unlawfully acting individuals, including the unlawful conduct and activity of any federal agents. State and local police forces need to bring themselves to bear against the unlawfulness of the federal forces. City / cities police department(s). County Sheriff's departments. State police force(s). Why should they not? They should! Why can they not? They can! They need to do it! Swine AGAINST Swine!

  7. Sure, it's within Trump's authority to send the agents. However, the agents are not keeping to the mandate they were given: They are to protect the federal building. They aren't. They are to uphold and defend the constitution. They aren't. They are not meant for crowd control. They are attacking people who have done nothing to warrant being attacked. They are arresting people off the street nowhere near the federal building, without any identification. They are violating the 1st and 4th amendments of the US Constitution. Believe me when I say, without a doubt, they are not wanted in Portland, OR. We'd be fine if they stayed at/near/in the federal building. They don't. And, the crowd has only gotten worse since they showed up. That's because of their first night, shooting deterrents at people's heads. Try to imagine what it would be like if you were living in a city where this is happening. And all you want to do is go to the bank? Are you going to go? You might end up arrested and shoved in an unmarked van before you can get there. Just because the president has the authority, it doesn't make it right.

  8. In other News: His glasses are fogging up! 😂😂🤣

  9. So I guess it's justified to detain people without the officers showing any id or nametags on them and put them into unmarked cars and just drive off in a violent manner yeah i think that is fully justified

  10. Look at him. Fog in his glasses. Disgusting.
    Starts with protests in '16, tame-ish
    Now it's buildings being destroyed, tape and murder.
    Next time?

  11. Hey kids!
    Play stupid games,win stupid prizes.

    America First🇺🇸
    Trump 2020🇺🇸

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