Trump holds 1st White House coronavirus briefing since April – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president led his first coronavirus press briefing in nearly three months on Tuesday — without any experts from the pandemic’s task force.


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By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “Trump holds 1st White House coronavirus briefing since April”
  1. Jail San LAN ,Brazen attempt to steal the popular sovereignty. Taiwan's proudful who is in the electronic macinary of Taiwan's University

  2. Total deaths during wars:
    Vietnam: 58,220 + Korea: 54,260 + Iraq and Afghanistan: 7,000 = 119,480
    With Trumps magical cure: 175,000 American brothers and sisters have died and the so called Fake virus that Trump and Fox News talked about is still killing us.
    It must be magic…

  3. My comments are not seen because I care about my president. What the hell people. Would it be ok to have another country overtake the USA? The president is in charge of keeping us safe. Biden is a joke. Imagine him keeping us safe. Freedom would be a thing of the past. You would not even be allowed to disagree with a communist. They will kill you with no due process.

  4. Team Trump has already given us the answer to all this Corona-virus bullshit. The president of the United States and leader of the Republican party says all we need are lights in our bodies and inject syringes filled with Clorox bleach and other disinfectants. Who cares what the World Health Organization has to say Trump has all the answers to everything. If all Trump supporters did bleach injections they wouldn't have to worry about paying taxes, rent, mortgages, gasoline, groceries etc Anyone taking his advice will truly be done with the troubles of this world. If you take advice from the World Health Organization you will still see the bills coming in and you'd have to use other measures to protect yourself from the Corona-virus other than Clorox bleach. I pray that Republicans will follow their leader. The result of all Republicans injecting bleach in their veins and lights in their anuses will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!

    Unless you've got a few million in the bank, Trump sees you as a WIGGER. Your just a white skinned, straight haired "N" word to him. Voting is a powerful thing, be smart and investigate before you vote. You voted for a white supremacist cocaine addict who's answer for the Corona-virus is for you to inject yourself with Clorox bleach and other disinfectants. Lmfao!!! Trump supporters got screwed with no Vaseline and a bucket of sand! My advice to you is to suck it up and deal with the mentally disabled man you help get elected. Peace out my WIGGER! ✌

  5. You guys have to realize just because one person test + doesn't mean the next will. Just because I got the flu doesn't mean the next person will. Do you know how many times we've been around ppl who've had the flu and didn't catch it. (This is the same) If you're not having any symptoms why go get tested especially if you're gonna continue to go outside. stay home if your sick until you feel better like normal. Stop being in fear. And all yall testing neg are y'all gonna get re tested each month or every 2 weeks. Please stop living in fear. Continue to build your immune system by taking vitamin c, d and zinc. And whatever other vitamins you like. Do you know how many Ppl I've been in contact with that tested+ at my job. Some of them had mild symptoms and majority had none. Who knows if the test were even conclusive for them. Stop acting like this is A death sentence when the survival rate is 99.96%. Yes it sucks to be sick but for the majority we'll survive. Wear your mask and isolate if you're sick We don't need no bill gates vaccine. They are only testing on healthy ppl. The ppl that are being tested are have been having major complications. And they want to give it to everybody. So what will happen when they give the vaccine to immunocomprised ppl. Think about it.

  6. So the Orange turd got greedy and bought up all the drug that turns out to be the 2nd rate drug, well done Mr Hoardy Trump you locked America into 2nd class medication again. America dealt worse than any other nation but massively inferior to way China dealt.

  7. You clowns on the long, long liberal "Liberal Whiner list" better hope your loser candidate stays in his basement. Hes gone thru his collection of video games so now Bidens onto crossword puzzles.

  8. Earn minimum of 14,000USD withdrawal every month, and minimum of 6,000usd every week inbox me and i'll send you all the info you need to get started WhatsApp:+13019050003

  9. Trump holds Corona virus updates constantly. Another false reporter from ABC. Daily and hourly the White House and President Trump are keeping the American people updated. ABC News is not where to seek news if you want to learn the truth of what is happening moment to moment. Fox News is more honest truthful on the days events. More reputable broadcasting. the others prefer untruths to gain ratings,$. Beware my American family..Stay alert.

  10. Your left wing nut riots created the increase in cases. How come not one critic has produced a different plan than what this fantastic President has done? Because they don't know and they don't give a damn and they want the deaths to increase for political reasons.

  11. We must put the issues and differences aside and unite to fight with Wuhan Covid-19.

    Since November 2019, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the biological test laboratory, Wuhan, China.

    Many people quickly became infected and exploded with hundreds of thousands of deaths in Wuhan, China. The Chinese communist regime has blocked the city, and they don’t want Chinese people going to other cities, will spread infectious diseases to Chinese people.

    * In addition, the Chinese communist regime does not want to leak information,

    they give special priority to people in Wuhan and want them to go abroad.

    They also send loyal soldiers, civilian outfits, abroad and carry some"Covid-19" bacteria in their suitcases, destroying North American, European and Australian economies.

    The Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan began to spread around the world.

    China has succeeded in carrying the pathogen, Wuhan Covid-19 in the world.

    The United States must prevent Chinese international students and Chinese tourists,
    among them were loyal Chinese soldiers, dressed in civilian clothes, to spy on and steal American intellectuals property and pathogen, Wuhan Covid-19 disease in the United States.

    The world had to decouple China because of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan.

    Someday, China will be the hegemony of the world

    In controlling the South China Sea and bullying their neighbors.

  12. This President continues to ignore the annual occurrence of corona viruses: Let's formulate the following common political goal: Bosses have to be legally responsible towards the grassroots, especially in groups with delegated powers (police ), Parties, governments, media, banks, infrastructure … even the military). We know the good, the bad and the ugly guys best in a direct (professional) environment. To support socially committed people and downgrade charlatans, we need to have regular triple reviews by superiors, colleagues and subordinates.

  13. Trump's other string of briefings jumped the shark when he suggested that injecting bleach be looked into. I thought Trump liked graphics and pictures. There are plenty of videos I've seen with good demonstrations of how wearing a mask prevents the distance droplets can travel in an infected person when breathing, talking, coughing and sneezing, thereby not exposing people to this infection. He should show something like that.

    Also, at the Wallace interview, Trump said that for most people the virus was just the sniffles, lasting a day. He doesn't mention that even for those lucky people with mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, they can carry a high viral load and be a superspreader and infect dozens of others, some who might die.

    A few months ago, during a single choir rehearsal, one person infected most of a choir in the state of Washington and two people in the choir died. That's why Trump should devote one of these sessions to talking about and and showing demos of how to use masks and what type of masks to buy for what purpose. Since he probably can't do this, he should have Birx or Fauci on to present this demonstration and important information.

  14. Too little, too late. Your foot soldiers are out there spreading the virus because you wouldn’t tell them the truth about masks and social distancing. You held rallies with no masks required and made it sound like they were unnecessary. Now that your base has been screaming about how masks = tyranny for the past few months while holding up Trump campaign posters you think one or two sentences in this “briefing” are get them to start adhering to these guidelines? They’re gonna dig their heels in and keep spreading the disease. The only thing this can do for your poll numbers is hurt them because now you’ve flip-flopped on an issue they see as infringing on their freedom to not wear masks. Wish you would have said this months ago. Maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t exasperated the problem for months and months. Pathetic.

  15. Keep pushing the vaccine crap 🤬🤬🤬

  16. At this point, and given The Bunker Asshole's repetitive rambling nonsense in these so-called "briefings", nothing of value is being said.

    Little to nothing re: the pandemic is addressed. No plans, no strategies… just a poor excuse for what he perceives as "campaigning".

    So… WHY IS THE MEDIA BOTHERING TO BROADCAST THE BULLSHIT?? Don't journalists and reporters have better things to do?

  17. The USA is chaired by an incompetent fool 😷Trump is the best failure Man of USA😷
    😷Trump is the best liar of USA 😷

  18. It is about time he tells the public the facts, instead of the spun scare numbers from most of the media. Anyone that depends on someone to tell you what someone says is an idiot.

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