Vaccine Watch: NIH director optimistic on vaccine efforts – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Bob Woodruff speaks with the director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, about the latest developments in the search for a COVID-19 vaccine.


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “Vaccine Watch: NIH director optimistic on vaccine efforts”
  1. Francis Collins, under your watch, The NIH has become Trumps Political Football, "Operation Warfspeed" cuts regulations by 70%, to me, a Research Scientist, "Regulations are Scientific Process to reach rational, logical evidence-based Standards" to guarantee, Safety & Efficacy, you let Trump interfere in the process for political purpose! DEREGULATION makes THALIDOMIDE happens!

  2. 3:30 It's not about whether we can trust science, but whether we can trust the GOVERNMENT. Even our government, the freest nation in the world, has outright LIED to us time and time again. How can we be sure that there isn't an ulterior motive to this pandemic?!

  3. Dr Fauci & the NIH were exposed by Dr Robert B Strecker’s Historic Document, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, indicating AIDS, Cancers & Other Diseases were being spread through Vaccinations Programs.

  4. With the damages in the trillions of dollars; any $$ is justifiable for any vaccine 😂 ugh duh. But this second 🌊 worst than estimated huh UW SeattleLEAD cheaters?? Deep learning is as good as a dild—lmao. Oxford vaccine is the most unique; not only RNA based but conventional made

  5. God of Israel is real believe in His Son look into it Jesus is coming soon 🙏❤📖

  6. Everyone needs to see the constitutional attorney who came out and told the truth about everything related to covid. He knows we are being played. Video on my playlists titled (Trump resumes who funding/constitutional attorney talks covid)

  7. It should not be a race … Save humanity first! Consider Poor African countries 😭

  8. Unless u want to continue to live life wearing masks everywhere having to get takeout or keeping urself separate from others u should TAKE THE VACCINE!!!!!! Believe the power of 2020 science

  9. Was always told you couldn't kill a virus so when you got the flu had to wait it out if they've had all these years to cure the flu and couldn't how the hell they going to stop covid

  10. Every vaccine produced uses the RNA cell( research it,it's something similar but I'm not getting it 100 percent worded correctly) anyways….the RNA cell line from an aborted fetus from 1960 something…..that in itself is weird to me that this one baby,whoever's it was,is in every vaccine.We already know when they swabbed there is belief,not fact,but opinion,that they are getting RNA and DNA! Could they be targeting a certain bloodline,geonology if you will? Something is telling me to research more of who the baby was and more on RNA….Oh my gosh,this just came into my head.I'm not a weirdo but what if they are looking for a specific bloodline? Then,immediately the thought was,what if they are looking for the AntiChrist?! We know from Q about The Looking Glass.Some of my research( not vetted) said he was hired to try and change the outcome….something like that.That whatever it was they wanted to know if it could be changed,which he said it couldn't.Like I said,I didn't vette his info.because that wasn't what I was researchibg.I just remember it.It sounds out there….AGREED!! but we also didn't and couldn't have believed the things we have found out about these evil people! I'm talking to "seventeen" people who know about "pissa fence" and the " ikea" store info.we just learned.Am I crazy? LOL

  11. If u could get it by end of August or September we get lesser fatalities…somhow save mankind from covid……🙏✌️

  12. Well sir, people who appear 'reasonable' believe Trump when he claims heat kills the virus and injecting 'cleaner' could 'clean' us of the virus. So tell me, are ALL news stations fake and Fox News the ONLY real news?????

  13. They’ve never created a vaccine for a Coronavirus in history, and they were saying the earliest they could possibly do one was 18 months at the beginning of all this, now they’re saying one is coming in a few months lmao.

    Yeah you guys can be first in line for Bill Gates’ vaccine. I’ll take my chance with the virus with a 0.25% death rate lol.

    No long term studies on safety and potential side effects. What a joke.

  14. All lives matter, of course it does we are human beings with feelings unique to the universe with consciousness and heart to be our own brother's keeper. It is because of all of this we have a meaning with something called inalienable rights (rights with God in nature). What offends me the most is that now I'm living in a time where it is customary to kill God and everything he stands for (they call themselves trolls). The Borg is a collective of intelligence that comes out of the movies if they were to chant that their lives matter as well my heart might have problems finding pity to care. You can't have it both ways, if you're going to kill God you're going to kill pity as well and money doesn't judge you fair enough to care which way it goes. Become a Borg if you want and get born again off a computer but if you're going to kill God you might as well keep your feelings to yourself. A soul is a terrible thing to waste everybody use to have one and who knows in the future it might even become a classic.

    I am not trying to defend religion if you think I am you are totally wrong. I believe the antichrist is a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to be something it is not. As far as I know it can be sitting in the White House making laws and selling souls for money so TV ministers can get rich and fly planes. I also believe that God is being hated today because of religion and people's beliefs. In the movie the 10 Commandments Moses asked God's name and God said "I am what I am". Middle school children are committing suicide because of "I am what I am" because that is all they know themselves to be. To put your hate in God in such a place where children are concerned is unforgivable. Nature could not show itself to be more intelligent than it is today. The coronavirus is killing people for shaking hands causing people to die gasping for a breath of air to keep their lives going. People do not have to believe in God but I would like to know what irony this generation is going to show to replace him. It's okay to believe in nothing who says people are anything more than nothing and who can prove it today because of what they believe. If it's not going to be God what is this generation going to come up with to show that their human friends are worth more than tears surrounding empty space.

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