US Secretary of Health and Human Services on learnings from Taiwan l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Alex Azar, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, speaks to “GMA” about how Taiwan has successfully controlled the pandemic compared to the U.S.

#ABCNews #AlexAzar #HHS #COVID19 #Taiwan #Pandemic


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “US Secretary of Health and Human Services on learnings from Taiwan l GMA”
  1. Taiwan you may not know
    Overview of Taiwan's higher education, economy, and technology industries

    Taiwan has the population nearby 23 millions.
    Higher education, Universities: 33 national universities and 37 private universities; 70 in total.
    University of Technology: 15 national technical universities and 67 private technical universities; 82 in total.

    The number of local students in higher education in Taiwan was 239,000 in 2019.
    In 2019, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan counted more than 130,000 overseas students studying in higher education (university, master's, and doctoral) in Taiwan. Distribution of overseas students: there are 113,268 students from Asia; 7,357 students from Americas, 7,183 students from European region, 1,399 students from African region, 1,210 students from Oceania. The training of higher education talents in Taiwan connects international forward-looking industries and technological trends. Taiwan has various industrial and technological parks, so that higher education talents can apply what they have learned. Taiwan's cultural, creative and art industries are among the best in Asia, leading the Chinese cultural circle. Taiwan has its own giant "Pop Music Center Performance Hall" in Taipei City and Kaohsiung City, providing exclusive venues for pop music creation and performance. In order to strengthen the country’s overall strength and higher international competitiveness, the Taiwan government promotes the 2030 bilingual national policy (2021-2024)-forward-looking infrastructure construction talent cultivation and employment construction to attract more multinational talents to Taiwan to participate in the international industry and technology competition.

    Taiwan's overall strength: In 2020; Taiwan’s GDP per capita is 20th in the world, which is about the same as Sweden; Taiwan’s per capita GDP is 28th, which is about the same as Germany; the land area is 140th in the world, which is about the same as the Netherlands; the military rating is 26th in the world, which is about the same as Canada; the import value is 17th in the world, which is about the same as Switzerland; the export value is 14th, which is about the same as Spain; we often say that Taiwan is very small, and Taiwan’s population ranks 57th in the world, almost the same as Australia! Australia population is 24 million, only one million more than Taiwan.

    Economy and Technology
    Taiwan stock market: Global stock market capitalization in 2019: Hong Kong US$394.7 billion, ranked as 16th; Taiwan US$380.4 billion, ranked as 17th; Sweden, US$256.9 billion, ranked as 18th. Taiwan's stock market continues to strengthen against the trend in the second half of 2020, and Taiwan’s ranking in 2020 is expected to move upward.

    Taiwan's industrial foreign investment: As of the end of December 2018, the cumulative investment amount reported by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, Taiwanese companies invested abroad around the world reaching a total of 321 billion US dollars. According to the official statistics of the ASEAN countries, as of December 2018, the cumulative direct investment of Taiwanese companies in the ASEAN countries reached approximately US$92.790 billion, with a total of 12,415 investment cases.

    Taiwan's domestic output value: Statistics of Taiwan's domestic output value of various industries in 2019: (listed by ranking)
    No.1 Other Service: 39.37%. No. 2 Manufacturing: 18%. No. 3 Other Industries: 17.75%. No. 4 Wholesale & Retail Trade: 12.24%. No. 5 Real Estate & Ownership of Dwellings: 6.33%. No. 6 Finance & Insurance: 4.36%. No. 7 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Animal Husbandry: 1.95%

    Taiwan's overall domestic economic industries, simply refers to manufacturing excluding other category industries; in 2020, Taiwan's domestic manufacturing output value will reach nearly 19 trillion Taiwan dollars, which is about 678.6 billion U.S. dollars. In 2021, it is estimated at 19.68 trillion Taiwan dollars, which is about US$702.9 billion. Among them, the four major industries of the metal electrical & mechanical, information & electronics, chemical industry, and people's livelihood industries are all growing positively, and they are cautiously optimistic about the outlook for the next year.

    Taiwan's economic growth rate: The Economic Research Institute of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan announced on December 16, 2020 that the economic growth rate in 2020 is estimated to reach 2.71%, and the real economic growth rate in 2021 next year is 4.24%.

    In 2020, Taiwan's domestic output value will exceed one trillion Taiwan dollars (35.7 billion U.S. dollars) in manufacturing sector:
    No. 1, the Semiconductor industry exceeded 3 trillion Taiwan dollars (107 billion US dollars), and the output value of wafers ranked number one in the world, with a global market share of over 60%.
    No. 2, the Petrochemical industry is 1.21 trillion Taiwan dollars (43.2 billion US dollars). Among them, a number of material products related to the semiconductor and electric vehicle industries hold a global leading position.
    No. 3, the LCD pane industry is over 1 trillion Taiwan dollars (35.7 billion US dollars), ranking third in the world. Taiwan has mastered the core technology of the new generation of Micro LED screen panels, and will supply them to global brands of high-end video screen devices and extensive use in the automotive industry in the next 2-3 years.
    No. 3, the Smart Machinery and Machine Tools industry is over 1 trillion Taiwan dollars (35.7 billion US dollars), ranking third in the world. 

    The Taiwan government promotes national six strategic industries:
    1. Information and digital related industries: Taiwan's overall high-tech semiconductor industry has an absolute advantage in the world. ARM, a global leader in processor silicon intellectual property, has established an AI computing silicon research project in Taiwan to jointly cultivate advanced AI chip talents. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Taiwan Government and Chunghwa Telecom are leading the promotion of the development and design of the next-generation global 6G communication low-orbit satellites, creating a manufacturing supply chain for Taiwan's next-generation 6G communication satellite industry. They help to build the eco-system for local companies, for them to development of state-of-art manufacturing technology aiming to the global market.
    2. Information security excellence: The United States-Asia's largest broadband submarine cable jointly invested by Alphabet Google, Facebook, Amazon and telecommunications companies in the United States crosses the Pacific Ocean from California on the west coast of the United States to Taiwan and then north to Japan; it goes south, avoiding Hong Kong and directly connecting to Singapore. Google has established three data centers in central and southern Taiwan, which are the largest overseas data centers outside the United States. Amazon and Microsoft also set up overseas data centers in central and southern Taiwan. Microsoft invested in Taiwan to set up an artificial intelligence AI Machine Learning software and hardware R&D center at the same level as the US headquarters; cultivate 6,000 AI artificial intelligence professionals in Taiwan within 10 years; and cooperate with Taiwan’s Ministry of Education and universities to promote a full "cloud campus", In the future, Taiwan and American universities will exchange and share "cloud campus" knowledge courses.
    3. Taiwan's precision health strategy: Taiwan's national medicare, its efficiency and coverage ranks as No. 1 in the world. Taiwan's medical industry continues to develop the cloud AI precision medical technology.
    4. Green Power and Renewable Energy: Taiwan’s green power (solar, wind, hydro, ocean current) industry, the output value is expected to exceed 1.2 trillion Taiwan dollars (43 billion US dollars) in 2025. According the European Chamber of Commerce their prediction, Taiwan will become Asia's largest offshore wind power market in 2035.
    5. National defense and strategy: Based on strong and advanced semiconductor technology, Taiwan develops the smart weapon of next-generation AI networking such as unmanned aircraft, unmanned submarine and AI Smart Missiles etc.
    6. People's Livelihood Products and Preparations

    To keep the peace for the Indo-Pacific region, the United States restrict and control the export of advanced semiconductor technology and AI technology to China.

    On December 18, 2020, the U.S. government and the Taiwan government signed the "Taiwan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement"; the scope of cooperation includes: basic research, applied research, innovation, engineering, social science, public health, Higher education and scientific human resources will provide a more comprehensive platform for Taiwan-US technology cooperation.

    In the next 10 years, Taiwan will evolve to new economy, new technology industries, soft power, and quality of life; it is expected that Taiwan will enter the ranks of the top 10 "advanced" countries in the world by 2030.

  2. taiwan is the 23rd province of China and it can not be separated forever, no matter what your views are, it won't change anything. here is a link to prove my facts, and, and if anyone can find the name TAIWAN under the lists of countries here,,; to clarify matters with solid evidence that taiwan is not a country. disinformation overly used by taiwan province of China democratic government propaganda machines. very good at telling Lies and Deception.,

    let all the International Community know by this presence: Democracy means the practice or principles of social EQUALITY, freedom of speech and freedom of expression. pro-China or not, you are free to voice out. unlike in taiwan province of China, pitiful democracy, SHUTTING DOWN a TV station does nothing but ONLY and ONLY opposes the ideology of the current DPP government of taiwan province of China bragging about being a democratic party. stupid political party, stupid democracy that is. you don't see that in the USA here. the CNN News network foremost opposition of the administration still exist and standing until now, a GENUINE true democracy compared to the tyranny STUPID democracy in taiwan province of China.

    Will Taiwan be able to defend itself against China?
    I believe if China was to reunite taiwan with force, the first battle will be the last for taiwan. Open your eyes and use your small brain especially those taiwan pro-independence civilians……

  3. 本人以客觀立場.川普及川普團隊是普世價值利益個國權力和平發展平衡

  4. Taiwan's model is the true pandemic prevention model. All other countries, those so-called successful ones, are pandemic containment models.

  5. 如果抹黑中国能让美国强大,我想美国早就是宇宙第一强国了。

    If trowing mud on China can make the United States stronger, I think the United States has long been the number one power in the universe.

    Haha, cheer up!

  6. 2:27 Technically it's not GPS. It's called electric fence where when people leave certain perimeters, the government staffs will be notified and contact these people and check on them.

  7. This is ridiculous. Why didn’t China tell us about COVID sooner??? We need to join forces with like minded democracies to promote health for all.

  8. I'm a taiwanese.

    Tbh US is a much bigger country. different population, different law system, different culture.
    So it's much more difficult to control the pandemic.

    Massive testing is a double edge sword.might be good for developing vaccine & treatment in the long run.
    (most country do not have the resource to do massive testing!)

    Mask is effective , but won't offer you full protection.
    Do "social distancing" when you're in public (especially public transportation).
    Hope you all stay safe in 2020

  9. A couple of weeks ago, Redfield of the CDC said that we could get the thing under control in 6 to 8 weeks if we used makes and practiced social distancing . Azar had to go to Taiwan to find this out?

  10. The biggest difference is Taiwan can manufacture and supply the masks to their entire population while U.S. has to rely on 3M to import them into the U.S. and that took a while since Chinese Communist Party banned the export of masks at the beginning. That's why we need to bring our manufacturing back to the U.S.. Not only it will help the economy but also ensure it doesn't happen again in the future that we have to rely on a communist country to supply us with our essentials.

  11. Besides the fact that Taiwan doesn't trust China in the slightest (as they should), they like New Zealand are also an island nation. It is MUCH easier for them to shut down international travel and then, being that it is so small, deliver much-needed supplies like ventilators, PPE for healthcare workers, and masks to its entire population. They have some geographical advantages that the US lacks in a pandemic-type scenario. Additionally, the US has to worry about people from Mexico, which has the 3rd-highest death toll in the world at over 50,000 currently, crossing our border illegally and infecting people in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.

  12. For Soviet, it was “trust but verify”. For China, it should be “never trust, always verify”. CCP is the perpetual liar. Taiwan treats it as such, while America is waking up.

  13. Taiwan's couter-epidemic measures are coordinated nationwide whereas over here each jurisdiction engages in its own politics as if it were an electoral campaign issue. Secretary of Health order should override local and state authorities in order for this fight to succeed.

  14. Problem is the US response has been one of total chaos and misinformation perpetuated by the federal administration. It is to the point that the general population is guided by their political affiliation since there is no federal guidelines that are concrete. So it appears at this point all we can do is wait for the inevitable collapse of our health and economy and those of us who are fortunate enough can hibernate. It’s every man for himself apparently. People resent that they are expected to wear masks, resent that schools are not reopening on time.

  15. learning from taiwan?
    – wear mask
    – keep distace
    – wash hand
    – tracy contact

    but that is not why he is here
    he is there to piss c.c.p off
    hoping to boost trump dumbass

  16. The first thing Taiwan did was "DO NOT TRUST CHINA" annnnd, there you go, all flights from China were banned at the beginning of January and very soon, manufactures were making masks, starting with 5 million a day, for free. I guess not trusting from China from the start would make everything better.

  17. Unbelievable! It took 8 months + 5 million cases + 165,000 dead to finally ask Taiwan for help. OBTW, They have been trying to warn us since December and only 7 people have died of Covid-19 in Taiwan. What am I missing here Sherlock?

  18. Saying "police enforced" like it's some sort of bad thing is total propaganda. All laws are police enforced. Who else would you have enforce a quarantine? Taiwan is following the science. They pay people who are in quarantine so they can buy food, pay rent, etc.. The police that check on people are extremely polite and helpful. I lived there for years and have heard from friends who are still there. Azar is a fraud for making it sound as though they have taken draconian measures. What they have done is smart and totally successful. Unfortunately this model is now useless for America because the virus is far too wide spread in the community to even be able to contact trace. Tawain had a mask policy in on January 1st.

  19. A clueless health official on how to deal with pandemic. Slow to learn from a small country (Taiwan) with limited resources so close to epicenter of COVID19 that did a lot much better job than many country with big bureaucracy filled with unlimited resources .

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