‘Case closed’ on Kamala Harris citizenship question: Trump campaign adviser | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

George Stephanopoulos interviews Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #TrumpCampaignSeniorAdviser #Trump #JasonMiller #KamalaHarris


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “‘Case closed’ on Kamala Harris citizenship question: Trump campaign adviser | ABC News”
  1. Why are we listening to the Fake News that declared the case is closed on Kamala Harris Citizenship Status? Kamala is born to NO citizens parents so WHERE THE HELL IS HER APPROVED APPLICATION FOR US CITIZENSHIP

  2. Trump never issued any US Citizenship documents to NO Anchor Babies so why the hell does some people keep trying to act as if he validated the illegal immigration known as Anchor Baby” Kamala Harris don’t got NO US citizenship documents. Anchor babies is NOT known as birthright citizenship. Anchor babies born to non citizens parents are NOT citizens and are not entitled to the citizenship unless their parents put in an application for US citizenship. The 14th Amendment grants automatic citizenship to children born to parents that are citizens. Anchor babies is illegal immigration where foreigners are using the hospital as an immigration center by collecting a US birth certificate for their children without the knowledge or permission of the government along with other US documents to pass their children off as citizens who illegally vote in US elections without ever putting in an approved application for US citizenship.

  3. I noticed that some people believe Trump validated the illegal citizenship of anchor babies. Trump did not validate anchor baby, like Kamala Harris, illegal claim to US citizenship born to NO citizens parents absent of an approved application for US citizenship. Trump sought to clear up the Democrat False interpretation of the slave 14th Amendment that children born in US Are citizens regardless of their parents citizenship status. There is no “Regardless of the parents” when dealing with children. Foreigners have a right to seek citizenship for their children in their country regardless of where their children are born. America can not force the children of foreigners to be US citizens without the request and permission of the parents. The 14th Amendment addressed the children of freed slaves and protected their children from enslavement by the Democrats and ultimately grants automatic citizenship to children born to parents that are already citizens.


  5. Didn't Jason Miller slip his mistress an crushed anti-abortion pill in a smoothie? Why is he still on air? Last I heard this is in the courts.

  6. So Barrack shouldn't have Won2:25 over Romney What A Racist Clown this Dude is He worse than Trump Barrack Won & Didn't Have not One major Conflict or Cabinet member arrested or investigation & you talking about Biden is A Disaster you Delusional

  7. Oh look everyone, I’m Jason Miller and I have 3 foreheads. Oh and I’m going bald but in denial. Isn’t it obvious by my ridiculous hair cut and how I try so so hard to make it look like I have more than 500 strands of hair???? Come on America, I mean you all know I’m nothing but a huge Ass Clown. Right?? Oh and why is my mustache crooked, well it’s to distract you from my Ass Clown looking hair.

  8. Didn't Jason Miller slip his mistress an crushed anti-abortion pill in a smoothie? Why is he still on air? Last I heard this is in the courts.

  9. We don't care where is America's stimulus checks and unemployment enhancement help we don't care about anything else you people have to say we want to know about the stimulus check that y'all been postponing and procrastinating for several months

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  11. My state only does voting by mail and my son's father works for the county elections office. Ballots have to be received by 8pm on election day. The signature on the ballot envelope has to match the one on the voter registration card. There is nothing wrong with voting by mail. They're just worried about if because in states where they vote by mail they have a much higher turnout

  12. SHOW ME ANYBODY that Kamala’s parents were citizens when she was born… I’ll wait.

    14th amendment citizens ARE NATURAL BORN CITIZENS. Their parents, to qualify, MUST have no other loyalties outside of the U.S. The slaves in the U.S. whom the amendment was targeted, were not citizens of another country and thus no conflicting loyalties. Most “anchor” baby parents DO HAVE FOREIGN LOYALTIES and thus their offspring, born within U.S. territories or not, DO NOT GAIN 14th amendment citizenship AT ALL. This needs to be corrected by the SCOTUS.

    SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF… since her parents WERE NOT U.S. Citizens when Kamala was born, she was NOT subject to the “complete” Jurisdiction of the U.S. and therefore NOT a U.S. citizen at birth.

    Also, she was not a Natural Born Citizen at all because her Parents were NOT U.S. citizens at the time of her birth. Easy math.

    The 14th amendment and the subsequent Kim Wong Ark decision did NOT change requirements for U.S. citizenship. Wong was ruled a U.S. citizen because he was born on U.S. soil AND both his parents had PERMANENT RESIDENCE STATUS.

    It states CLEARLY in the 14th amendment that the newborn MUST be subject to EXCLUSIVELY U.S. jurisdiction. Anchor babies are NOT U.S. Citizens at all because their PARENTS confer foreign jurisdiction to the child!

    Natural born beans BOTH parents must be U.S. Citizens at time of offsprings birth. Seriously look it up. The media is full of sh!t.

    Barack Obama was not a Natural Born Citizen either. By way of his father he was a British subject at birth. Kamala’s parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth. Nor, were they lawful permanent residence. This makes her NOT a U.S. citizen at birth, NOR a Natural born U.S. citizen because her parents were not citizens.

    She had to have been NATURALIZED at some point, otherwise she is NOT a U.S. citizen at all. She certainly cannot be a Natural Born Citizen by leu of her parents NOT being U.S. citizens at the time of her birth.

    Look up Law of Nations or Black’s Law dictionary for definition of Natural Born citizen. It is VERY clear and the Supreme Court has never ruled on it because it is so clear. The 14th Amendment ONLY applies to people born on U.S. soil to parents who the U.S. had COMPLETE JURISDICTION over. That includes ONLY citizens and LAWFUL permanent residents. That’s it.

    The REASON that everyone is running for cover is two-fold. 1. Kamala is a POC woman and that seems to be a big deal. 2. If/when the SCOTUS has to look at this issue, it will be NASTY because Barack Obama (Barry Sotero) would NOT qualify as Natural Born Citizen and then the SCOTUS would be inundated to answer if ANYTHING he did as President counted.

  13. The media trying to run the country! Portland is the On going Democratic Convention Rally! Cover that George! And don’t mention what China’s doing! NEVER! Biden is clueless! Trump will win! 2020. Media still angry they didn’t get there impeachment….after. Pushing it so hard…with Crazy Nancy! George such a Fool! Not a seasoned reporter…but a chair polisher.

  14. Well how about the case for the fact that she is the descendent of slave owners in Jamaica. Actually it is 100% a fact because her father bragged about in 2018 in an article, saying he was proud of it. Even your disgustingly One sided “fact “checking site Snopes has said it’s unverified. And you know they were chomping at the bit to say that’s false.

  15. Mail-in voting has always existed. Always. Zero fraud. That's a fact. I also like how they bitch about "ballot harvesting" and Trump has a GOP party lackey pickup and deliver his ballot to Florida. That's LITERALLY what they're saying Democrats can't do. Can we get a show of hands of how many people here get a ballot in the mail for someone else and decide to just open it up, fill it out, sign it, and send it in to screw Republicans? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

  16. Why does every Trump spokesperson bash Biden for reaching out to black voters? "Democrats never do that during a general election" means you don't see the movement of the American people in favor of our black countrymen and women. This guy is beyond repair

  17. our new no excuse mail in ballot in PA worked just fine during our primaries. Don;t know what you are talking about Jaason. Doesn’t;t take 5 years to implement. Ours was a only put into law last year and worked great in the first outing. stop lying to the people

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