Coronavirus Pandemic One Year Later | NBC Nightly News – Car Mod Pros Portal

It’s been a year since the coronavirus was declared a pandemic by WHO. NBC News’ Lester Holt reports on how we got here and what lies ahead.
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Coronavirus Pandemic One Year Later | NBC Nightly News


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Coronavirus Pandemic One Year Later | NBC Nightly News”
  1. There has been rumors for something way worse than covid to occur after the pandemic, I am truly terrified for what my future will look like, the fact that no one had any idea this was going to happen, I hope that we can get passed pandemics and not have another at least for about 50 years after this

  2. estão querendo informar que nem todos estão morrendo " de" covid, muitos estão morrendo de outras doenças tbm e sendo debitadas as mortes nas contas como covid. Existe o vírus sim, ninguém diz que não, mas tem um grande terror político atrás disso. Não acredita em tudo que esses políticos dizem sem antes conferir a veracidade. Vamos acordar antes que seja tarde DEMAIS!!!

  3. Mr Trumpademic leftover damage to America since memorial day of 2020 Health Crisis with almost 530,000 Dead and 30 Million infected around the country and the new deadly strain killing americans at a staggering 30 people an hour now and no end in sight and are medical care and resources pushed to the breaking point and way of life forever changed. Economic Crisis = Are Country pushed back to Great Depression Levels haven't seen in 120 years with 27 Million Unemployed and 9 Trillion in debt and rising at the worst rate ever seen in us history with the most worst job loss in presidental history at a staggering 15 Million jobs lost in only 5 months like Obama said in florida in October speech Housing Crisis = The highest eviction rate ever seen in are Lifetimes at a astonishing 45 Million Evicted and Homeless for the holidays and sick with Covid dieing on the streets and no where to go or hide in the darkest winter in Modern History like Fauci said it was going to be only much worse because of new deadly strain and spreading faster than last time and much more stronger and agressive after mutation. World Crisis = 2,204,234 Million Dead and 90 Million infected around the Globe 🌎 and Mankind's way of life on the pushed back to Great Depression Levels and are planet turned into a mass grave yard as bodies keep piling up at 1 Million Dead every 3 months another million of the human race wiped off the map and more Deadlier and stronger mutations keep forming because of it first uk now Africa and unfortunately America now

  4. Mans goals with Viruses are no different than his goals with Atomic Weapons. Read “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker to better understand the Truth about COVID-19. Dr Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Pharmacology said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything.

  5. 3:54 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

  6. It's about time finally we have a real President not a pretend one that actually takes care of the people not the stock market.That's why south Korea had the same to start last year with us then strict lock downs and mask wearing mandatory kept them one of the lowest countries in the world complete opposite to the most powerful and Sophisticated nation on earth with the worst Health Economic Housing Homeless crisis in Modern History and banned from the entire world because the former leader cared more about the stock market and himself than his nation and people and Opened Pandora's Box on Memorial Day to America and it's people when his own CDC and World Health Organization and Fauci told him not to open up in the middle of a Pandemic or it would be a modern catastrophe in the next 6 months and change are way of life forever and push are medical care and resources to the breaking point on great depression levels haven't seen in 120 yearsThat's why south Korea had the same to start last year with us then strict lock downs and mask wearing mandatory kept them one of the lowest countries in the world complete opposite to the most powerful and Sophisticated nation on earth with the worst Health Economic Housing Homeless crisis in Modern History and banned from the entire world because the former leader cared more about the stock market and himself than his nation and people and Opened Pandora's Box on Memorial Day to America and it's people when his own CDC and World Health Organization and Fauci told him not to open up in the middle of a Pandemic or it would be a modern catastrophe in the next 6 months and change are way of life forever and push are medical care and resources to the breaking point on great depression levels haven't seen are Lifetimes

  7. 💝And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7💝

  8. Got the guts to fight this war against Covid? Our brightest scientists and leaders say take a shot to protect all Americans. Time for Patriots to step up to the plate.

  9. True Fact: It isn't COVID-19 that's a threat to us its us people who are the threat we started the COVID-19 it's our fault floods kept happening and it's bcuz of us why the trees are cut down and another reason bcuz the trees are cut down the floods takes longer to stop but don't worry there are still kind people left they're humanity's last hope our inspiration to stop this abuse to our world if we don't change and keep doing everything the same everyday we'd go extinct and more disasters will keep happening and worse none of Humanity might be left in the world so please let us all change stop throwing garbage on Lakes,Oceans,Rivers stop throwing stuff on the wrong bin stop throwing garbage on the road floor and stuff stop burning Paper,Plastics,and other things please……let's change our world🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  10. Heartbreaking…

    On this 1 year anniversary i send my Deepest gratitude to each of you who have kept on giving even though you give at your own risk; whether saving lives, delivering mail, stocking supermarket shelves, teaching children, driving taxis, caring for our elders, birthing babies and so much, and so many more…

    To those of you who orchestrated and shared with all of us a hopefull & uplifting song or video on utube. To those who helped our elders, our neighbors, and strangers in need – buying their food, shoveling their walks, or calling to let them know they're not alone. I thank you.

    To Dr Fauci and all the scientists across the world who have worked doggedly to try to figure this out and set us on a path to wellnesss again, and to all the thousands of people I can't name here – all the brave, faceless hero's of our world who have never given up, or given in on all our accounts. May God bless you one and all and may God shine a special light on every single one of you.

    In honor and in memory of [every precious life cut short] everywhere in the world; we will carry you in our hearts and in our memories…
    May your families find comfort and may you all rest in peace.

  11. Wishing everyone here good health and happiness! ❤️🎉

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