3rd night of protests turn deadly – Car Mod Pros Portal

Kenosha protests turn violent again as members of Jacob Blake’s family ask for peace.


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “3rd night of protests turn deadly”
  1. Abdul-Baha said: "Yes, this is the truth. If the races do not come to an agreement, there can be no question or doubt of bloodshed. When I was in America, I told the white and colored people that it was incumbent upon them to be united or else there would be the shedding of blood. I did not say more than this so that they might not be saddened. But, indeed, there is a greater danger than only the shedding of blood. It is the destruction of America.
    Because aside from the racial prejudice there is another agitating factor. It is that of America's enemies. These enemies are agitating both sides, that is, they are stirring up the white race against the colored race and the colored race against the white race. But of this the Americans are submerged in the sea of ignorance: They will regret it. But of what use will their regret be after the destruction of America? Will it be of any use then?"

    Words of ABDUL-BAHA to Dr. Zia M. Bagdadi
    Chicago, June 10, 1921
    Star of the West
    Volume 12 – Issue 6

  2. I'm in total agreement with George Floyd, Briana, and so many other people all the way up to Oscar Grant,. however I. This matter of Jacob Blake he is walking away from the police trying to get inside the vehicle while being detained the police have no idea what he's up to I'm sorry to say I'd have to side with the police in this matter. My prayers are with all including the children. RIP to those who have fallen to racial injustice

  3. CHILDREN!!! CHILDREN are forced to defend someone's property with
    weapons, because adults prefer to shout slogans into a megaphone and
    determine which of the 150 sexes they now belong to … I watched this
    video on another channel. (full version). So, the crowd ran after the
    child with weapons. He, to the last, tried not to apply it. NOBODY stood
    up for him, all three series of shots were when an attempt was made to
    take away his weapon. This rifle is the only way he could protect
    himself from the crowd. After the first incident, he immediately called
    911 and said that he had shot a man and at the end of the video he
    surrendered to the police with his hands up.
    Yes damn it, he should shake a hand for such a hand and thank him for his spirit and courage. I would shake …

  4. If the peaceful protesters would leave after curfew…. then all you’d have are disrupters and malicious people! Behind the black clothing and masks are probably white aggravators looking for some reason to use the guns they pack around so freely…..

  5. What a bunch of BS reporting! It is clear to see these men did not die of gun shot wounds. Ask any doctor worth his weight in salt, these people died of COVID19! the covid turned on another and almost ripped his arm off! All I can say is BLM is lucky covid didn't rip through the crowd and kill them all!!!

  6. I support the PEACEFUL law abiding citizens 100%, so how is more killing going to get real change or even possibly going to change behavior and accomplish the goal of police not killing/hurting black people? I'm usually not a commenter on YouTube but can anyone explain this to me & make it make sense to me? I'd like to think I have great common sense but its so disheartening to have others dead that didn't need to die including these victims & their families. Or here I will make this a simple ? To the person who set a car in fire- who's car dud you torch & for what reason, what did that specific person do to u personally that made u think arson was the answer? So u set someone's car on fire and that's going to stop police brutality against black people how? Also please don't respond with something to do with politics & just bcuz I'm voting for a new president because I don't want to play that game. Please stop and think how this will impact this already brutalized man and his family & community. I would hate for him to have any thoughts of what happened to him caused even more damage & death, while he is trying to heal physically & mentally. Praying for you Jacob Blake for a speedy recovery for you and your family!

  7. Hey check this out….

    People killed by cops in US by race:
    2017: 457 whites, 223 blacks 179 Hispanics
    2018: 399 whites, 209 blacks, 148 Hispanics
    2019: 370 whites, 235 blacks, 158 Hispanics.

    *credit Statista.com

  8. This made me cry, for my brothers who are abroad..What kind of life is this now..White men take Black's like are no human,and in our African countries we love them..

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