Mike Pence takes the stage at 2020 RNC – Car Mod Pros Portal

The 48th vice president of the United States, Mike Pence, delivers his speech at the 2020 Republican National Convention.

RNC Live Blog: https://abcn.ws/2EvM52G

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By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Mike Pence takes the stage at 2020 RNC”
  1. This administration is the Trojan Horse 🐎 for White Supremacy!!! Wake up America! They are anti-law and order.
    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸BIDEN 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. He is SO FAKE! You should not use the pain of others for your own political gain. This is the same administration that separated kids from their parents and locked them into cages.

  3. I thought it was about pense doing something and I almost liked this video because he was talking about what he was doing to help kids that are challenged, but then he added trump and he lost a like.

  4. These are the Seven Deadly Sins that Trump has committed. Pride-No one can do better than me…I'm the best President ever. Greed- he and his family have lined their pockets and profited from Trump being in the Oval office. Wrath- He attacks and fires anyone who has the courage to stand up to him and speak the truth. Envy- He can't stand that Obama was a better man and President than he will ever be. He glorifies tyrants like Putin and Kim Jun Yang and tries to emulate them. Lust- He lust after women and treats them with contempt when they deny his advances. He has openly declared that he assaults them and relishes the fact that he can get away with it. Gluttony- He gorges himself not just with food and drink but on the misery and suffering of others. Sloth He is slow to act and even denies that he has caused misery and suffering upon others. He takes away from people who truly need help and gives everything to his rich friends because he wants them to like him. Trump has committed every deadly sin that got Lucifer banished from Heaven and sent to the depths of Hell.

  5. I’m only watching this because I’m tryna fall asleep and watching Mike Pence does it for me. Thanks

  6. HaThe costs of siding with Satan always outweigh any seeming benefits that he may offer. (Job 21:7-17; Gal. 6:8) What advantage do we gain from knowing the extent of Satan’s influence? It helps us keep a balanced view of secular authorities and motivates us in our witnessing work. We understand that Jehovah wants us to respect governmental authorities. (1 Pet. 2:17) And he expects us to obey the laws of human governments as long as those laws do not conflict with his standards. (Rom. 13:1-4) But we realize that we must remain neutral, never favoring one political party or human leader over another. (John 17:15, 16; 18:36) Because we see what Satan is trying to do to Jehovah’s name and reputation, we feel more compelled to teach others the truth about our God. We proudly bear and use his name, knowing that loving him is far more rewarding than loving money or things.​—Isa. 43:10; 1 Tim. 6:6-10. w18.05 24 ¶8-

  7. That person who said the payroll loan/grant saved their brand new security camera company is 100% a liar. No one was saved from that small business loan.
    I bet any money that if you look into their finances you will see their security company was a shell just to get the loan and then they will close the business. This person was the best story they could find?? LOL They lied on TV just so they could get their website advertised.

  8. If only they could find a black nun in a wheel chair from anywhere in South America who is blind and a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.

  9. Why reps have bold leaders ? Obama has killed the democratic party unfortunately 😔😔😔

  10. What amazes me is the Pence think Americans are stupid. The Corona Virus is very well alive. More people are dying. To think that this has been a success under this inept administration is a big lie. This administration is counting on the American people to forget what is truly the reality. Giving a fancy speech riddle with dishonesty is not going to change what’s really going on.

    Facts matters;

    Over 20! Million people out work

    179,000 people dead

    7 million people will be evicted from their homes

    The economy in shambles – we are in a recession folks

    A nation divide because of Trumps hate Talk and devised attitude

    Small business are closing. Major retail company’s closing

    All this due to the lack of leadership coming from the Top.

    Simple and factual – Trump failed.

  11. #TRUMP2020 #NOVEMBER3RD #MAGA ❤ 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇺🇸

  12. If you vote Trump in, it is likely due to Trump s age that this ex neocon emotionless zealot bot becomes your president. He's got this annoying pastor compassionate frown Bush had. You really want this? Get your f* war on!!!!

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