George Mason University reckons with race – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Gregory Washington, George Mason’s first Black president, tackles racial bias on campus and the complicated history behind the school’s namesake.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “George Mason University reckons with race”
  1. I went there and glad I graduated before all this happened..reality is no amount of “policy” adjustments at the federal or state level can change something that is a social construct (that’s like saying you’re gonna eliminate all the bigots—you can’t, it’s impossible) You can preach critical race theory all you want but that isn’t going to ultimately destroy an ideology deeply ingrained in someone that hates the way another person looks because of their background. And it’s definitely not going to destroy the identity politics being played by the left (identity politics is, in it of itself RACIST—you’re victimizing blacks for some political leverage based on certain historical events taken completely out context or misinterpreted)

  2. This new gmu president is probably thinking of renaming George Mason university to George Floyd University.

  3. I'm currently a senior at GMU and I'm happy that they're addressing the issues that should have been brought up a long time ago. This year has been hard but I have hope for change and that things will change for the next generations! We are tired of waiting.

  4. #Trump2020 and 🇺🇸👍👍👍..Jump on the Trump Train in #KAGA2020

  5. For the record, the foodbots have been on campus for a while. Long before COVID. Please issue an ammendment correcting the statement, "student meals now delivered by robots."

  6. It must be wonderful to live in a world where you are required to take zero responsibility for any of your actions because white Christian abolitionists ended the slavery of your ancestors over 150 years ago. British & American blacks should be thanking their respective countries every day for ending the slave trade that Islam had perpetrated for almost a thousand years.

  7. The question is NOT whether someone owned a slave or NOT 160+ years ago … the question is … was the person a good person compared to everyone else back then? If everyone owned a slave … how you treat the slave matter!

  8. Hey ABC News, I got it, just sit back and keeping pushing your crap. Everyone go ahead and search Baltimore and Brick, since ABC doesn't wanna report on it today…

  9. @18 sec mark is why I disliked this video. We the American people are so tired of hearing the word "racism." The left has destroyed that word, it has no meaning anymore. We all know America isn't racist, and before Obama race relations were better than they had ever been. What's happening now is nothing more than divide and conquer, marxists are making us hate each other so that they can take power. It's all about power for the Marxists folks. Don't fall for it. Trump 2020 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  10. As a white man I am sick of being blamed for the problems of others solely because I'm white and I have no apologies for being white. They need to get over it or go back to Africa!

  11. There is only two prerequisites for the millennial generation to know moving ahead into their future. Number one… Put your flag before your God. Number two… get a real ID so computers can track you from the day you were born until the day you die (governments not liking people may no longer even be a choice). The rest is obvious, just remember to call yourself Borg. If you want to know who you are just look it up on the computer… "I am what I am". Remember this, if you have a soul it could be worth something down the road, in fact, it could even be a classic.

    I apologise I don't mean to burden or bother anyone,😩but I wanted to ask for help please, I'm Scared & extremely embarrassed but honestly I really need some help right now and wanted to possibly ask everyone for a favor please.😪I just ran out of food/Supplies this Morning & due to the self-isolation/Covid-19
    ( I Unexpectedly lost my job Recently ) It's just Me my Niece & two Nephew's that I have custody of & live with me,😪 I've been extremely stressing out trying to remain positive/Hopeful butt unfortunately I wasn't prepared at all & now as embarrassing as this is I wanted to ask if anyone could please possibly help us by making a donation,😓 preferably ($40-$50) just so I can go get Some Groceries/Supplies right now from the grocery store to make the kids some Dinner tonight & Breakfast tomorrow morning, Plus meals for the next couple days please.(ANYTHING HELPS) Until I find out if we got approved for foodstamps.😟 if anyone is able to please possibly help us right now I would greatly sincerely appreciate it with all my heart.I can receive donations via Venmo or CashApp or Zelle or PayPal whichever one your comfortable with using I don't mind. but if your not able to help I would completely understand, i just thought I'd reach out & ask for help because I already tried going to our local food bank this morning when I noticed we were running low on food, but or local food pantries & Churches are still shut down due to the Pandemic & Or until further notice,I can't risk taking three kids out and exposing them. I'm being cautious. I just applied for unemployment shortly after I was let go & I'm waiting on approval and I also filed for nutrition assistance which i call almost everyday but our case is pending.😢& so now I'm trying to handle the situation as calmly as possible and don't want the kids to have to worry about going without,😢 i apologise to burden anyone with our unfortunate situation I'm just trying to do the right thing and reach out and ask for help,Because I have three kids counting on me.😭I can't just sit and do nothing,They are my number one priority, I honestly never thought I would ever have to ask for help but I hope and pray that someone can please bless us right now.i have a Instagram feel free to Please add/follow me on Instagram to verify or have questions. [Instagram:ZyonnMuaa
    (CASHAPP: $ZyonnMuaa )
    {VENMO: @Zyonn_Mua }
    •Last four digits of phone number {8399) to send Venmo.

  13. The Mars family are worth over 70 billion and are a top criminal bloodline in the United States and they own one of the largest candy companies in the world. They are one of the most evil families in the US. They are leaders of the Cult of Mars which is a murderous militant cult. John Franklyn Mars was knighted by the House of Windsor and serves the British Crown. Queen Elizabeth II visited the Mars candy factory. Prince Harry is a top member of the Cult of Mars. They add slow acting poisons and chemicals into their candy as a form of chemical warfare on society also known as alchemy. Artificial flavors and colors can cause diseases. They oppress humanity so that it is easier to control society. They use their large amount of wealth to conceal criminal transactions used for funding Nazi style persecution carried out by secret societies. The modernized concept of Halloween and Trick-or-treating was established in 1911 the same year that Mars candy company was established. The Mars family were the Candia family of Venice which ruled the Kingdom of Candia located on the island of Crete during the height of the Venetian Republic. Kydonia was a state during the Kingdom of Candia and is the name of a region on the planet Mars. The Venetians were merchants involved with the sugar trade. An Italian word for candy is candito. The ancient mystery schools covertly taught witchcraft and alchemy and these schools were maintained on the islands of Crete, Malta, and Rhodes. The Candia family served the House of Savoy and governed territories for them. Stephen Badger's mother is Jaqueline Mars.

    The Thurn und Taxis family originated in northern Italy and their name Taxis is from Tasso in Italian or Taxus in Latin which means badger. The Badger family are relatives of the Taxis/Tasso family and anglicized their name. Prince Carlo Alessandro della Torre and Tasso the 3rd Duke of Castel Duino and his children Prince Dimitri, Prince Maximilian, and Princess Constanza are Italian members of this family today and they reside in Trieste not far from Venice. Prince Albert the 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis is a billionaire and German member of the Taxis-Tasso-Badger family. Other members of the Thurn and Taxis family include Prince Max Emanuel of Thurn and Taxis, the extremely evil witch Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis and her wicked daughters Princess Maria Theresia of Thurn and Taxis and Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis. The German Flick family of billionaires are related to the Thurn and Taxis family. of Prince Fritz of Thurn and Taxis is another member and a member of the Austrian media. The Mars family still work with the Savoy family today and are involved with Swiss money laundering and criminally financing groups like Freemasons and Knights of Columbus which are involved in gang stalking and persecution. The Mars family finance the Knights of Columbus, Aryan Brotherhood, Hells Angels, and Kabbalah Society. Members of the Mars crime family include John Franklyn Mars, Victoria Mars, Jacqueline Mars, Michael John Mars, Marijke Elizabeth Mars, Valerie Mars, Pamela Mars-Wright, and the very sadistic Stephen Badger. The Mars, Torre and Tasso, and Thurn and Taxis families are totally ruthless and destructive. The Mars family has a high authority like royalty inside the United States. Mars was the Roman deity of war.

    Definition of badger

    transitive verb : to harass or annoy persistently

    Mars Candy heir Stephen Badger plunks down $15 million on an ultra-private compound

    Mars family

    2016 America's Richest Families NET WORTH $78B



    candied [adjective] covered with sugar

    I di Candia (de Candie) is an ancient noble family of Savoy [1]

    Venice played a major role in reopening the Mediterranean economy to West European commerce and developing links with Northern Europe. It created an institutional basis for commercial capitalism, made major progress in shipping technology, and helped transfer Asian and Egyptian technology in cane sugar production and processing, silk textiles, glassblowing and jewellery to the West.

    The Realm or Kingdom of Candia (Italian: Regno di Candia) or Duchy of Candia (Italian: Ducato di Candia) was the official name of Crete during the island's period as an overseas colony of the Republic of Venice

    Cydonia or Kydonia (/sɪˈdoʊniə/; Ancient Greek: Κυδωνία; Latin: Cydonia) was an ancient city-state on the northwest coast of the island of Crete. It is at the site of the modern-day Greek city of Chania.

    Cydonia (/sɪˈdoʊniə/, /saɪˈdoʊniə/) is a region on the planet Mars that has attracted both scientific[1] and popular interest.[2][3]

  14. Stop with the Racial Inequity and Bias Propaganda already. The only Racial Bias I See or Hear is from the Racist Black Community. If you think you are an Oppressed Black person in America, you are Free to Leave and go back to Africa or any other Country and see how that works out for you. The Asians, Hispanic, India Indians, Chinese, Africans, Middle Eastern, Russians, the list could go on and on.. They don't seem to have a Problem with Becoming an American Citizen and making a Life in America. Your Race Card is Overdrawn and you have no Available Credit left on that Card.

  15. [UPDATED 08312020] Coronavirus disproportionately affect the Black and Brown communities. How many Americans have to die before the Federal government start doing something real? US with covid deaths over 183,000 and per capita healthcare spending twice of Germany’s has 553 deaths per million (and rising faster) from coronavirus compared to Germany’s 111.

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