Trump under fire for peaceful transfer of power comments l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

With less than six weeks until election day, the president refused to say outright that he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power and reiterated his claim that vote by mail leads to fraud.

President Donald Trump declines to commit to peaceful transfer of power: ‘There won’t be a transfer’
“Well, we’re going to have to see what happens,” the president said.

#ABCNews #Trump #Election2020 #GOP #Politics #TransferOfPower #MailInBallots


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “Trump under fire for peaceful transfer of power comments l GMA”
  1. He lost and there was a transfer of power. 😜🤣😅🤣

  2. These people know that he did not get a peaceful transition of power for the entire four years. He was literally impeached within 14 minutes of his administration!!!

  3. I’m sorry but didn’t we vote by mail for 2016 election so what the hell is the issue now. I guess he knew he would beat Hilary Clinton since America wasn’t rdy for a woman President.


    The WORD of GOD, Romans 13:01 says, "Everyone must submit to Governing Authorities. For ALL AUTHORITY comes from GOD, and those in Positions of AUTHORITY, have been Placed there by GOD". Amen.

    The President of The United States is The Chief of The Executive Branch, which also includes The Vice President, and the Rest of The President's Cabinet, 15 Executive Departments, and Numerous Federal Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Committees. The Power of The Executive Branch is vested in The President of The United States, who also acts as Head of The State, and Commander-In-Chief of The Armed Forces.

    We are very Proud and Happy to have Two Excellent, very High Caliber, President Donald John Trump, Vice President Michael (Mike) Richard Pence, and The Executive Branch, for their Leadership, in The Oval Office, located at The White House, Each Day of our Lives.

    Thanks very much to President Donald J. Trump's Family to include his Lucky Wife, Melania, (2 Divorced Wives: Marlar Maples & Ivana), his Children: Ivanka, Barron, Donald (Jr), Tiffany & Eric, for their Hardworking Continuous Support.

    (Note: Due to Dress Shoes with High Heels, being worn by Melania, and, Steps to Climb Up & Down, President Donald Trump, has for many times, tried to Hold Melania's Hand, for Physical Security, to AVOID 'Slip & Fall', and, possible Embarrassments on Video Cameras, as 'First Lady').

    Thanks very much to Vice President Michael R. Pence's Family to include his Lucky Wife, Karen, his Children: Audrey, Charlotte & Michael (Jr), for their very Hardworking Continuous Support.

    Dr. Abraham Maslow's Theory, 'Hierarchy of Human Basic Needs' has been Published in 1943, to Record, the Main Physiological Requirements, for Human Survival, which include: VARIOUS Forms / Methods of: Shelter, Food, Water, Clothing, Sleep & Rest, Health, Homeostasis, Transportation, etc …', beginning with a New Born Baby, from The Cradle to The Grave.

    UNLESS an Individual, Receives Inheritances, Gifts, Donations, or, is being a Part of Owning Some Properties, Financial Programs, Each of us WORK for our Livelihoods, to PAY for our Daily Cost of Living Expenses. During our World Pandemic Covid-19 CRISIS, Thanks very much to our World Leaders, to include our Excellent USA Oval Office Leaders, President Donald Trump & Vice President Mike Pence & ALL, for our Stimulus Payments, which have helped to Pay, for our Daily Cost of Living Expenses.

    Thanks very much for Approving & Mailing, or, Making Direct Deposits, for a Second Stimulus Payment, to Each American Citizen, which I am Praying to Receive Soon.

    When our 44th USA President Barack Obama, took over The Oval Office, at The White House, during his First Term, from 01/2009 to 01/2013, he & V.P. Joe Biden Team, Surprised USA, by FREEZING Social Security Income, for 4 years (48 months), which has Caused many Family Units, a Difficult Time, Suffering from Financial Hardships (to include Inflation & Rising Costs), to Pay for their Shelter (Mortgage, Rent, etc …), Transportation (Air Plane Tickets, Car Loans, Taxis, Railways, Bus Fares, Gasoline, etc ..), Clothing, Food & Drinks, Health, Insurances, etc …. Please DO NOT do this!

    The USA needs and wants a PRESIDENTIAL TEAM & LEADERSHIP which will HELP our INNOCENT USA CITIZENS, to Pay for their DAILY COST of LIVING EXPENSES such as 'SHELTER, CLOTHING, TRANSPORTATION, INSURANCES, FOOD, HEALTH, etc ….' Those who are AVAILABLE & CAN WORK, need to be EMPLOYED for INCOME, to PAY for their Cost of Living Expenses.

    THANKS to President Trump & Vice President Pence for Supporting The USA Workers. EVERYONE, please VOTE 4 MORE YEARS (From 1/2021 To 1/2025) for TRUMP & PENCE TEAM, who CARES FINANCIALLY about Each Family Unit, in The USA.

    GOD Bless USA & Other Countries. In GOD We Trust. Amen.

    GOD's Glory Forever /
    Myanmar-A-Hla (The Beauty of Myanmar),
    Miss Lois Jane Teresa Lee @
    Myint Myint Yee @
    Lee Wren Aha Ngwe

    Phone: (740) 322-3601
    Email Address:, OR,
    Mailing Address: P O Box 105, Newark, OH. 43058-0105, USA.

    DATE: 09/30/2020 @ 12:20 am (EST, USA)

  5. I believe him when he said that the election was about to be rigged; Mr Donald JT is the best thing to have ever happened to America and to the whole world at large. Take a look at the impeachment labelled against him and he came out victorious. They're doing everything they could to stain his integrity; cause no one has ever done what he has done in the history of Presidencies…!

  6. Trump seemingly loves Putin and Russia SO MUCH that he wants to become the U.S. version of the last Czar of Russia; Trump should know it did not end well for the Czar.

  7. Monkey Puppet of Satan (Drumpf) knows that voting by mail will help him win because his Handler (The Great Satan Israel = Gog/Magog AntiChrist) will beautifully handle the MAGIC

  8. With all this BLM, Antifa and Anarchy going on he’s probably going to win by a landslide.

  9. The “pride and joy” of the (dis)USA! What A SHAME?! No other country in the world – 1st, 2nd or 3rd world country flaunts such a shameful characteristics of a “leader”.

  10. He has no right to control any of this and he's either too stupid to know that or he's lying and figures that the more he repeats a lie, the more likely
    his stupid base will believe it.
    Frankly, he's unfit and should've
    been thrown out for making such a
    comment. If it's clear he's not the president, the military and or secret service will get him out.

  11. American people should wake up. ABC is one of the traitor to American people. ABC thinks American people are stupid. Come on people. Trump 2020..

  12. This man still refuses to follow a standing US President tradition and has yet to place President Obama's Official Portrait on the White House walls with other former Presidents … he's INSANE

  13. President Trump said " We will see what happens after the election" and all you ears heard with your tiny brain capacity was "Oh my, he said he won't commit to a peaceful transfer" when he meant no such thing. He simply is a realist and has the where with all to realize he has no way to predict the future between Nov 3 and Jan 20. Afterall a president doesn't just step down after election day. And most of MSM concurs that it is difficult to predict when the election will be called esp. when many states are implementing new rules and processes. Take a deep breath and take a chill pill Chicken Little

  14. Trump under fire ? Lol putting trump under fire is what you guys live for 24/7 😂 look I don’t like the media so idk If ill vote for Biden. Sorry🤦🏿‍♂️

  15. ARE YOU JOURNALISTS???? The question is flawed, why would he commit to a "peaceful transfer of power" when he knows he is winning the election? Seriously, at least ask the correct question, "Will you commit to accepting the qualified results of a fair election?" And he has already said that he will. Do you really think we don't know fake news when we see it?

  16. 35 million taxpayer dollars and the entire resources of the us government and the chinese government and the russian government and the democrats couldn't even manufacture an unpaid parking ticket.

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