Racial justice, police reform bills rise to prominence in 2020 – Car Mod Pros Portal

In a year of protests, police reform and racial justice are top issues driving voters. After De’Von Bailey was killed by police in 2019, Colorado responded by passing a comprehensive reform bill.

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By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Racial justice, police reform bills rise to prominence in 2020”
  1. It hasn’t even been a week and another black man was gunned down by police officers for trying to break up an altercation.

  2. Put up this banner: mothers: teach your children to respect authority. Don't run from police, don't fight them, don't backtalk, hands up, get out of the car, show your drivers license and registration, don't have illegal drugs or unregistered guns. men: think about the consequences and the grief you will cause your family if you try to test an officer.

  3. Life in this "Earth Suit" has been made a mockery of.
    I'm literally STUCK here inside this sick country hoping every day
    that my first time being touched by a cop won't be my last time breathing 😥
    No Rip To me. No Murals. No grave. Let me go…

  4. https://youtu.be/fKlvwPRh-ok

    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel.

  5. Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    I am your sister or Anas, a widow from Palestine, Gaza
    I need financial help to educate my twin sons Anas and Ahmed at the university, knowing that my sons finished high school with distinction a year ago, but unfortunately they did not enter the university because of the difficult economic conditions. I also have two other children and we live in a small apartment for rent because we have a small house that is not fully built
    Please help me for my children's university education and for finishing the house, because I do not have money to pay the rent of the house and we do not have a breadwinner after God except you, people of good.
    Please contact us via WhatsApp on the number

  6. I n 2019, 8 9 % o f b l a c k h o m I c I d e s w e r e b y o t h e r b l a c k s.

    B l a c k m e n a r e 7% o f USA. T h e y c o m m I t o v e r 50% o f a l l h o m I c I d e s. 🧑🏾‍🦲

  7. 😂😂😂

  8. Should The Police Control Their Own Body Camera Footage? https://t.co/8RGAKeu7PL

    I was stopped by a police Jan. 9/2018 on Delta HWY/NB/Goodpasture. Gave me a ticket.

    Officer Nate Pieske was interrogating & terrorizing me! I thought he was going to pull his gun on me!

    Pieske asked me more than FIVE Times if my car was really mine? If the car I'm driving is mine? Who was the first owner of my car? where did I buy it? so many different way of questioning me if the car was mine or it was stolen!

    More than Five Different questions regarding. If I'm actually the owner of my car Honda Accord 2008!

    Then, Pieske calls another Police officer! I thought I was going to be handcuffed, arrested & thrown in Jail! http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/36126284-75/white-supremacist-messages-alarm-southern-oregon-residents.html.csp

    Pieske kept interrogating me checking my car back & forth, more than three or four times. He checked the Serial number on my dashboard and compared it with my documents more than THREE TIMES!

    I was interrogated more than 25 minutes!

    I've never had any speeding tickets! I was driving from Willagalispy to delta Hwy. Eugene, OR.

    Officer Nate Pieske claimed I slowed down, because I saw him coming after me! It was more than a mile & a half.There is no way he can detected my speed limit in his Radar "Lidar"!

    After his interrogations for more than 25 minutes and checking my car back & forth several times.

    I told him I've never had a ticket. He was very condescending and responded by saying NO.

    "You were stopped by a police in 2011! I had to correct him by saying, he didn't give me a ticket.

    It was another case of profiling Muslims students, who were in the car with me.

    They had a head scarf. I war driving them to Portland to take English exam. When I was stopped by the Police! I was NOT speeding!

    I was lost to find the Freeway in Springfield!

    That officer asked me about, why my driving license plate # was blocked.

    I told him because I ran for Public offices, and was stalked and ran over.

    My attorney & I had to contact the DMV in Salem to block my license #. So no-one will follow me & find out my physical address.

    I was driving 32 mile an hour for more than on miles. There is no way he could catch me with his radar: https://www.quora.com/How-accurate-is-a-police-radar-when-reading-a-cluster-of-cars

    I went to court Feb.28/2018 for not pleading Guilty. To my surprise. Officer Nate Pieske who ticked me for false speeding, and was only profiling me. Pieske edited the video tape that was presented as evidence to the judge!!

    P.S:The Municipal Court Judge informed me that they are instructed to believe the Police over the victim!

  9. #Vote for #Trump2020 and save this Country from Joe Biden and FLIP FLOP Kamala Harris and the far left. Who want to take away your 2nd Amendment Rights, Unlock the Border and turn this Country into a Socialist State.

  10. Watch the video called "ShadowGate / The Documentary 2020". God will heal our land if we Repent & Pray.
    Believe and Trust in the bl o o d that was shed by J e s u s C h r i s t for your sins; being born again/saved. Humble yourself before the LORD and S A V I O U R J e s u s C h r i s t and pray. Pray by lying prostrate on the floor with your face to the ground. The ultimate humility before Jesus Christ is you on your face. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

    Watch; " BELLY OF THE BEAST" https://youtu.be/oS2699IKqHU and learn of the l u c i f e r i a n worship created by the founding fathers in Rome, Maryland.

    Watch B i b l e teacher R o b e r t B r e a k e r's videos, "Understanding The Times." https://youtu.be/4zvtFjJ-VOY & "Can You See in 2020?" https://youtu.be/ccbzG8At9ak. You can make a difference! We can't lose with J e s u s C h r i s t. Give Him your heart today and serve Him!

  11. "When Heaven is full the Dead Shall Walk the Earth" – some random quoted scripture

    are the Jails that full that quota is already met…so Trial is held in the street….in the blink of an eye based on Personal Beliefs(Brainwashed Misconceptions), Training(No lack there, Destroy is the Training) and how "Creative" Officers can be when formulating charges?

    "Systemic Alchemical Injustice"?

    it is rather Enchanting as to how effective it has been…..since it's inception at the founding of this country.

    A Wild animal attacks first….

    A Captured animal tries to escape….

    Are we not all animals….?


  12. The Earth is The Lord and the Fullest there of and All they that Lives there in but some people believe that they alone should have the authority to take over the world for themselves ok it is the Almighty God that made us believe that it is not we ourselves ok but we have to know that God is washing our behavior ok looking at all of the things that is in world every thing is Different and of its own colors and shapes and sizes but for good nest sack why man cannot see the all of us is the Almighty creature of God but the lord is faithful to us all and every thing is going to come to on Ending some Day ok we must put all of the slaknes into the garage away and Lives like Human beings and not like the pigs are the Animals ol beloved people we are God Hand made and not Animals in the name of God the Almighty

  13. i dont know anyone who wants to live in places without protection from police… when we can live without fear of rape, car accidents, robberies and illegal activities in general, then we won't need police. until this happens, follow police commands… better yet, don't break the laws.

  14. Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷👍.

  15. Something with the police needs to change. I am saying that. And I am white. Not all police are bad. But enough are these days. that its causing a big problem. For both cops and the community.

  16. If there were officers leaving by the droves, I think it’s safe to say, there are far more bad apples than you want to admit! Clearly those officers are afraid because they know, they don’t have the integrity or character to be held accountable for their actions. However, they get to just walk away… Unlike their victims!!

  17. Hopefully many socialist and communist will be killed this year if you want that crap go to a different country that's not what America is about your fake news can go with you

  18. #THETRUTHSTANDSALONE😭😭😭 Thanks4sharing😢😪😳💝💝


  20. First and foremost it needs to start at home. Your lives have to matter to each other unfortunately that is not what I'm seeing on the news

  21. The problem is People like the Racist in the Whitehouse who believe it is their right to destroy other People's Lives because of skin color .

  22. I am glad that Biden is running for President. I believe he will address this issue. The kid ran because he was scared. We have created a culture of fear. There's no reason to ever shoot an unarmed person in the back, not if they didn't point a weapon at them. Police shouldn't be doing this to anyone running …not in the back! Racism is a problem.

    As a mother who has lost a child, my heart goes out to any mother who has lost a child. 💔

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