What Do Prisoners Use When They Don’t Have The HUB In Prison – Car Mod Pros Portal

A lot of prisoners now have cell phones and tictoks. lol what a crazy world we live in. BUT BACK IN MY DAY WE AINT HAVE THE HUB!!!

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Other Videos to check out!
Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8
How tattooing saved my life in prison: https://youtu.be/SkKQHbFBmH0
How to TALK like a PRISONER: https://youtu.be/EAnTkMCEVDk
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison: https://youtu.be/CAZuyscGGNU
My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

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Chesapeake Va. 23323

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By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “What Do Prisoners Use When They Don’t Have The HUB In Prison”
  1. What do you think about Jay Williams Let's Live Life YouTube channel? Y'all were both at Indian creek together. He has a very different style. From the sound of it he doesn't appreciate the skits and humor on your channel (his words, though he didn't mention you specifically). He's got good stories for sure.

  2. Same old crap joey…where are the boys at. Do interviews. Your channel has lost its way. Your on notice

  3. If you see this and feel Generis today after uploading this video. It was very nice I do say so, and it had me wondering how would one get access to them Nudy pictures in prison? Would it be the Guards to hook them up with it? Just curious because that would be a great Hussle.

  4. "This is not a bood, its a brick". You right about them hood books, they get real graphic. Had me rolling the whole time. Been on a few prison dates in my 5 years. Page sticker myself. Got to do what you got to do. That female guard you pulled up was funny as hell, and the man guard joke was hilarious. Always fun to watch. Great video

  5. I worked as a store room clerk at Indian Creek, and in the office filing cabinet, there was a drawer full of paperwork that never got used, and in the back, there were stacks of pages from porn mags. Some looked like they were from the early eighties. Access to it was one of the "perks" given to every clerk as they cycled through.

  6. In my day in the lat 80s early 90s in Long-Bay jail 'Sydney we had stick books like penthouse n playboy n also the cell that had the video recorder would put on a porno movie after midnight hoping all the dogs ( snitches ) would be sleeping by then 'which would play thru to all the cells TV's lol…

  7. Great content mate! Expertly delivered and also Looking good dude. Got to have me daily dose of APS! Up the APS army too! As always. ✌️😋✌️☮️

  8. I watch APS mostly for the comedy. I’m so dead once again. 😂

  9. I wonder if Joe ever thought when he got out, this would be his life now. 💛🙏🏽

  10. 😵‍💫🍷🍕😊

  11. Ya know Joe …. I've been Rockin with ya since the big Dave days…. I've got NOTHING BUT LOVE for you and your family and the positivity your trying to spread with every video! but to be HONEST, I've been living on the straight and arrow for almost 5 years now…. and it truly feels like shits gotten SOOOOOO MUCH WORSE these past 5 years trying to do right that it makes me honestly ask myself if this is even worth it!!!?? Fortunately, i keep moving forward for my Kids sakes … because they need me just as much as i need them! but ask yourself honestly Joe!??? if you didn't hit the lottery with this whole youtube stuff, would you be in a similar situation as i am… CONSTANTLY questioning WHY WHEN I'M DOING EVERYON EVERYTHING RIGHT FOR YEARS …. WHY ISN'T ANYTHING GETTING BETTER (and if anything, they feel worse!).

    i think It would be a hellova vid idea! hell…. I'd love to even share my story with you and your viewers to see if anyone's got any advice to try and see wherei might be going wrong with all this since my release. one thing i can guarantee is you've never heard a story like what i have to share! and I'm not looking for clout, i don't her have a YouTube, i simply am an ex con trying his best to do right for his family…. yet still it feels like it's only gotten worse!

    hopefully you see this Joe, regardless thanks for all you do for us ex cons! FUCK the ignorant trolls…. you've done a hellova job!

  12. Here in NY we could get straight porn mags. Some guys would also have their women rub their sniz on the letter so it would smell like their bits. But selling nude books is a big thing and plenty allowable. Buttman was king here, along with Barely Legal. And this was the funniest video ive ever seen you do.

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