Dems focus on health care in Barrett hearing, families share opposing views on ACA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Democrats say Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett would help strike down the Affordable Care Act. A dad with two diabetic kids and a mom of a prematurely born child say the law is helping.


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Dems focus on health care in Barrett hearing, families share opposing views on ACA”
  1. Is she a constitutional scholar ? How did she do in law school? Was she a judge and for how long? She believes in following the letter of the law, yet it is the job of lawyers to interpret the law. That's what they do. If she simply follow the law, we can use a robotic computer on the Supreme Court instead. Why don't we elect HAL (2001 Space Odyssey) for the supreme court ?

  2. Why would anyone deny fellow Americans healthcare? It's incomprehensible. People should be more compassionate and have empathy toward each other.

  3. Are you going to watch to see if George Stephanopoulos has the courage to ask Joe Biden about the emails showing he son arranged personal meeting with Burisma and a Chinese firm to get special political consideration? You know that Donald Trump is going to hammer it on his NBC News townhall at the same time!

  4. Barrett doesn't know the five basic freedoms granted by our first Amendment. The more Barrett speaks the more un-American she sounds. Things we know since school and Barrett doesn't know or support.

  5. I spend most of my time in
    "Recording","","editing","uploading"," but no one support me💔.
    I need all my brothers and sisters support 🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭"*

  6. I spend most of my time in
    "Recording","","editing","uploading"," but no one support me💔.
    I need all my brothers and sisters support 🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭&"

  7. '
    The Affordable Care Act Tax,
    was added to the list of other
    Taxes used by the Federal government
    to for Taxpayers and Small Businesses
    to support the long list of
    Federal Social Welfare Agencies
    Some States collect different rates, and are given Access to different Agencies depending upon the State you live in,
    For Example
    Medicare is applied to all Americans nearly equally, except for the classifications, Medicare A, Medicare B, Medicare C, Medicare D. All Taxpayers pay into Medicare and most get back what they paid in.

    Medicaid while all Taxpayers pay into
    Medicaid, only residents of Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Michigan, California, Oregon, Hawaii,
    are the only residents given the
    Medicaid, in other words Tax Payers in
    Wyoming receive no benefit from the
    Medicaid Taxes they paid through the years.

    ACA is the Obamacare Tax, which forced
    Small Businesses and Struggling Families who were Working, to
    support the Pre-existing Conditions people in Connecticut,
    while receiving no benefit from the Tax,
    and possible imprisonments for refusing to pay money to an Obamacare System that they received no benefit from,
    this is what is called, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich Pharma Insurance Companies of California.

  8. It's so funny to hear politican say "we" dont want obamacare when they have great health coverage through their good jobs like they're on the same level as the average joe just trying to survive. They don't even have a decent replacement plan in place. The ACA is not perfect but it has literally saved my life. My payments are expensive but the thought of not having healthcare is even worse. It's worth paying the price

  9. “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It’s realty an honor and pleasure…”

  10. If you are reading this comment and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please know that it is no mistake you saw this message. Hard times are coming. The mark of the beast as warned about in the book The Holy Bible is soon here. ID2020 with mandatory vaccines, quantum dot tattoo to verify vaccine compliance and cashless society/ cryptocurrency have been planned out for humanity, ushered in by the new world order elite ( not with good intentions*) Soon the great tribulation will be here as warned about also in The Holy Bible. A time that the world has never seen since even the beginning ( not good*)
    (Matthew chp 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be) A powerful world leader will also arise only to deceive the world. ( Revelation chp 13:16-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”) The world's only hope is a Savior sent from God our heavenly father, His Son Jesus Christ who died for our wrong doings
    (John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”)

    It's not too late for you if you are reading this but soon it will be. Please call on the name Jesus Christ now while there is still time. All you have to do is pray and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins and ask Him into your heart by believing with sincerity and He can begin a personal relationship with you. Please see the book the Holy Bible for more information or leave a comment. Please remember it doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, He loves you more than you could ever know. Please remember this when times get tough………

  11. @5:04 U don’t like “mandating”. U’r mandated by law at the state level to pay vehicle insurance. See what happens if u don’t. Hypocrite.

  12. @4:39 “I’m a practicing Catholic.” Plays the god card Religion smokescreens decisions; reality, really.

  13. Democrats and Republicans know ACB is more than qualified for this position and it's a fact. But yesterday, the Hawaii senator asked ACB if she committed sexual assault, any sexual acts for favors, or if she'd ever been in legal trouble for crimes related to that. Then Harris who's the most radical democrat gets destroyed for the second time in two weeks by someone far more intelligent than her. Everyone in the media ran with the narrative Mike Pence was "mansplaining" even though it was a debate and his job was to rip apart everything she said and counter it. But Harris talked for almost 27 minutes leaving ACB to speak for a grand total of almost 4. Oh, the last n certainly not least did Amy know what she was saying? I don't think so re-watch it because there was a lot of crap coming out and I don't even get it. Like she was angry yelling like she prob figured out that Trump's winning and her home state is going blue for the first time since the 70s…

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  15. Ms. Lindsey: “We don’t want it… We want something better” – yet South Carolina’s health insurance coverage more than doubled under ObamaCare

  16. Surprise surprise, CNN finally turns on the Democrats as they realized the ship is sinking and the treason charges are coming

    BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof

    JOE IS TOAST! Officially Named In CRIMINAL CASE In Ukraine!?

    Mission accomplished – Proof of Seal Team 6 execution given to Trump Junior

  17. So now you want to report on the issues.. I want to hear Two days of how Trump's sister doesn't like him. Or, why haven't we heard about the vice presidential debates since they happen? probably cuz Kamala Harris lost.

  18. And I'm sure Dad would love to be in the picture but this woman keeps him away. I'm sure he's at fault too for something since she play the victim card.
    Don't be a victim Charlie. You still have a chance!

  19. Democrats thought they were in control. Let’s ruin the economy before the election. Shut-down the economy, fund BLM & Antifa to riot, loot, destroy property, violence, defund the police. Kamala Harris raised money to bail out the rioters. Shut down churches, Fake News runs stories that invoke more riots, lies about Trump, spread hatred and racism to divide America. Pelosi holds up stimulus, wanting trillions to bail-out poorly run Dem States and cities. All FAILED, Trump will win in spite of 4 years of attacks. 🇺🇸 😱

  20. I want to first say I am thankful to God almighty for making me see this day and secondly to Dr.Sandy who restored my health back. I have been a Herpes virus patient for some time now, I have been running here and there looking for help/cure but none could help. I ran into a testimony by someone who testified how she was cured of a terrible disease by Dr.Sandy So I decided to contact the herbal doctor. I explained to him, and he said he can cure me. We started the process and he prepared herbs and sent them to me in my country and gave me directions on how I am to use it. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. I say once again thanks to Dr.Sandy for curing me of my Herpes with his herbs. And in case you want to be cured of your disease too you can contact email:

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  21. They want the court to prop up a 2,800 page failed legislation they passed without reading! Amy shows them how little they know about law!

  22. while pre-existing condition mandatory coverage is a great thing of ACA, young adults should not be forced to have insurance and have a mandatory penalty if they don't. So by law all health insurance cannot terminate for pre-existing conditions in any future medical solution.
    Medicaid should be the social net to cover those who are destitute and indigent.

  23. Oh no the Republicans don’t want you to put the truth out there they would rather have children die before they would have any sense of human rights and caring yes we know Republicans are Evil and all you that vote Republican are no better than those you vote for! Karma will get you sooner or later that is a guarantee!

  24. Pandering to "christian values" to keep a vote, over people's personal freedoms doesn't work in the 3rd millennium anymore.
    Our first amendment is FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

    But leave it to bureaucratic republicans to keep wearing their "wholesome christian" masks.

    Jehovah of Nazareth didn't lobby political power in israel, so conservatives should just drop the act Already.🤦🏻‍♂️

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