Supreme Court to hear border wall funding and ‘remain in Mexico’ cases – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News consultant Kate Shaw discusses what’s at stake with the border wall funding showdown and the so-called “remain in Mexico” asylum case before SCOTUS.

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By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Supreme Court to hear border wall funding and ‘remain in Mexico’ cases”
  1. I have been in a relationship for 3 years now and we have been very happy together so we where about to get married and it was the happiest time in my life but something happen he was not happy about the marriage and it get me worry 4 weeks before our weeding I find out the he has someone ex and which he also promised marriage as well 3 days latter he came back and ask us to cancel the weeding i was not happy with him because of the change at once and make me want to kill myself, i don't eat or drink for 2 good day because i have no hope of living a friend of my came to visit me to see how we are preparing for the weeding and I told her everything that happen she told me not to worry that she has someone to fix things out for me she give me Dr Godfather contact which i immediately contacted him and he ask for my details which i did and ask me to pay some amount of money that make me think he is fake bout my friend ask me to believed and i did all that he ask a week latter he came back and beg me to forgve him and even buyte me a now car just to me me happy please if there is any one of you out there that need this type of help please contact this great Dr on his Email address or whatspp him on his number +2347062606817 this is how God use this man to restore my relationship back in just a week and 4 days
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  2. They didn't want to hear the case until after the election hoping it would go away. Thankfully at the end of the day justice will prevail and our country will have the right to protect it's citizens from real gangs and cartels.

  3. Mexico keeps their money in the US Good going Long Con Donnie Dementia. I guess some pseudo humans are above the law . You are one hell of a (dirty) businessman . Low IQ ANON freak

  4. #Vote for #TRUMP2020 and save this Country from the far left who want to DEFUND THE POLICE. #MAGA2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍

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  7. These people are morons! Of course we front the money to build the wall and the new trade deal will make Mexico repay that money back. You people are pathetic! Duh use your brain!!! They don't get to wait in America just because you applied to come here. Not how it works.

  8. Lol right Mexico is paying for the wall here we are people no jobs getting evicted COVID-19 it was so easy to pull money for that is actually embarrassing.

  9. First off being poor is not a legitimate claim for Asylum. Second it is international norm and requirement for Asylum Seekers to seek asylum in a neighboring country not travel hundreds if not thousands of miles through several countries. This very opinionated contributor and so-called legal expert picks and chooses what laws should be followed and what should be ignored.

  10. The “wall” should’ve never been built. Those concentration camps where kids and adults go to get raped, abused, starved, psychologically abused, and separated from loved ones, should’ve NEVER been built. Tear both down.

  11. I am a Mexican American and I say build that wall. My daughter is a police officer and deals with a lot of trafficking of females. This is about drugs and keeping people safe – illegal entry brings on illegal activity.
    Mex is paying for the wall w/Visa applications. Illegal people aren’t paying for that now.

  12. Whole asylum system in USA is broken. I know many Indians who fly to Mexico from India had then file for asylum. All you gotta do is go to border and say you need asylum and they just hand you 5 year work permit pretty much. Asylum laws are a joke and there are tones of lawyers within USA who help with Fake paperwork to help you approve your claim.

  13. "Promise made, promise kept". Yes, the wall is being build. Thank you Dems for not funding the WALL! Fake news… the wall is still going up.

  14. The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    Emma Lazarus
    November 2, 1883

  15. Trump wall keeping Mexicans safe from US Covid, Cages and Forced Sterilisation.

    USA 225,222+ II Mexico 86,338 Canadians need a wall? Same payment deal.

  16. Liberal media is in my brain, lately reality isn't the same, it's not very funny, when a country divides,
    'scuse me while I vote for Biden. Media spin is all around, don't know which poll is up or down,
    is this my happiness, the constitution guaranteed, or are these Republicans making it hard to breathe.
    guitar solo

  17. So what’s wrong with having the United States border secured? Every country from the beginning of time has and still do secure their borders with a barrier. We don’t live in a utopia or la la land. This is the real world and it’s ugly and vicious. Protecting our borders is the least we can do.

  18. The truth is obvious: democrats will start demolishing the wall directly or indirectly by letting mexican cartels to do it.

  19. wait, how can Mexico come here to court, and pay for the wall when Mexico has to stay put or have it’s families separated? oh, Mexico isn’t paying for the wall after all? darn. 🙃 wake up, Latinos for Dump!

  20. But they already know how to climb up and over those wall… only slows them, kids and like people with underlying health issues probably couldn't climb that….✌️

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