Christmas came early! Splurged a little and got some stopping power than is suitable for the 700+WHP this car is going to put down. It’s always been an unrealistic dream to put a set of aftermarket Brembos on a car so I’m super hyped 🙂 PLUS S15 UPDATE!
Enjuku Racing –

Where did you get the complete kit? Tank’s, is for the E92 335i 2008.
What are the specs on those calipers and do you think all brembo calipers will fit on a bmw as long as you have the fitment bracket?
where can i purchase brembo calipers? I have looked online and I can't find anything
Did you have to change the master brake cylinder and/or having the dsc modul coded?
what size rims are those and are they stock? did you have to use spacers for these calipers to work? What kit is it? thansk
please get a gimbal or something … your manic pov makes this hard to watch.
pimpin. im getting them on my 428i m sport. not your car but i feel better with better brakes.
Where can I get the rear coilovers?
We'll I'm dumb just seen Adam lz video watched it realized I've watched it before and it's from 5months ago still good video
Fucking job !!! :/ i don't believe !!! rust on the hubs and you are mounting large brakes ;/
What size calipers are those on the front? 355mm?
give the truck some love
Is the 335i DCT?
Adam, have you looked into the open recall on E9x blower motors?
Really enjoy the watching the progress with the 335i since I’m shooting for 700hp on my 335i. Keep the 335i content coming lol
Go rb
@Adam LZ whats the deal up at Sebring? Wouldnt mind seeing what my 335i can do on the track
i thought i had a text lol adam didn't nicole tell you this once before
Adam is like a little kid getting excited about the roof stuff, hilarious lol