How The Covid Pandemic Changed Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In America | NBC News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

NBC News’ Jacob Ward takes a look at the impact the coronavirus pandemic had on mass shootings and gun violence to see how those trends might change now that states begin to lift Covid-19 restrictions.
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#CovidPandemic #GunViolence #NBCNews

How The Covid Pandemic Changed Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In America | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “How The Covid Pandemic Changed Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In America | NBC News NOW”
  1. It's only going to get worse. The unnecessary "Lockdown" ( a term only ever properly used when discussing a prison situation), is having it's intended effect. Shamdemic psyop.

  2. Nah it's because Democrats defunded police. They think defunding the will help their chances of taking ppls liberties. If anything this is just more reason to own a gun. Trump kept us safe, all this ended under Trump other than democratic ran cities were Trump had no control over, Democrats blocked Trump from doing what he needed to do. Democrats are nothing more than criminals just like your news channel that works for them. CNN only flames more violence and is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.

  3. They also fail to mention how violent crime has been down for decades, with a recent update once lockdowns began. Most of history has been incredibly violent, and it’s only been the last couple decades that we’ve had relative peace. Younger people too young to know this will see what’s happening now without proper context.

    Yes, we have fairly easy access to guns in the US, but their proposals for gun control aren’t likely to help much as it doesn’t actually address the issues and doesn’t prevent anyone from getting guns illegally. Nor does it understand that people can use all sorts of other things as weapons if they weren’t able to access guns. Perhaps more blunt, destructive weapons like Molotov cocktails (already common in 2020).

    The other problem is their conflation with street-level violence, mostly from gangs, vs “mass shootings”. Reporters and analysts are often conflating incidents or trying to count street violence in their mass shootings count.

    Street violence isn’t new, isn’t unique to the United States, And HAS been lower these last couple decades until our recent uptick. And that uptick has multiple causes, from draining police funding (needed for training & special task forces dealing with gangs & gun violence) to politicians & the media inflaming protests & societal unrest (I blame them for making all of this much worse, for personal gain), and dissolving communities & the hopelessness causes by the isolation of lockdown. Already vulnerable people have really struggled and aren’t well prepared for loss of jobs, loss of routines, loss of hope, inflamed fears (politicians & media so frequently maximizing bad news for bigger impact). These things affected us all, but especially affected those already dealing with a lot of problems.

    And that brings me to the last issue that this guy just brushes away like it’s nothing — mental health. It plays the biggest role in all this. Just because only 5% were diagnosed with mental illness really doesn’t mean anything. Most struggled with mental health. Just as with most school shooters, nearly all of whom were on psychotropics when they did their killings.

    Our mental health system sucks here. Help for people in crisis is nearly impossible to get, especially when people often cannot advocate for themselves. In my state, open beds in a psych ward are almost never available and the experts they provide often have no clue how to properly handle complex issues. They also cannot do much beyond giving people five days or so in a psych ward (if you find a bed), but once you’re stabilized, you’re sent home. Whether you have a home or not, whether you have any way of getting continued support or not.

    Even with good insurance, it’s just nearly impossible for people to really get timely help when needed. Why do people think this country consumes more illegal drugs than any other nation? That’s what people turn to when help isn’t available.

    Due to over-politicization and the media maximizing fear & paranoia, this issue can never get the surgical response needed. It will end up degrading constitutional rights while failing to do much of anything to reduce these shootings. But it will likely remove gun rights from millions of responsible, legal gun owners who may have had depression in their past or who take anti-depressants. Their “red flag” thing has the huge potential of removing guns from the wrong people while likely not preventing many unstable people from obtaining a gun or some other weapon. Especially if they just steal one.

    You can never remove gun ownership as a whole, as a huge part of the population (many who ARE armed) strongly support gun rights. They will go to war with our own citizens trying to do that; it WILL cause a civil war that would destroy this nation if they try that. It’s political suicide. Though I wouldn’t doubt they’ll try it anyway.

    Gun ownership isn’t something you can undo. The guns are already out there.

    We need vastly more mental health resources, we need a way to properly help those in crisis who have family members telling law enforcement are a danger (how many times have LE done nothing about these warnings?), and we need to ensure that violence is NOT allowed. These riots going on every night don’t help here. Nobody charged. Shootings several times a week, nobody arrested or investigated. Cops busy dealing with protestors and the homeless, not actual crimes being committed. And if the rioter is from the left, they most certainly are allowed much more leeway than those on the right. It’s again politicized to such an extreme that nothing can be done to actually stop any of this.

    Until cops actually enforce the law again, and until we get a stronger mental health system, this violence will keep growing. Though other reasons are also at play here, those are two main issues. Cops also need much better training on how to handle people in crisis, how not to shoot people, etc. A lot of people need more mental health help in this country.

    But as I also said, violence has been part of human history the entire time. Most have no idea how good we actually have it. We haven’t seen the atrocities of smallpox & influenza pandemics (which were far worse than coronavirus), the Great Depression, the world wars, etc. Wars throughout history, which made tougher people. People thinking life being unfair is somehow new.

    Anyway these problems won’t go away just because some politicians sign a couple bills. But it could get a whole lot worse with the wrong response.

  4. "Announcing the appointed time for night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months, to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind"

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    18 – Rajab – 1442 AH

    02 – 03 – 2021 AD


  5. Announcing the appointed time for night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months, to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    18 – Rajab – 1442 AH
    02 – 03 – 2021 AD
    04:12 pm
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

  6. "Announcing the appointed time for night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months, to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind"

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    18 – Rajab – 1442 AH

    02 – 03 – 2021 AD

  7. "Announcing the appointed time for night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months, to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind"

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    18 – Rajab – 1442 AH

    02 – 03 – 2021 AD

  8. "Announcing the appointed time for night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months, to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind"

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    18 – Rajab – 1442 AH

    02 – 03 – 2021 AD

  9. The great American dream seems sadly jinxed as things appear right now…

    It seems like the great American nation has been roundly cursed with the evil eye; like the hexes and insidious incantations of overtly and covertly jealous nations are finally beginning to take effect. Indeed, the star spangled banner is looking increasingly tattered as it waves in the buffeting, tearing winds of change.

    Or it could be that Uncle Sam is finally reaping as he has sowed for much of the last 200 years. Demon seeds of racism, inequality and toxic individualism are now putting out chokehold tendrils as the country grapples with not only the pandemic but also a social fabric that appears to be coming apart at the seams.

    (Read on via the below link)

  10. I think 2020 changed the way we talk about guns I'm America. The democrats came out less than a year ago and supported defunding the police. It was democrats mayors and governors who let blm destroy cities. What was the response? Millions of new people mostly in places like LA and Chicago went and brought every gun they could get their hands on.

  11. PH is trolling. Either that or he is just that straight stupid. More than likely sitting in his moms basement still with is domino’s pizza shirt on from work waiting for a response. A pandemic is not going to stop crazy people. Just not happening. Having people who are allowed to CC and protect themselves is where WE are safe. We lose our gun rights and we are just lead to slaughter just like the sheep the democrats want us to be

  12. Boring gun-happy Americans. The world is sick of US racism, 7 MASS SHOOTINGS in 7 days, school shootings and bombing in the name of peace..

    The US show videos from Mars but no videos of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and only two suspect witnesses from a city of 25 million.

    The Changcheng (Great wall) to Lu sè Changcheng (Great green wall) can both be seen from space.

    The US had fires from a gender reveal party that could be seen from space. When was America great?

  13. Covid deaths US 561,142 Mexico 200,862 UK 126,515 Canada 22,826 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 26 Taiwan 10.

    Two thirds of Covid variants originate from the US which makes Covid the US VIRUS.

    1964 Japan's first bullet trains vs 2021 US has NO high speed trains.

    Americans die believing Traitor Trump and Fox TV when they called the pandemic a hoax. When was America great?

  14. Doctor said the Herpes virus does not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn't a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body, But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells , natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from dr akhigbe reach him through WhatsApp +2349046230269

  15. The issue is *violence*, not just gun violence, and even then you have to look at murders per capita, and not include suicides, and lawful LE shootings of violent felons. And ignore the tens of thousands of violent felons released by democrat controlled prisons. Ignore the failure of democrat DAs to prosecute violent felons. In fact, let's ignore the BLM riots, Antifa riots, and even terrorist acts by Syrian American Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa linked to another individual under FBI investigation! Let's blame guns! Let's blame Trump! And they wonder why no one trusts *journalists*!

  16. It's not the gun, it's the gunner. Put the blame on the shooter–profile them in every way=childhood history, religion, political party, age,etc. You would think a group of psychologists would go out on a limb and make a statement.
    With all the constant violence every night in cities, you can't blame people for carrying a handgun–might have helped in Boulder.
    With the defunding of police there are way more people carrying than before–it only makes sense.

  17. One sided uneducated people that believe this television news. They must have missed the September 2019 Lancaster County California PD sniper shooting, who said it was fake? Lancaster County California Police Department did so there's your proof. Once a liar always a liar.

  18. If you keep attaching your narrative to somebody else's murders you will never understand why they did it or how to stop them. Causation and correlation aren't the same thing.

  19. Nobody stop them from studying gun violence who’s stopping me I didn’t say nothing dumb the government I don’t think they did anything to it they’re lying

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