In 28 states, ballots must arrive by the time polls close. Thirty-four states will not even begin counting millions of mail-in votes until Election Day.


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Only half of voters who requested mail-in ballots have returned them”
  1. [Nov 12-13] LIBEL ELECTION before its started, evolving from CNN-ACOSTA LIBEL, enhanced by court [vides at Ytube] fixed by Media & Dem Camp, [MDC] LIBEL: No-2nd-term to causer team & hiding deleting JHU, WHO, WRLD BNK, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY proof of its election libel: U.S. COVID-19 REDUCED %FATALITIES: 2.75 Oct 22; 2.51 Nov 2; 2.40 Nov 9; 2.32 Nov 12. %F in 15 countries: Nov 2 v. Nov 12 2nd: -Grmn 1.97 ,1.67 -NL 2.11,1.93 -Fnlnd 2.20,1.99 -U.S. 2.51,2.32 -Brzl 2.89,2.85 -Frnc 2.69,2.31 -Spn 2.89,2.75 -AU 3.28, same -Cnda 4.30,3.87 -UK 4.51,4.01 -Swdn 4.78,3.65 -Chn 5.39,5.37 -Irn 5.69,5.55 -Itly 5.47,4.18 -Mxco 9.92,9.79. Instead, MDC scares voters by big fatalities NUMBERS [reflecting only its biggest population inflated by hospitals pay per…] – I recuse myself, as scientist [books, Amazon/1Mil+citations by Google], from debating politics but express admiration to Duty-Destiny NATIONAL-SPLIT HEALERS [NSH]: Living in Palm Beach, FL, I saw our COURT, FL SC & U.S. SC, 40 days work to effect unity. This LIBEL ELECTION was thus void and empty before starting. No escape, duty-destiny NSH again: Runoff under NSH. With GA Runoff [regs. 11/5, runoff 1/5 or earlier? less DOJ finality RE endless election invalidity facts (eg WIDE SPREAD election mail dumping proven by umf Ytube vids?/

  2. What you’re failing to mention is that millions were sent that weren’t requested, to family pets, dead grandparents, thrown in ditches. This is an attempted coup Trump won this election easily, with honest votes.

  3. It’s not that they haven’t returned them they haven’t received them. A teacher that I know hasn’t received hers yet

  4. Well, if my own experience is any indication, only half of voters who requested mail-in ballots actually received them. It took me two tries to get one in my hands. I returned it three days later after wading through the local election candidates. I expect a demanded recount no matter who loses, and if there is reluctance from the present administration to keep the hell away from the process, I expect protests, civil unrest and rioting. Only the innocent bystanders will ultimately lose. Heaven help us all.

  5. if people were committed to speaking out against the agenda like they were for the voting things will change immediately because the voting system is already fixed in advance covid-19 is hyped up 80% for a political agenda if people Unitesd and spoke up for themselves and others against this manipulation and this deception on humanity things would change real fast for the better people are so distracted and naive they forgot they had the ability to change things just by a little unity and speaking out against the agenda as long as they can keep people divided manipulated and misinformed they will continue to do this to do this crime against humanity a good future is in the world s hands not realizing that is ruining the this god-given planet,

  6. Wow! Went to early voting in Lansing Il. They had a shrine to RBJ set up inside the polling place among other books strategically positioned for voters to see while in line. Then Pritzker showed up with his clan. Oh well so much for social distancing when politics is concerned. Didn't expect the polling place to be a Democrat assault. Just doesn't seem ethical.

  7. I live in one of the States where ballots must now be received by 11/3 but my ballot return envelope had "Must be postmarked by Nov. 3" printed on it. How is that in any way legal?

  8. I didn't request a mail-in ballot but received one anyway. The 2020 census asked if you want to vote by mail and i answered NO so my question is: Was a mail-in ballot sent out to everyone anyway?

  9. ABC you suck. You are so bias, Why should anyone trust the USPS they have already finding ballots in dumpsters and in ditches.

  10. In my opinion
    1: I’m against mail in voting, and people should vote in person because it’s the most secure way to vote. Mail in ballots can increase voter fraud and cause “lost votes” from biased delivery boys
    2: I’m also pro-mask mándate

  11. So it means half of those ballots are out there and capable of being counterfeited?
    Hope Pennsylvania has a good system of detecting fraud. No wait, they don't, this is the first time and they're handling millions of it. What could go wrong?

  12. @ProfessorMJMill Maybe you haven’t been affected by the lunacy enough, but it is not for you to judge what is the more honorable thing to do on Election Day. For a “Professor” you should know your opinion is not fact and MY Opinion is, is that your opinion on what is the more honorable thing to do on Election Day is dishonorable in many peoples eyes.

  13. “There’s nothing new about voting by mail”

    You literally just said a crazy new record of ballots were requested. THATS NEW. A system that mainly worked before will be tested and strained FAR beyond what it was prepared fore

  14. Clearly the rigs in for Biden to win the election.

    Just the mail fraud confusion and set-up Trump predicted and warned against and the democrats demanded and pushed for to steal this election. And the lying poll numbers are part of the whole scheme and scam. Biden’s been “leading in the polls” since he clearly and truly lost but nonetheless “won” the DNC and MSM nomination for presidential candidate over Sanders and the others. This entire thing or “process” was rigged for Biden then and is rigged, and being rigged as we speak, and will have been rigged after November 3! Unless trump and his team can overcome the evil.

    Biden can barely get three people to attend his anemic “campaign events,” and he’s leading!

    They’ll claim Biden the winner after about 2 or 3 weeks of rigging and lying and “counting.” Then, once in office, they’ll use the 25th amendment to replace him a few months later on the grounds that he’s medically incapable of fulfilling the duties of the office (and he is!) so that they can get their guy in. Biden is “leading in the polls” and “winning” this thing just like he suddenly out of the blue “lead in the polls” and “won” the democratic presidential nomination a few months back… by rigging!

    Biden can barely stand up for 10 minutes at the sparsely attended campaign stops that he barely manages to do only about once every three weeks on average due to his noticeably rapid mental and physical decline. And then from the podium he fumbles and mumbles through a “presidential plan” for running this nation that has no substance at all except for those parts of the “plan” which have been copied from the sounder features of Trump’s plan for America. Essentially, the bulk of Team Biden’s “plan” is nothing more than a denunciation of Trump and his administration that gives not even the least justification for why Biden himself merits election to the office of the President of the United States of America. And all of this read from a teleprompter. And he even manages to hack that up! And how can the pot call the kettle black, anyways!

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