COVID-19 cases rise in 45 states, deaths rise in 30 states – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that even if most Americans are vaccinated in 2021, life may not have “semblance of normality” until 2022.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “COVID-19 cases rise in 45 states, deaths rise in 30 states”
  1. Ok boss I'll make it sound as bad as possible so they keep coming back…Carona Ratings.On to it you fool''$

  2. Please look into test that are keeping us shut down!
    They are increasing cycles and increasing false positive results!! So than can report and cause fear!
    and control lockdowns ! STOP LYING

  3. All the big politicians should turn their aggression on China and kick their donkeys! Both parties didn’t even lift a finger against China using Covid as a weapon. So to me…y’all politicians are voted in for nothing!

  4. come into fellowship with Jesus, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ form a relationship with The One Who laid His life down for you to save us all for He loves us so much and He alone saves all in Jesus Name we pray amen for we all need Jesus, all sin and fall short of The glory of God and the wages of sin is death. the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, for Jesus died on the cross and rose again and by His blood our sins are forgiven. there is no other way than Jesus for He is The Way The Truth The Life and no one comes to The Father except through Him. for it is by declaring with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you are saved see romans 10:9-13, i encourage you to read your Bible and invite The Holy Spirit to guide your mind as you read, john romans psalms luke and mark are good places to start. God bless God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you and be with you forevermore in Jesus Name we pray amen 🙂 only One God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ i am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. galatians 2:20 in Jesus Name we pray amen, pray for the peace of israel pray for those who are persucated for righteousness sake for their is the kingdom of heaven see matthew 5:10 pray for the brethren pray for me in all things praying for you in Jesus Name we pray amen may you believe in Jesus and be saved in Jesus Name we pray amen i encourage you to repent of your sins turn from them and come to believe in Jesus for it is by declaring with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you are saved and all who truly put their trust in Him will never be put to shame in Jesus Name we pray amen in Jesus Name we pray amen (see romans 10-11) for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, no one is promised tomorrow and Jesus alone saves all in Jesus Name we pray amen God bless God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you and be with you forevermore praying for you pray for me in all things through trials and temptations and sin and to be more Christ like everyday for Jesus is perfect and the same always in Jesus Name we pray amen Jesus loves us all and died and rose again to save us all for by His blood our sins are forgiven, it is God's gift to us to be saved for we do not deserve it and we can not earn it but when we believe in Jesus we are saved and have passed over from death to life with God and Jesus forevermore in Jesus Name hey only God Jesus The Holy Spirit are perfect and only One God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we can be made righteous when we come to Jesus for while we have sinned and fall short of The glory of God Jesus The Holy Spirit but when we believe in Jesus and come to Him our sins are forgiven and we can turn from sin and wickedness and live a life worthy to Jesus in Jesus Name we pray amen Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? micah 6:6-8 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. john 14:6-7 do not use The Lord's Name in vain instead honor God love God with all heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself, believe in The One God has sent Jesus Christ for this is The Work of God in Jesus Name we pray amen That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For The scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. romans 10:9-13 only God Jesus The Holy Spirit are perfect and when we come to Jesus we can be saved for by His blood our sins are forgiven and when we believe we are saved, i encourage you to read your Bible for it alone is God's Word for us and invite The Holy Spirit into your life for it is God's Word and Spirit that give light and life to all for Jesus is The Living Word and all who believe in Jesus are saved and have passed over from death to life. they re no longer separated from God for eternity but have life and peace with God and Jesus forevermore, instead of being condemned to the lake of fire we have life in the new heaven the new earth and the new jerusalem where there is no more death or mourning or sorrow or crying or pain or sin for Jesus bore them all on the cross taking them away forevermore and when we truly believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior we are saved in Jesus Name we pray amen come into The Kingdom of Light accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today amen amen For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the Name of God’s one and only Son john 3:16-18 come to know Jesus today He died on the cross for our sins and rose again, so we can live with Him forever because He loves us, by His blood He has
    victory over sin, death and hell amen. God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you and be with you forevermore amen God bless amen 🙂 🙂

  5. And we're going to see more deathly diseases because those are the signs that this system is collapsing to make way to Jehovah and Jesus perfect kingdom that we had prayed in…Matthew 6:10
    " Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place ,as in heaven , also on earth "

  6. The vaccine cure is much worse than the disease which is only a mild seasonal flu. People would realize this if they would just turn off the damn fake news and look around. I have yet to see one person sick or falling flat on their face from this so called pandemic. If this were a real pandemic people would be falling dead left and right and you would not need to listen to fake news with their fake numbers to see that no more people are dying than any other year. The government is counting every death as a CV-19 death. Actually there are less overall deaths this year than previous years.. All the numbers the main stream globalist media is putting out are fake and manufactured which has been proven since this entire fake pandemic started. must-see-video

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  8. The media is the reason for the rise in numbers. Cases are on the rise because testing has increased. Because we don't know how many people had covid before testing, we don't really know if there is a rise. This is simply unscientific. You can't compare rates when there is nothing to compare. Plus hospitals are not showing the numbers going up. They are holding steady. The media should be sharing this information instead of spreading fear.

  9. people worldwide time to fulfill your task speak up for your freedom and remove your mask then you will be lucky like a four-leaf clover until the government Halloween is over you will not be controlling the human race no more wearing mask upon are face there not for human safety but human control covid hyped 80% let the truth unfold time to unite time to be strong this manipulation been going on too long they've been keeping us mini slaves for day days time for the human family to raise and speak for justice and do it together so peace and prosperity can last forever come on world no time to surrender speak out against evil and there agenda

  10. So This month I've been tested 12 times. 8 times positive (and ya that's 8 new cases even though I'm one man) I've tested negative 4 times, So big question here is, have I actually had it or not lol

  11. Free and fair press my ass. Democrats for Trump. I could live with the 24/7 lies about Trump. There is a leftist bias and we all knew that. Now the corrupt media has lost all credibility censoring real news. You're just as corrupt as Biden. Trump's been proven right again. Corporate media is our true enemy.

  12. The implementation of mask advisories results in a 75% reduction in cases despite many people ignoring them. Stay home, wash your hands, wear a mask. We could have eradicated this virus back in March if people did these things.

  13. Now that the children and their families have all gotten it… time to invite grandma and grandpa for thanks giving…. This wave is about creasted… but the next one scheduled to crest in late January will be devestating….

  14. To better understand the Truth about COVID-19, read “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert, by Dr Robert B Strecker & listen to his interview, The Bio-Attack Alert, on Archive dot org.

  15. This whole thing of the COVID-19 hype is a conspiracy. All that really matters is the death count and the hospitalization rate related to COVID-19. We have been in 8 states in the last 6 months and never got it… never knew anybody to get it… and find it astounding that Dr. Fauci has not offered any real clarity on how it is being spread (if it is) and why it is not being treated by Fauci as domestic terrorism at this point in time! FIRE FAUCI!

    Hey ABC. How about making a road trip to China and ask them how they got it under control so quickly?

  16. My family just passed the Corona virus attack. Before getting infected, we always used masks. For me, it was a three-day flu with muscle aches. I'm 73 and did not even run a fever. My Dr. did not prescribe anything for it from behind his phone – he was more scared than me. Without any medical help, we're testing negative now. I had a dry cough for three weeks. I lost my sense of smell for a couple of days. After the third day of rest from the virus' effect, I climbed up a ladder to fix a leak on the roof of my house and tended to my fruit trees. At first, when I posted this comment on Youtube, it would be suppressed as soon as another older person who had been through the Chinese flu corroborated my experience.

  17. COVID 19 is being used by the far left to destroy our economy! I have a family member working with the W.H.O, that has told me of the massive falsification of numbers happening in hospitals right now! There is a reason why the flu has magically disappeared, the hospitals get paid per COVID patient! The left media is spreading fear propaganda to keep you scared and compliant! It’s time to wake up America!!!

  18. Fauci however is being optimistic, if Trump is re-elected it’s only gonna continue to get worse, because he’s going to continue to downplay the virus

  19. CV 19 is a hoax craft moral alibi for the shutdown of ALL economy worldwide
    and the -police state- administering of Gates--Rockefeller —FINAL– EUGENICS.

    Their seven decades underway – RED – – China 'transfer treason' agenda's been pulled off .

    Pulled off while they had you sex hexed and bloated – and mis–directed– – – via INTEL run mass Medea and entertainment.

    IF – in 2020 – -you can't simply recognize a con – -easily conjured up out of the –ordinary- mortality of our aged demographic ?
    — – – you might want to start attending those Reprobates Anonymous – -coffee clutches.

    Now – -back to strapping those diapers across your compliant faces – –as USURY empties its bowels into them.

  20. The mishandling of COVID-19 by this Administration is the major cause of the increase in cases and death. The President chose the election result over American's lives. It's a crime. Rally without a mask also a crime. It promotes death. This is very simple, but many are blind to see it. It's a shame.

  21. Well you teenagers go out to schools and parties no mask no distancing! Then kids going to school,then going grandma and Grandpapas house,then they get infected,it is a Vicious cycle.So until people follow protocol,death will continue,infection will continue.

  22. Let's hope that this time, people will think and VOTE. Enough is enough of the insulting , lier that we have president now. He has tried to diminish the severity of the Covid situation, causing the loss of so many lives.

  23. I quit working at a grocery store because other people having an opinion about the pandemic. I now work in a hotel behind the scenes. I now see about 50 people in a week. Much better than the 500 people I would see in a day.

  24. The upshot?????
    All that money left behind by all the OLD PEOPLE who hoarded and refused to share with their children and grandchildren… NOW, finally being spent.

  25. I am not understanding the fight about not wearing a mask? It’s wrong to put others at risk because of a simple thing like wearing a mask. I hear it’s my right and it’s a free country as an excuse for not wearing a mask. It’s lame. I go to a store and posted was a sign saying please wear a mask and yet people walked in without one. Are you trying to prove your brave or nuts? Americans need to start caring about each as if we are going to battle instead of only thinking about ourselves. I wear one and hate it but I am so grateful to go to a store that is open that I will do it, not out of fear, to show respect for a clerk that has to wear one in order to make a living. Think of others.

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