Vote counts can change after Election Day, and that doesnt mean theres fraud.
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Voter Fraud Evidence Delaware County, Pennsylvania" UNDISCLOSED LOCATION IN PA!" on YouTube In Georgia!" on YouTube
Here's my question what would the election be if the Democrats had not been allowed to change the rules two weeks before the election.?
I have never had a lower opinion of the media than I do today.
You are such a liar.
YOU, A B C are a GIANT part of the Fraud! They couldn't have pulled it off without your covering for them. That's OK,
Judgment Day IS coming.
"…and ALL Liars SHALL have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone, FOREVER"! Revelation 21:8
I thought the title was blue and red migranes
As long as any suspicions of fraud are fully investigated. I just made a donation to "Stop the Steal" Christian crowd funding site
Not surprisingly their original efforts on GoFundMe had amassed $220k before it was cancelled by that sites Administators and monies returned.
It's as much about saving the integrity of our Nation and constitution as it is about who is the real winner IMO.
In 2016, America elected a president kissing up to Russia.
In 2020, America elected a president kissing up to China.
What’s next ?
Vertical jumps in Biden's count while no other candidate on the ballot received a SINGLE vote, points to voter fraud. Not allowing the appointed watchers to observe the process, points to fraud. Kicking the appointed watchers out of buildings and boarding up windows so no one can see inside, points to fraud. Counties that went for Trump saying their counting is complete and the state then reporting the county is only 85%, points to fraud. Ballot counters FILLING OUT BALLOTS, IS FUCKING FRAUD.
You are disgusting. You are not news. You are criminals.
Its in fact a sign of fraud. How the hell do they determine which mail in is real or not? And reported dead people have voted. Also name who dont exist and it was reported on news. They also showed mail carriers who are being charged of holding and stealing mail. This is happening all over and they say its not fraud.
So you mean to tell me that out of 140k ballots not one was for trump. Statistically impossible.
Overwhelming Evidence of MASSIVE Voter Fraud From the Demonrats ! Just like we knew there would be, You Evil Fkrs are NOT getting away with this BS !
You in the fake media will be tried for treason just as the ones you serve, and do not forget this!
The results has never turned blue red blue red. Once it turned blue they just kept chipping away at the numbers that's why it looks like fraud. Tens of thousands of votes all for Biden not a single one not one for Trump that seems impossible.
Red, White, and Blue 'mirages'. The whole country is a fraud. Go get your pals at CNN to sniff the votes to see if they are real. How much welfare does ABC get from the CIA media investment group? US is a bigger joke than Zimbabwe. Covert Operation Trump doesn't want to leave. Blow back from another stupid idea. Why did the dems run Hilary instead of Biden in 2016? Have anything to do with Saudi weapons deal offer if US reverses Iran deal? And was the Iran deal to get the Saudis to do just that? Aren't you so clever….lol
President Trump is about to go beast mode. It will not a good time to be a corrupt judge. Our President will serve two terms.
Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.â€ÂÂÂ
To you Biden Supporters!
Trump looks out for the people not like your Career politicians getting $, Mansions, and special favors! Biden has 47 years in politics and only gets money for himself and family which never benefitted any of you!
If he wins don't complain years later when you see 48, 49, 50 years in politics and nothing happens for the people but he gets more $ and gives Iran and China $. Prepare for more wars in the middle east and a China take over! Congrats you emotional Lefties! Next time vote logically and not clouded minded with hate and a victim attitude.
Higher Taxes
Open Borders
Censoring Opposition
Dividing us on race
Inciting hurtful behavior
Groping young girls
Quid pro quo
Enriching family members
What’s not to love about Biden
Yessssss, ONE TERM TRUMP!!!
Praise God!
Praise be to Allah!
Praise Karma!
Praise Mother Nature or Father Time, the Big Bang, a Black Hole, praise Darkmatter, take your freakin' pick, just CELEBRATE!
Miracles don't happen often!
"Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So, let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy times
Happy nights
Happy days
Are here again!"
The whole thing is and always has been a fraud. You mean to tell me with all the technology we have access to we can't count and keep track of votes as well as they did 60 years ago.. this is laughable 😂😂😂
Goo by stupid fake new
President Biden & Vice President Harris 🇺🇸🇺🇸 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉
"voting glitch"? Re do election. Only Votes in person should count. Not Fake votes.
Trump, his evil spawn, Fox News Channel and News Max are all trying to steal this election result and they are inciting violence and mob response in the Cult. Where is federal law enforcement
Fraud alert
Ah yes. I will not trust my lying eyes
Now WE MUST Question the legitimacy of the Democrat house and senate wins now and two years ago!!!
trump supporters on suicide watch let them burn in hell
How stupid do you folks think the universe is? Remove the veil .
I'm not for either party.. but it's a damn shame how the Democratic Party is committing voter fraud right in front of the American publics face & has lied to the black community. #Smh
Liars trump won the popular vote
4 more years
Don’t quit mr president
Breaking – Gateway Pundit – All Swing states discovered to have voter fraud software
ABC pushing fraud….four years you have been pushing fraud.
My 10 year old can tell that this is not legit, what is wrong with you people. Making a mockery out of our electoral system.
Republicans did well in the congress and senate, but lost the presidency?? I'll never believe that!
" I'm Joe Biden and I'll forget this message".
If a state has a big city like Detroit, Chicago, it will be blued. your vote doesnt matter. we can just do this for the win!
Joe biden is corrupt.
Joe Biden has 74 million votes and yet Democrats did not flip one single state house. That means an insanely huge number of ballots have a one mark bedside Biden’s name and nothing else. Someone wanna calculate the odds of that happening
Democrats promised they would oust Trump: ‘By any means necessary’.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.â€ÂÂÂ― Joseph Stalin
In every key swing state (MI, WI, GA, PA, AZ, NV) the Red majority precincts counted & quickly reported… while Dem big city (Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Phoenix & Las Vegas) blue precincts held back, stopped counting in unison.. until they knew the vote margin they needed to win… then ejected the poll watchers, locked the doors, covered the windows, then produced & reported the necessary votes to win.
While Biden Dems smiled & confidently proclaimed they would win ‘when all votes were counted’… meaning Democrat precinct fraudulent, & manufactured votes
All so simple & easy when any number of Biden ballots can be produced, any number of Trump votes can be discarded or altered.. the doors are blocked & no one can watch.. The necessary votes are produced, the win established, then counting stops, evidence is locked away/lost/destroyed..
#statuscoup Status Coup is progressive, in-field and investigative reporting that gives the microphone back to the people! Co-founded by Jordan Chariton and Jenn Dize. Jordan and other journalists will continue the style and fearlessness of the reporting Jordan brought to the stories on the campaign trail and in East Chicago, Flint, St. Louis, Standing Rock, and more.