President Trump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper – Car Mod Pros Portal

Christopher C. Miller, director of national counterterrorism center, will be acting secretary of defense.


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “President Trump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper”
  1. Republicans should be removed from there positions because they're not showing any leadership and they are complicit because they know more than We know and People are dying a enormous numbers and They want speak for the Lives lost to this tragic pandemic or come to agreement on relief package or Stimulus so People are in very bad shape this winter. If You are Democrat You better vote in George like Your Life depeneded on it. And to the Republican We are seeing amd witnessing how You Speak up and stand up for People. come out and support Life. This is America and She leads strong compassionate leaders that's what America is.

  2. If someone doesn’t support your lies, then fire them. A dictator move that has Putin so proud of his boy.

  3. When you get fired via Twitter-is like your girlfriend asking her friend’s third cousin -to tell my neighbor-to tell me —she is breaking up with me!🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. So if trump cheated the votes on the election Biden and Harris would have been like “yeah, ok, we concede!!?!?” – the left have been trying for over 4 years to get trump removed – oh the irony!!

  5. Trump is an extremely inept leader. Also, it was senseless for him to fire Esper, seeing that Trump and all his administration will be out the door soon after Biden swears in as president. Trump is unfairly bossy and unable to function as president. Apparently, he thinks as though he is running his former dumb reality show-just firing everybody for the pettiest reasons. It seems Trump is looking for a defense secretary who will be acquiescent to his every command, possibly to do things that are destructive against America like some mad dictator. Trump practically has two feet in the coffin but still, he does nothing to save his own soul. Trump is a good-for-nothing president who is counterproductive to everything for which our country stands.


    Heavenly Father, Yah, You are the great and awesome God, the living God, and the one true God!  You always keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey You.  But we have sinned and done wrong.  We have done wickedly and rebelled by departing from your commands and regulations. 
    We have not read, listened to, or obeyed Your Word, written by the prophets and apostles under Your guidance and authority to our leaders, our fathers, and all the people of America.
    Heavenly Father, righteousness belong to You, but our faces are covered with shame.  This is true of all of us.  Lord we and our leaders and our ancestors are covered with shame because we have sinned against You. But You Lord , our God, is merciful, and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against You.  For this we are truly thankful.
    We have not obeyed your voice Lord.  We have not followed Your instructions that You gave to us through  Your Word, the Holy Bible.  Yes, all of America have disobeyed Your instructions  and turned away from You.  Therefore, all kinds of disasters and calamities and confusion have struck this nation.  Yet, we have not prayed to you Yah, so we can turn from our wickedness and understand Your truth.  We have not tried to please You by repenting from our sins and following Your truth, which is Your Word.
    Because of this, God, You have allowed disasters and calamities and confusion to come upon America, trying to get our attention!   God You are right to allow these things to happen because we do not obey You.
    And now Yah our God You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, our Savior, to save us from sin and the wrath to come upon the sons of disobedience, we have sinned against You and we are full of wickedness,  we have done wrong. 
    Lord, according to Your righteousness, we pray, You have defended us in the past and been our protection.  Let Your anger and fury be turned away from the United States of America.  We need Your protection.
    Now therefore God, hear the prayer of Your servants, and our pleas for Your Divine help, and for Your name be gracious to America, which is messed up from the government leaders to the common citizens.  O my God, incline Your ear and hear, open Your eyes and see our despair and desolations.  Put Your law in our minds and write them in our hearts so that You will be our God and we will be Your people. We do not present our plea before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies.
    Lord, hear us!  Lord forgive us! Lord listen to us and respond.  Do not delay, so that the world will know that You are our God.  This nation and the people in it are Yours.

  7. donny is firing security (it seems) left and right … focusing on security for the election. 1) we need to change for all future president that current establishments can not be touched by the seated president in the time of presidential transition. this act is not just going through a temper tantrum … I just hope that justice prevail against this horrific act – but we need to protest as well and continue to show the power of the people who donny is working for … his autocratic act is a desperate man who has nothing to lose that lost everything while russia is floating their military power off the Alaskan coast: – it is obvious where donny's allegiance lie …

  8. Vladimir Trump has begun his dictatorial purges to try to stay in power and attempt to change the US constitution to become despotic president for life. If he is not removed from the White House on January 20 2021, he will do everything to stay in power for an illegal third term in 2024.

  9. Trump mad he didn’t deploy military to the streets after people started celebrating after his lost to Joe Biden

  10. BEWARE!! Trump intends on staying in power. He wants yes people at the helm so that he can use the military to help him stay in power. He probably will have the military take over White House security, displacing the Secret Service, so that the Secret Service cannot escort him out of the White House on January 20th. Trump cares little about the US Constitution. All hw has wanted is to Remain President of the United States for life. Over his administration, he has slowly emplaced people who will support him regardless of what he orders.

  11. “Is the president planning a military operation or the use of federal troops, which Esper opposed?”
    Is he planning a coup?
    Whatever it is, the eerie silence of our Republican Senators is giving him the tacit authority to do it.

  12. WARNING!! When we see manoeuvers like this in the military of " THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, " it is definitely " A COUP PLOT IN THE MAKING." WATCH YOUR BACK!!!!!!!

  13. I think Trump did it to show people that he is in control of the military power and it can be used any time. How threatening!

  14. 😒😒Fired!!😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦

  15. This is very alarming! This sounds like Trump is setting up the stage for a possible coup! This is exactly the dictators' recipe to overcome defeat!

  16. Do people not learn anything from history? He is now forcing out many officials and replacing them with even more extreme loyalists. Trump is about to declare this a dictatorship and himself as President for life. This experiment in democracy is over.

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