Brooklyn borough president on NYC’s latest school closures – Car Mod Pros Portal

Eric Adams discusses New York City ending in-person learning in its schools and the latest state restrictions enacted by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Brooklyn borough president on NYC’s latest school closures”
  1. You are dumb as hell. Hospitals are full. My wife’s hospital is turning people away, it’s ridiculous and scary. My sister who’s a nurse is scared to death of catching this thing, her fellow nurses not so much, one has died that she knows personally, others are recovering. There’s a Lack of PPE and hospital rooms and you want to keep kids in school. Wtf.
    Where the f is the federal government in all of this? You know What is idiotic, a patient’s wife threatening to sue my wife if she puts covid as the cause of death on her husband’s death certificate because she thinks the virus is still a hoax. Seriously this is what the U.S have become.

  2. Black and Brown kids will be even further behind….
    All by design…they want everyone to be on the government handouts for life….
    Lack of education…is exactly what they want people
    Online school is a joke and most parents are not equipped

  3. Instead of closing schools why dont we embrace technology like Tracesafe. Its being used in Asia, won awards in Singapore. Used in construction, Health care and many more fields. No personal information is collected either.

  4. Governor and others are never going to win. Children have no power or control to protect themselves and be responsible to protect. If they don't protect the children and they get the virus and get sick to then the governor would be blamed. If the adults/parents refuse to follow the instructions and have large groupings at their home, children can pass the virus on at school to children whose family is following the rules.

    Wish everyone would stop whining about their rights,get on the same page, do what they are asked to do, play on the same team for a month or 2 until we get this thing under control, the we can get back to living.

    If people think being asked to wear a mask, stay home and distance themselves, they would be messed up living in countries with more dominate leaders – where they have no choice. If we just be grateful instead of stubborn, rebellious contrary we would have been past this already. Pray about it.


  6. Amazing Testimony of God completely Curing
    Pancreatic Cancer!!!
    My name is Dae Gyung Kim. I am the head pastor
    of Sarang Jeil Church in Ban Weul Dong,
    Hwaseong city, Gyeongi province.
    Our church is part of The General Assembly
    of Presbyterian Church in Korea.
    I was diagnosed with the deadly pancreatic cancer.
    One morning I collapsed suddenly and was rushed
    to the S Hospital in Seoul.
    Doctors told me I should begin to make
    my funeral arrangements.
    The cancer cells had already spread
    throughout my lymph nodes,
    stomach and intestines,
    and brain so there was no chance for me to survive.
    I received a death sentence.
    But God healed me miraculously.
    Through earnest request I once again received
    a CT scan, an MRI, a spinal examination,
    a radiation examination, a blood test, etc.
    These detailed tests revealed
    that all the cancer cells
    had completely disappeared from my body.
    Doctors said that this was impossible
    and that it was a miracle.
    I did not even go through
    with the 36 chemotherapy treatments
    that doctors ordered me to have.
    But a medically impossible healing did happen to me.
    Only by God’s grace did I receive healing from cancer.
    I was given the gift to heal diseases through intercessory prayer.
    I want to upload my testimony to YouTube
    to be a witness to the living God’s power
    I recorded a short, two minute testimony in both Korean
    and English so that this truth could be proclaimed
    over the whole world.
    I’m so filled with thanks
    that I am using the comment section
    to let everyone know what I have experienced.
    Surely God the creator is alive
    and is in control of all things.
    Please watch this video
    and share it with people close to you
    and let them know that there is a way to live.
    For those who desire their illness to be healed,
    If you leave your prayer requests
    in the YouTube comment section of
    <Reverend Dae Kyung Kim healing prayer>.
    We will pray on your behalf every Sunday at 4PM.
    For English speakers,
    you may upload your prayer requests in English as well.
    I hope you live a long and healthy life
    and afterwards, we are able to meet in heaven.

    (Youtube search : Pancreatic Cancer Healing Testimony)

    If you request a healing prayer by comment,
    I will pray in order within 30 minutes.
    Please write your name along with the prayer topic.
    I call each and every one to pray.
    Please watch the healing testimony
    and YouTube video posted at the beginning
    of the comment and pray with faith.
    The healing prayer time starts at 4pm every week.
    It proceeds once a week at the same time in order.
    I will continue to pray for those who requested prayer even during the morning prayer time every day.
    Please pray with Amen as you listen to the healing prayer video every day.
    If you pray for not only yourself, but for other patients, you will be healed.
    My wife, Kim Myung-sook, was also cured of diabetes while praying with tears for curing the diseases of the saints.
    I believe that God will hear you
    if you repent of all sins and pray
    with a pure heart.
    Please recover your health and devote your life to the church
    you attend and live a blessed life.
    Healing is done by God…

  7. The longer you MORONS wait to BREAK the REAL Story, (Dominion Computers) the WORSE YOU ARE GONNA LOOK TO THE PUBLIC, People will NEVER Believe you again, look at CNN being sold, IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU ALL ! !

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading across the world, and countless people are suffering. There is also the locust plague and floods. Do you think these are just coincidental occurrences? The Scripture even says that people will faint from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world. The day in which God brings His punishment upon this earth is this age because of the evil that people have committed. 2

    Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins.

  10. This guy is getting it from local businesses that just lost their work force. People are more important than profits. This is the same confusing messaging we received early in the year. Get in line with your local health officials. You’re just making excuses.

  11. Pres. Trump Re-election gaining momentum! You people in the media are Stupid! Giuliani torches the FAKE MEDIA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Confront the lying Media IN PUBLIC!

  12. Bombshell! David muir. Rudy just dropped a bomb on you and your coverage of the election and horrendous coverage of President Trump over the last 4 years. You have been the worst news originization since cnn. Hope you enjoy the ride to the bottom.

  13. Get your kids out of the indoctrination system that we call public schools. You have what it takes to school your kids at home. They turn out so much smarter, way more polite, and certainly better to be around. I schooled all 5 of my kids at home snd it was the best decision ever made.

  14. DO NOT FEED TROLLS. Often they can be relatively easy to spot: no avatar, simplistic names like Not Thinking or Tuesday Tim, few if any subscribers, inflammatory statements that contain no facts and recent YouTube join dates (check their channel’s about section). Sometimes they simply out themselves but if all else fails – listen to your gut.
    This is critically important to remember * To cause strife Trolls will take any combative position. They will sound like a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Progressive or even the neighborhood bully. DON’T GET SUCKED IN. * They exists to cause chaos and mayhem. * Ignore them. * No matter how tempting it may feel to react with a quip or kick – doing so only helps them. Ignoring them reduced their power – their ability to distract, disrupt, divide and upset our democracy is diminished. Oh, don't forget you can mute and/or report Trolls to YouTube. (See YouTube reporting guidelines.)
    T.H.I.N.K is the acronym children are taught to safely navigate cyber space but it applies to everyone. Ask yourself: T = Is it true? H = Is it helpful? I = Is it informative? N = Is it necessary? And the big one, K = Is it kind? These cyber security skills take practice but are well worth it when you stop yourself from falling into a troll’s trap. It is best to say simply good bye.
    Please share this post widely so we better manage our online activity. It will help prevent the spread of more COVID-19 misinformation. Limiting our time on social media is one of the best self-care steps we can take – even five minutes a day. Music and going for walks, breaks, help with stress, anxiety and depression management too. In fact, it may be the best first step in deprogramming Trump cultists, Qanon conspiracy theorists and doomsday religious zealots – remembering reality. Take care out there, stay safe and thank you.

  15. Is closing the schools "following the science?"
    This Brooklyn Mayor is a smart guy. Children are not effected the same way as adults by this virus.

  16. I hope the Corona virus go away soon so we could go outside of school😷🎒🏫

  17. I agree. They need to keep schools open. My 6 yr old is back and he is doing better emotionally. They wear masks and no visitors allowed in building past the office! Very safe!

  18. Health Minister Yuli Edelstein has asked that any approved coronavirus vaccine be covered under the Vaccine Victims’ Law, which would ensure compensation to anyone harmed by the vaccine.
    In a letter to Justices Amir Dahan, Gad Ehrenberg and Karen Miller, Edelstein said that it behooves “the State of Israel to prepare in advance for the use of the vaccine against coronavirus” and that “in light of concerns arising from the accelerated development of vaccines,” Israel should take a clear stance on the importance of being vaccinated for public health.

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