Many waiting for hours in food lines ahead of Thanksgiving – Car Mod Pros Portal

The pandemic has exacerbated a food crisis as 26 million Americans say their families do not have enough to eat, and at least 11 million children are suffering, according to an impact report.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Many waiting for hours in food lines ahead of Thanksgiving”
  1. True , your right! But it’s your fault! Why?
    Sorry my dear fellow Americans, but ppl are more concerned about Collin kaepernakai's career , pro football , plenty of money for war, and electing a jack ass for potus than your starving children. That’s why you never never never trust in the arm of flesh. It’s your own responsibility to feed yourself and store and grow your own food. Not all can do this I’m aware, and we need to generously help ppl caught in this crises, however, it’s a matter of priorities in your life. In other words, do your kids need th3 next Nintendo? Or Disney land? Remortgage your home for that stupid boat? And on and on… . I’m poor, but at least I have a yr supply of food, the basic of life, why don’t you? Really Not that expensive.

    Ps this is a bonanza for the left , a journalists dream to criticize, God, trump, … everyone but themselves

  2. Folks lining up in their Lexus and Mercedes Benz.. lol Are they living beyond their means? I mean, cmon. I don’t feel a shred of pity for that kind of people.

  3. 💞👑☆🇺🇸☆⭐🙏 🙏 🙏💜🕊🌹💜🎈⭐☆🇺🇸☆🌹💞👑💞


  4. Most of my family and friends who I give Christmas presents to really don't need more stuff. They are all doing OK and have what they need to get through this pandemic without much disruption to their lives. This year they are all getting a donation to their local food bank in their name from me. I think if we have enough money for gifts then we have enough to help our fellow Americans regardless of party or anything else. Many of our countrymen are hurting and their welfare is more important than some trinket or toy. Suggest you do the same. Tell your friends too.

  5. Yes, this is all because of the shut downs. If people can't work they can't feed their families and will starve. Doesn't everyone deserve the right to earn a living? It doesn't take a genius to know that our businesses and factories Must Reopen Immediately! What is the problem here? We have been living through this hell for 9 months already. Covid isn't going anywhere anytime soon!! But America is, if something doesn't change. Reopen America and put people back to work and let the healing begin. If others choose not to return to work then so be it. But the majority of Americans want to work and have a good life. You would think that since we elected these people they would have some common sense, and at least a shred of compassion for the folks who put them in office and some allegiance to their country. Not to say that all Govenors are like this but we all know the states where folks are totally being robbed of their freedoms along with the right to go to work, worship freely, and basically live their lives. But hey those in office are continuing to get their massive paychecks and enjoy wielding their power against the very citizens they supposedly Work For. I don't know about you but I would rather take my chances with Covid than with America's economy totally collapsing and we all end up dependent on these people who are causing this huge mess. Surely people do not believe that the government can, or will feed your family, pay your house payment or rent, your power and water bills etc. Guess what? Everyone is worried about Covid killing millions. How about the Millions of hard working Americans and their families, (the majority of the country) who will get Covid and live? Unless they are allowed to go back to work they will lose the ability to put food in their children's mouths along with losing everything they have worked so hard to obtain. The American dream will soon, very soon become a distant memory. You know all you can hear these days is how there are too many people. And people are killing the earth. I think it is high time we put folks in office that put the American people first again. So Unless the plan is to totally crush and destroy America why don't the Govenors and other government officials have the good sense to make it happen? If they don't agree to get our country back up and running they need to go! Because as of today Our rights and freedoms are still guaranteed by our Constitution. We need to stand up for our freedom or it will disappear just as quickly as 2020 has.. God Bless America! Lord save us, a nation gone astray.

  6. Pay attention to this footage of people waiting in line. They'll probably use it again to claim people are waiting in line to get vaccinated. You all can do what you want, telling you though…these lockdowns are designed to make you want to get vaccinated just so they'll leave us alone to live in peace. Don't do it. Ain't safe. Just my take on it. God bless.

  7. A lot of this is personal financial mismanagement. Buying houses, cars, gadgets, subscriptions, gifts, etc you simply can't afford but are told that you are in the world's "greatest country" and can afford this by putting it on your credit cards and taking loans.

  8. I know for a FACT many of these people are taking advantage of free food. Most of these people are far from underfed and l personally know some of those claming to need food gamble and continue to shop endlessly. People driving up in a lexus, Mercedes, Range or Range should be ashamed. What ever happened to saving money for emergengies? Sorry fake news once more.

  9. Yeah!! This is actually what the Socialist Democraps wanted,so that you can depend on the food stamps hand outs that they want to give,so that they can say they are willing to help the American people,this is actually what they wanted to DESTROY TRUMPS ECONOMY,even if people lost their lives with this CHINA covid 19 BS,CHINA AND THE DEMOCRAPS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BS.

  10. Prayers going up for all those in need of food. Father god i ask you to feed all of those for the holiday and many days to come. AMEN!!

  11. “I don’t know how I’m gonna eat for Thanksgiving…” because I gotta pay my $900 car note.

  12. Hey look, there are places you can go to get free food so NOBODY starves to death in this country. Even if you show up in a $80k Mercedes they still give you free food. In other parts of the world there are people who are legitimately in a "food crisis", but who gives a crap about them. We have a good make believe crisis here that we can politicize.

  13. Don't have enough to eat… and quickly adds "for thanksgiving". Uh, eat normal? Right, no, gotta have them super-spreader events because Grandma ain't coughing up that inheritance fast enough. And also sit in line with a $60K car wasting gas while some of us don't have cars and actually manage our below-poverty-level funds so we can get enough calories every day. Hell, I can't even accept food from food banks because I have severe food allergies, and end up having to buy overpriced basic ingredients from websites, but I STILL make it work. I get it, there are people out there who truly need help, but this was not a good news clip representing that and it's kinda doing the opposite.

  14. Biggest demand for food handouts since 1929. Looks like the economy is right back on track..right. Judge the wealth of a nation by the number of homeless and hungry….

  15. Waiting for food in fancy cars 😕? These aren't needy people, their cars are nicer than mine

  16. USA is a failed state. richest country in the world and can’t even provide a proper social welfare apparatus in response to economic crisis. it’s simply kill or be killed.

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