In Baltimore, a Greyhound bus driver shares a tale of heartache and financial stress in Season 2, Episode 14, The Stress Test.
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In Airline, cameras follow the pilots, flight attendants and airport employees of Southwest Airlines, capturing passenger outbursts and heartwarming stories as well as the interactions among the crew and staff.
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drunkest man off 6 beers award
Am I the only one who feels bad for the man with the dog and hope she is doing better now knowing that Snausages has probably since past.
Why tf do they overbook so many flights?!?!! 🤦ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Crying lady was a raging beep.
Why does the tie dye freak need a mutt? Hes already got his emotional assistance cocktail?
I think the dogs name might be sausages ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
6 drinks in 6 hours is NOT ALOT!!ðŸÂ¸ That's only 1 drink per hour!! ðŸÂ·That is in no way "Too much".😠I'd need another 6 drinks after to deal with these women. I know TONS of people who get a lil buzz on before flying!! I'm one of them. The funny thing is they don't want you getting ON the plane tipsy…. but they have ZERO PROBLEMS LETTING YOU OFF THE PLANE HAMMERED!! They push that lil boozer cart! They RUN THAT THING up and down the aisle as fast as their legs can carry them!!
There always seems to be a problem with people having too many drinks to get on the plane.🥂 They have received those drinks from the bar INSIDE the airport. No it's not the bartender's job to babysit people but they should have some type of procedures for people that drink before getting on planes. Like have the bartender say "hi welcome to such-and-such are you flying in the next 2 hours? " Something like that. Or put a ðŸÂ»drink limit on people if they're traveling within the next two hours. And irony at its best….Once you get on the plane they're shoving alcoholðŸÂ¸ down you as fast as they can move that cart. ðŸÂ¹There's something just not right about this and I think there could be an easily found solution.ðŸÂ·
That's all!! CHEERS! L'Chaim🥂. SKOL! !!
“My ears keep poppingâ€ÂÂÂÂ
… what a stupid complaint, lol.
I'm a bus driver, so I totally understand airline procedures
I think there needs to be some sort of guidelines for overbooking. It is just wrong.
Also just because someone is upset and crying doesn't mean they are drunk!
Airplane showman has a kid?!! Whatttt?!! He looks like that boy's grandfather, what you mean you wanna be around for a long time lol looks like you got 10 good years left
That dog doing whirlybirds on the runway cracked me up!
The boss level Karen
Gotta say I would NOT want the crying lady at the wheel of my Greyhound.
I get its annoying, but its 1 hour as compared to 3 days for the Providence passengers. They are making a huge deal out of nothing really.
Really? The Dead? I NEVER would have guessed…
I can’t stand drunk people
“Just kick me off the flight then!!â€ÂÂÂÂ
“Ok ma’am we’re going to rebook you for a later flight.â€ÂÂÂÂ
Surprised Pikachu face
Passenger: “I’ve just finished crying for a half hour. My ears are popping and now we have to go and up and down and up and down. What do you suggest I do? “
I suggest you quit begging for attention and get over yourself.
I love it. Everybody caught intoxicated only had “two beersâ€ÂÂÂÂ
Just a word of advice: don’t drink while you’re telling people you’re not drunk.
Someone needs to tell these people, you can be drunk…as long as you are drunk AND QUIET! When you see the camera coming….it is NOT your opportunity to become a star! If you feel the need to party…don't do it at the airport.
Do they not realize that flight is complicated? And that you need crew to function?
That pilot has such a cute family.â¤â¤
Deborah is not very bright
That hippie guy looked like Gary Busey ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Why do people’s dogs always match their personality so well lol
This show is usually people trying to talk their way ON to a flight. I’ve never seen someone work so hard at talking themselves OFF of one. Chris only asked to speak to Debra, and her first response was that overly dramatic, “Just go ahead and kick me off the flight!†🙄