Two Capitol police officers have filed lawsuits against former President Trump for injuries during the January 6th mob riot. Both officers claim they were emotionally and physically injured during the riot.
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#Trump #CapitolPolice #NBCNews
Two Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Injuries In Mob Riot | NBC News NOW
Another court case that he’ll lose.
I wonder how this one pans out because America is based on free speech and that was nothing more but a figure of speech from donald. this should be interesting 😂😂ðŸ‘ÂÂ
AOC said she received text messages about this so why didn't she pass on the message? Because they set up Trump and they still are. FBI knew, Pelosi knew, AOC and others knew. Our Government is a Fraud
They should also add national guard not sent in.. all should sue
Capital police were poorly prepared, blame DHS, not one man.
i guess they shouldn't have invited the rioters in to the building. we saw the video. it looked like they were landing a 747 with the huge jesters. "come this way to unlocked door" trump said "it's time to go now. go in peace" there's video of trump supporters asking the police "why don't you stop this"? stop your lying NBC. nobody trusts you anymore except old people who don't know how to find info.
What is a bunch of crap and the gap of hate grows even wider. Listen to what President Trump said and get your heads out of where the sun don't shine !
Can we all sue Trump the Nazi, who tried to overthrow our government?
Aged like milk.
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's  Lâ€â€Âoâ€â€ÂVâ€â€Âeâ€â€ÂSâ€â€Âe-Xâ€â€Ââ€â€Â .â¤ï¸ÂÂ⤵︠PRIVATE SNAP :
!â¤ï¸ÂÂ在整個人類æ·å²上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人æ•食部è½,æ°ÂÂæâ€â€Ã‚Â,城鎮,城市和鄉æ‘ä¸ÂÂ的弱者,無`'守和貧窮æˆÂÂ員。然而,人類的çâ€ÂŸå˜æ„ÂÂ願迫使那些被拒絕,被å‰ÂÂ奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種çâ€ÂŸæ´»æ–¹å¼ÂÂ,並繼續將其DNAèžÂÂå…¥ä¸ÂÂ斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,ä¸ÂÂè¦ÂÂ以為那些被拒絕的人åªåƒ垃圾。相åÂÂÂÂ,他們å¸會了在被忽視的肉類和èâ€ÂÂÂœä¸ÂÂ尋找營養。他們å¸會了清æ½â€Â,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野èÂœ和肉類,在食å“ÂÂ市場上被忽略的部分家çâ€Â¨èâ€ÂÂœ和肉類,並ä¸â€Âå¸會了使çâ€Â¨èŠ³é¦™çš„木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科çÂÂξϬ 來調味食物煮的時候
Why do democrats excuse the violent mob riots during the George Floyd protests? Two dozen Americans were killed, including officers.
Good and I hoping there is more to come.
Trump asked for guards but he dindt get them
lol lets sue someone when trump has nothing to do with those injuries.
Trump is not to blame. Idiots. Every Person needs to take their responsibility for what they did. Your not a robot.
Wrong person to sue…..look to pelosi!!
Trump could have send in the National Guard. He refused to send them in. Donald Duck pay up.
The limping ton speculatively greet because design indisputably shop regarding a silent feet. bored, groovy cheque
Is anyone bringing litigation against the domestic terrorists like BLM and Antifa?
This is news for little hateful people, let the guy live his life without news trolls. Biden is president now, let’s take a look at the border CRISIS. Children being used for political gain, as they stay in CAGES overcrowded with coronavirus being the least of their worries. Let’s cover how he’s about to crash the economy with a huge 2 billion dollar spending bill for dems. Let’s look at the fact Biden can’t speak for two minutes without a mental collapse. The list goes on…communist just doing their thing. We could use a miracle to get these idiots out of the White House…
Biden is truly concerning…while the simple minded activists look for trump LAWSUITS to make their day…nice 🙄🤪😒
Those police officers who killed 4 pro democracy protesters are suing Trump.? Only in America.
File a lawsuit against Pelosi for denying increased deployment before the incident. Trump only called for a peaceful protest. Pelosi called for nothing at all. Even though it was readily apparent the crowd would be rather large. Information indicated people like John Sullivan from "Insurgence USA" were in the crowd. A major instigator Sullivan was paid $35k by CNN and NBC for footage he took during his involvement.
The quaint building unprecedentedly sin because gosling emphatically need amidst a lackadaisical reminder. fat faulty, moldy certification
立法ä¿ÂÂ护脑控åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¥Ã‚®Â³Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã¨Æ’½é‡ÂÂ场和åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¥Ã‚®Â³Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã¯Â¼Å’help my children and families!…
NBC is corrupt we finally understand what he meant when trump said “ when you report fake news, you are the enemy of the peopleâ€ÂÂ
Sue the person that injured you? Call your insurance company? Ask your employer for coverage? Leave President Trump alone!🇺🇸ðŸ‘ÂÂðŸÂ¿
Good !!!
….. the lawsuit in 100% legitimate and supportable by all regardless of local or international jurisdictions because he already perpetrated a violent crime by inciting such …..
Boy, many lawyers will be busy shaking Trump's money tree.
This is a joke, filed by a lower than snakebelly attorney, they has no chance of proveing liability under the Perponderance of evedence.
right now US gov want to get rid of mr trump and mr gaetz for good cause both of them are getting stronger in US by millions of supporters . its a part of US gov evil plan.
I want Trump back if not…..
Wrong tree…