US marks 15,000 COVID-19 deaths in a week – Car Mod Pros Portal

Los Angeles County deputies arrested 158 people after a massive house party. The sheriff said California’s tighter restrictions will lead to more underground superspreader events.


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “US marks 15,000 COVID-19 deaths in a week”
  1. The suicide cult, branch covidians worship a mystery virus, like to
    continuously suffocate themselves out with a face mask, and believes in
    socially distancing rituals. Their suicide cult believes in continuous,
    lockdown massacres and economic destruction. Their scriptures are the
    mainstream media news ticker from Fauci and Gates, covidian cult leaders
    on t.v..This covidian suicide, cult tortures themselves with an unknown,
    mystery vaccine. They take insane medical advice from the other branch
    covidians inside the medical compound dressed up in costumes in white
    coats. They are clinically INSANE!!!! Part of the Agenda 21
    depopulation agenda experiment(s) used by the anti-humanist cultists who are also CLINICALLY INSANE!!!!!

  2. Frankly I believe that humanity must thank Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for his guidance and guardianship of quarantine and not to move from place to place

  3. I was cured of HIV with the use of natural herbs. I love herbs so much. Sometimes, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8months ago but i had to wait for some months and did so many tests during this period to confirm that i am truly cured. I suffered from HIV for 2years, but with the help of Dr Eguabor herbal medicines,i was cured within some few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes. As soon as i heard she had herpes,i referred her to the doctor and she was cured after drinking his herbs.I have since then referred about 4 persons and they were all cured from their various illnesses. Have you tried herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections, etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Dr Eguabor is a herbalist doctor,i believe he can help you if you can follow his instructions and drink his natural herbs. He has herbs that cures Covid-19,HIV, Herpes, Diabetes, Asthma, Hepatitis,he helps with money doubling,you can also contact him for spiritual powers etc. Contact Dr Eguabor by and WhatsApp him or call on:+2348107439905

  4. Since they charge heart attack strokes and diabetes and everything car accidents is covid deaths then I guess all these people died over the lies to hide what they really died of?!

  5. Do americans have access to international media cos the amount of stupidity here is amazing. they still think it's a hoax while the whole world was in lockdown for the majority of 2020.. death reports in other countries have nothing to do with US agenda how can they still think it is not true?

  6. Hi everyone my name is John Ngwanya from South Africa and i highly recommend Dr idemudia herbal product's, I was suffering from HIV for 3years until a friend introduced me to him and I got his herbal medicine which cured my hiv without any more outbreaks, he also cure different disease like
    1. HERPES
    3. STROKE
    5. CANCER
    if you need his help, you can contact him and get negative result Via whatsapp +2347082302017

  7. I really enjoying this 👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

  8. China – 87,000 Total Cases UK – 1,810,000 Total Cases United
    States of America – 16,000,000 And the Gold goes to USA…….USA #1
    USA #1 USA #1

  9. That's what they wanted people,because that's what they always talking about how many ☠ death,y'all are next according to the C.D.C.

  10. More than 30k people died yesterday across usa from car accidents🤦🤦

  11. It's not true because it's not real, and it's not real because I don't want it to be true! Therefore it's not real!

  12. This is extremely sad, the cure has been available long before Covid-19 existed!! All you people are being lied to and by reading the comments, everyone is believing this propaganda! Covid-19 has already been cured in multiple countries around the world. They don't want you to know, what the over the counter cure is. I work in a hospital in a deeply red state, we are curing Covid-19 with a in and out visit, in one day! Are people dying? Yeah, they are! Are people dying in hospitals in republican controlled districts? NOPE! I took the cure and been completely immune to Covid-19, I NEVER EVEN CONTRACTED Covid-19, even though I work with Covid-19 patients everyday! The over the counter medication, not only cures it, it prevents you from ever getting it in the 1st place. It's the exact same anti-viral, supplements, antibiotic and antibodies used in regeneron!

    The main stream news media and the democratic party is using Covid-19 to control you and keep you compliant to their wishes! I'm not feeding you lies or propaganda! What I say is REAL! This medication is not a vaccine, it's a anti-viral/immune booster and costs about $1.25 per person as a preventative and about $2.75 as a cure after contracting Covid-19! The pharmaceutical industry can't make any money off of this cure, so they are choosing to dismiss it! The saddest part about this whole situation is the fact that the NIH, FDA and CDC didn't order that we look at repurposed drugs in a attempt to treat Covid-19. They chose to focus solely on novel and expensive pharmaceutically engineered drugs, when they should have been looking at anti-virals like remdesivir, Ivermectin, along with a zinc supplement, doxycycline and monoclonal antibodies. That's IT!! I just told you exactly what regeneron is comprised of!

    We use this exact treatment every single day in our hospital and have been for most of the year! We have not had a single recorded death from Covid-19 in our hospital or our entire county that I know of! Many, many, many, doctors have come forward trying to show the NIH, FDA and CDC the results of this treatment on the sick and dying, these doctors are being silenced, having their license revoked and their lives destroyed for coming forward! I implore you to please listen to me very carefully. If you or someone you know, is suffering from Covid-19, copy the medications I have listed above and take them immediately to your doctor, ask them to please try this treatment and see what happens. I guarantee you that within hours, you will feel better and within 24hrs you will be cured and able to go home. This cure exists, it's not only for VIPs, it's not expensive AT ALL and there is enough currently available, world wide, to wipe this virus off the face of the earth, RIGHT NOW!

    Please stop letting CNN, MSNBC, ABC and the Democratic party, restrict and destroy your lives! Covid-19 is all about money and power! They keep trying to blame Trump, for the deaths from this easily cured virus, when in fact it's their own grab for money and power that's bringing this country to it's knees! Nancy Pelosi just said the other day that she denied the American People of a stimulus bill because of politics! She didn't get enough money and power from the 1.8 trillion dollar bill, instead she CHOSE to stand by, holding out for 3+ trillion dollars, while the American People lost their, jobs, homes, businesses and their lives!

    This is no longer about politics, this is about taking our country back from the evil within our government that has chose to stand by and watch us suffer and die! If you think Biden/Harris is the answer, you are sadly mistaken. Those two helped conjure up this torture on the American People. They continue to this day, shoveling garbage down your throat to keep you in fear and obedient to their agenda!

    I came forward with this information because I can't sleep at night, knowing that so many people are suffering and dying, over this grab for money and power. I can't tell you who I am, where I work or how I know all of this, out of fear from losing my job and having my life destroyed! I have probably already told you more then enough, to have my license revoked and my life destroyed, so please don't bother asking. I truly hope, at least a few of you will listen to what I have said. Our country is under attack right now, the only way we are going to win this, is by uniting together!

  13. Romans 10:9
    If you declare with your mouth,Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved ❤️☺️

  14. PatentUS-2006257852-A1Inventor





    This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent US-2006257852-A1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.



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    An outbreak of a virulent respiratory virus, now known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), was identified in Hong Kong, China and a growing number of countries around the world in 2003. The invention relates to nucleic acids and proteins from the SARS coronavirus. These nucleic acids and proteins can be used in the preparation and manufacture of vaccine formulations, diagnostic reagents, kits, etc. The invention also provides methods for treating SARS by administering small molecule antiviral compounds, as well as methods of identifying potent small molecules for the treatment of SARS.

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  15. Make is sound like a huge deal virus with a mortality rate of 0.01% 😂 be more worried about cancer lung disease heart disease Alzhimers.

  16. It has been an amazing journey with MR RYAN BURNNET During the pandemic I lost my job and things became rough for me so i decided to research about forex investment and i invested with him as my broker! I made $ 18,000 in 2 weeks with just an investment of $ 1200. I promise to share this so others can benefit too!!

  17. My son has allergies. They can't force me to give it to him. Also, look at who created the vaccine. Same people who own the bio lab where Covid19 originated from.

  18. This surge upon a surge is a logical result for a nation which lacks the following human qualities:
    *Trust in science,
    *Self discipline,
    *Common sense,
    *Self respect,
    *Regards for human life,
    *Law and order,
    *Courage to face facts and reality.
    US is in decline.
    It is God's will!

  19. COVID – Not even the CDC has a sample of the so called virus and they are the global authority; if anyone had it, they would be the one. When asked they could not provide one because as they said no one has it and they cannot obtain a sample. What they did was create a computer generated virus and that is all they have, sort of like the computer generated model that started all this by predicting 250 million dead. It is like saying you have a pink unicorn living in your back yard based on a piece of grass that was half eaten. We all know that pink unicorns are fairy tale creatures and so why do we still believe in fairy tales like COVID? How can you make a vaccine for something that no one has a sample of? If you had not noticed the flu all but disappeared and was replaced with the word COVID; exactly the same global mortality rate. As of yet I have not found any evidence supporting the existence of a virus called COVID, not one shred of credible evidence. Is there something about credible evidence that causes you headaches? I know it is easy to just believe someone with the word authority in their job description but let’s face reality, they are just people and there is nothing that says they are neither honest nor trust worthy. Why allow someone else to do your thinking for you when you have a perfectly good brain of your own to use and come to your own conclusions? All I see is fraud and lies and I base those conclusions on actual facts. Have you researched the Global Reset yet? That is one of the main drivers behind all the things we are currently experiencing.

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