The Million Dollar Heart Attack is likely to be had by ANYONE watching their gold plated shop car head for the wall! While the car only has about a $120k (Australian) invested in gold, the build wasn’t exactly cheap either! Queen Street Customs LOVES to stand out and they did not miss the bar with this GORGEOUS E46 BMW powered by a PAC Performance 20B ROTARY engine. As if swapping a rotary engine into a European chassis wasnt enough to get noticed, at least half the engine bay was plated with real GOLD! While still in the process of transitioning from show car to race spec, there is still a learning curve for the car and unfortunately there hasnt been a full pass made. However, once they get the new transmission, this may very well be the flashiest car running 6s in all of Austrailia!
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What a waste of money . I rather have a race car that works , and not just for show .
All that gold and it can't even get down the track. Damn.
All that money and it's still a B M trouble you…
I don't even wanna know how a "custom shop" can slang that much fuck you money around.
I think he turned a little yellow after that. Like being sea sick
Gold plated… Not real gold
A Rollers Only drag car💰💵
Could have spent some of that money to go faster. ??
That guy absolutely love's gold and his car!
As my Bosnian boss would say this man has glasses like windshield
Probably to heavy with all the gold plate on it….I'd rather spend what it cost in gold,to set the engine up and the rest of the car,no need for all that gold plate…after all the gold does fuck all for the car performance….
Way to "show off" the car
More money than brains.
It’s not like gold makes a car faster you can have a 5 second rusty car
Don’t believe me just watch
Gold's so heavy and soft though it's unreasonable. Looks amazing and sounds even better but really gotta be atleast a hundred extra pounds for all that gold plate
Catch me unbolting some shit on that car he finna go down the track and fall apart
That's just a Drug Lord driving a drag race
Hes making us good bmw drivers look bad
I honestly wish he would have crashed, he would have learned his lesson
If you can , you bling
Awesome car
I like how they try to make drag cars lighter and lighter….oh but lets chuck 50kg of gold on it! 🤓
ever have a wedding you know were to get the gold
at first i thought it said Hert attack form hoonigan
Wouldnt gold make the car heavy
This is what they meant when they say "Don't spend it all in one place, now!"
One fucking dumb ass