America in transition: How Biden will confront climate change – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reports on how the Trump administration’s policies impacted the climate, and how the Biden administration could take on combating climate change.

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “America in transition: How Biden will confront climate change”
  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, climate change will happen no matter what Comrade Wizard Biden does. The sun is getting bigger and will for the next million years. Stupidity, the real epidemic.

  2. "It is harder to help someone realize they been deceived, then to deceive."
    ~Mark Twain

    Typically when what comes out of a persons mouth does not correlate with what they practice something is likely rotten in Denmark. Exercise discernment people.

    Private jet belonging to family of Biden ‘Climate Envoy’ John Kerry emitted as much carbon as THIRTY SIX cars last year

    Watch "Biden Hits Trump on Climate Change: ‘He Doesn’t Have Any Real Answers’" on YouTube

  3. “The fact is there’s no such thing as Man-Made ‘Climate Change’”!
    “Climate change” is tax subversion! Biden was always the lowest scoring student in his classes! #DESPOTISM

  4. Biden has always stood for climate change. If we don’t do anything now our Childrens…children won’t have a planet to live on.

  5. If we are to be more sustainable with the planet we need governments to help and regulate. However, the most needed thing needed is inovation in technology and affordablity. People are dumb and the only way I see people actually taking action is of it is more profitable. We need more advancement.

  6. This country is so damn divided take a look at any comments on any video or post or even listen to conversations by both sides there is so much anger and hatred on both sides equally that it makes doing anything difficult because all anyone can see anymore is left or right thats it if the left does something its horribly wrong and disgusting to the right and if the right does something its horribly wrong and disgusting to the left its going to kill our country

  7. Believing this corrupt idiot will do anything other than line his sons pockets with corrupt deals assisting human trafficking like he has been doing for years.

  8. The climate change in our current interglacial period, the Holocene, is relatively muted compared to the larger-scale, rapid climate oscillations during the preceding glacial period. Paleoclimatologists continue to utilize techniques to characterize climate change in the mid-Holocene, around 5000 to 7000 years ago. The evidence tells us that land air temperatures declined, atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns changed, and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations increased during this period. We need to be very cautious when drawing conclusions between climate change today and the climate change of recent past.

  9. There are some smart people that have been selling their real estate and buying metals. Platinum is incredibly under priced, and has historically been higher than gold. It lowered as president Trump pulled us out of the climate accord. Biden plans to put America back in, have more polution controls. States, counties and cities will raise property takes. There are going to be many sorry real estate investors. Mortgage rates are at all times lows. We may see real estate take a dive when people realize that it would have happened already, but they lowered mortgage rates to stop the real estate crash, temporarily. Bitcoin will be worthless when people realize that it can not be used when the power is not working and most people won't take it. Thousands of very wealthy millionaires are going to find themselves penniless. Watch what is happening! Many changes are about to take place.

  10. As long as the world population increases 1 billion over the next 15 years, don't we need longer summers to produce more food for livestock and people. Don't we need a longer summer phytoplankton bloom to produce more oxygen (50-80% of oxygen comes from summer phytoplankton bloom). If we don't confront world population growth, we need a warmer climate.

  11. ABC – Absolute Bull Crap
    I think California, Oregon and Washington States should be penalized for all of the Carbon that has been released into the atmosphere due to their inability to control forest fires. Not only are the fires releasing large volumes of Carbon and other deadly planet killing gases into the air but those fires are destroying millions of trees which are the Earth's natural Carbon filter. So, not only did those States add thousands of metric tones of planet killing junk into the atmosphere but they reduced the Earth's ability to filter out any of that junk for many years to come.
    I think the Governors of those States should be given the most severe punishment possible but anyone else in their Administrations that has anything to do with maintaining, preparing or protection their natural resource should receive the same punishments. Somebody put that on a bumper sticker and start a movement to go after those people.

  12. Climate change may be a problem, but the cure will be worse than the disease. Vast sums of money will be spent, with little to show for it. Bad weather will still happen. Climate alarmists are an existential threat to our freedoms and our prosperity.

  13. Hi guys! if u care for the environment, please use Ecosia as your search engine. For every 45 searches u make, a tree will be planted somewhere. If you think this is fake, u can always check out their YouTube channel. Stay safe guys 🙂 bai bai

  14. President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 for the American people!!!!

  15. this guy is not my president. He has no real supporters, just a few confused elderly people and inner city liberals ashamed of their wealth and whiteness. I put my money on the confused elderly coming to terms first though lol.

  16. Go ahead ban more straws and plastic shopping bags, and car emissions, it's all a joke.
    The real 256 times more dangerous methane around the planet from industrial farms isn't talked about from politicians.
    Neither is population control..Children are a blessing right?
    The US environmental policies are a joke. "Feel good", "recycling" pretend measures…Go ahead pass the laws..Then watch it all burn…. There is no hope…Done deal..

  17. China is building about 1 coal fired power plant a week. If the US went to 0 the difference to global CO2 would not be measurable. The Climate agenda has ALWAYS been about taking wealth for the US and spreading it around the world, much like 70% of our stimulus bill

  18. Sounds great. That's what politicians do. Sound great. Roll back any progress, start a new 20yr plan that gets rolled back by the next Potus and tighten up the laws to make America safer.

    All the while nothing really changes but the size of the debt and their paychecks. The rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.

    If you don't like it, protest and be labeled as a terrorist. Create 40 million homeless and brag on 1 million new jobs.

    America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Right?

    Public executions and innocent babies in animal cages. No more shame just find someone else to blame and go on another vacation no matter what happens to the people, infrastructure or enviorment.

    When things are at there worse pass a bill for a pay raise or buy another home. O! Make sure to blame the last administration, that works great. People love someone to hate.

    We're really doing great for a country that's actually bankrupted and raising the debt ceiling to keep the government running. Any other country would be considered a shi+ hole.

    Our reaction is ours. We can attack each other or work it out together. At least we still have temporary freedom of choice.

  19. Climate matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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