Biden criticizes Trump administration speed of COVID-19 vaccine distribution | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Trump administration says there’s a lag in reporting after it promised 20 million doses would be distributed by year’s end. Only 2.1 million of the 11 million doses distributed have been given.




#WorldNewsTonight #JoeBiden #TrumpAdminstration #COVID19Vaccine


By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “Biden criticizes Trump administration speed of COVID-19 vaccine distribution | WNT”
  1. Fraudulent Joe learned to whine like a spoiled entitled Democrat elitist from Nancy Pelosi. Probably the end of America having this weak slack-jawed, corrupt Democrat as a president.

    Joe, come on man! Get CORNPOP in there, him and his "bad boys" will knock out covid. And I do want to thank you and your team for giving the country so much comedy material in these trying times. And above all joe chi man 😂 thank you for being so STUPID because everytime you open up that denture filled sewer hole nothing but laughs come out.

  3. What is covid was all made up, and then biden made himself win by fraud and now that we have vaccines it is actually to control us further?

  4. The world's highest prevalence of the CoVid-19 virus is the paradise (Taiwan) that foreigners want to enter, and it is also a refuge for presidents, leaders and CEOs in the world. This is a clean land for mankind. Please cherish that mankind has only heaven, and it is also the safest place in the world, and it is the ark blessed by God.

  5. Biden done nothing since the Virus..He kept safe hiding in basement..Glorify himself of President Trump works..Natural plagarist..

  6. I cannot believe joe Biden has even made that comment I'm sure everybody Thinking what I'm thinking. Just what the hell have you done joe Biden.

  7. Wow! The guy who lead the H1N1 pandemic, where 60 million people were infected before they just stopped testing, has the balls to criticize Trump. Hey Joe, didnt you call Trump xenophobic when he stopped travel from China? Way back in January, even before the W.H.O. declared the virus a public health emergency of international concern. Joe, if you were running the show during this we'd all be dead. You were just lucky that H1N1 wasnt as contagious or deadly… actually we were lucky.

  8. This is laughable at best. Biden like Trump can't do it neither can I. Just letting you know before I take office it's all trumps fault. What a joke!😂😂😂

  9. What's Biden going to do join the factory workers making it? Maybe if they didn't spend 4 years stopping trump the USA manufacturing base would be larger. Biden will send jobs to his friends in China, the country who released the virus onto the world. Criminals rewarding criminals the democrats way of government.

  10. The essential data collected by me on phase 1 of the Pfizer vaccine trial, which can be evaluated on the basis of logical-linguistic parameters, can be summarized as follows: 1) FDA, in a document of 11 December 2020 with which it approved the Pfizer vaccine, which bears the pompous title "FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine", claims that the efficacy of the vaccine, based on the data provided by the trial, reaches 95%, but in its final evaluations it states verbatim that "At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person, namely: " 2) AIFA, in the faq n. 31 of its official website, it is not known on the basis of what data other than those provided by the FDA, reduces the percentage of effectiveness to just over 90%, but admits in turn that "a portion of vaccinated people will not develop the immune defense ", And above all that" we still do not know definitively if vaccination only prevents the manifestation of the disease or even the transmission of the infection ". 3) The New England Journal of Medicine, in an article written by the leading scientists, entitled "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine", states that "few participants in both groups had adverse reactions that led to withdrawal from the trial. No deaths were considered by investigators to be vaccine-related or placebo-related. No deaths associated with Covid-19 were observed. No stopping rules were met during the reporting period. Safety monitoring will continue for 2 years after the administration of the second dose of vaccine "Regardless of the general insignificance of the whole, we still acknowledge that there are no people who died of placebo: it is already something. In practice, despite the alleged effectiveness between 90% and 95%, for now we are dealing with a vaccine conceived as follows: a) it is not known "definitively" whether the vaccine prevents the manifestation of the disease. b) it is not known whether and for how long it provides protection; c) it is not known whether it can prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 from person to person; d) it is already well known that it will not be able to immunize all vaccinated subjects;


    If someone asks himself about the things that surround him and does not find logical explanations for certain events, even scientific ones, he has every right to be a “denier”, if ever this word makes sense in such a delicate issue for the health of citizens as the experimentation and use of a vaccine.
    Regarding the new vaccine Pfizer, for example, I cannot understand the logic inherent in the comparison between the “adverse reactions” found in the control group and those that occurred in the placebo group. In fact, I wonder how it is possible to compare the adverse reactions of those who have taken a vaccine with those who have not taken it, since the only element in common that binds the two groups is only a skin injection and not what was injected in the body? Apart from the material consequences of this injection, in fact, the adverse reactions of the control group were caused by the intake of the vaccine, but those of the placebo group from what? Ultimately, any complication that occurs in the placebo group cannot provide a comparison with those in the control group, unless one improperly considers the onset of the disease in someone of the placebo group for not taking the vaccine, fact which cannot be proved, and which, in any case, is certainly not an adverse reaction to anything.
    In light of the above, and taking into account the fact that both FDA and AIFA, in their official documents, admit they don’t know either the vaccine coverage times (if it ever exist), or whether the vaccine itself is able to prevent person-to-person transmission, is not conceivable that someone, even only at the level of hypothesis, plane to make this vaccine mandatory.
    Things are the same for the Oxford and Moderna vaccines.

  11. The funny thing is Trump is WINNING and there is nothing you can do about it 😝😜😛🤪

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