By the Numbers: China 1 year after the coronavirus

By the Numbers: China 1 year after the coronavirus

A look at how the countrys health and economy are faring one year after China first reported the coronavirus in Wuhan last December.

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38 thoughts on “By the Numbers: China 1 year after the coronavirus

  1. i don't understand why people still live in their bubble and always question the statics number, do you know China has a population 4 times as US? if you calculate china by US infection rate, it would be 88M cases and 1.4M death. it is impossible for any regime to hide 1.4M corpse and 88M sick people in 21 century without been noticed, now everybody has phone camera. Wake up

  2. I know there are lots of people who do not trust the data. But I am now going to restaurants and traveling all I want in China, with almost no risk of getting infected. I have seen restaurants packed with people all day here, while my home city has been free of cases for quite a few months. You have all the right to not trust this, but if China has been concealing the true numbers, you honestly think that China could survive for one year since the pandemic starts, given how powerful this pandemic is? The virus is not going to stop spreading just because people want to conceal the fact. Meanwhile, I heard that some scientists in the US are fired simply because they do not want to fabricate COVID-related data. Who is trying to conceal the fact now?

  3. If you were some brainwashed sheeple the following maybe a shock to you. Call it Deep State Trump Flu would definitely be more accurate than some "Godzilla China flu."
    Fun facts & timeline:
    – 10 Nov 2015 New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to humans, no treatment available
    Note: US has been gathering a lot of bats prior to that, mostly for experiments in some of their deadly gem lab around the world.
    – 2016 UK mock NHS Exercise: Operation CYGNUS, assessment of NHS capability, seven weeks into a pandemic ('A deadly respiratory virus' from Asia) [setup by Imperial college of London]. Findings: Shortages of PPE, Ventilators, Critical Care Beds, General NHS capacity, Overflowing Mortuaries.
    – 27 Dec 2016 NHS fails to cope with bodies in flu pandemic test.
    – 2017-2018 tests carried on DOD personnel during that influenza season. Report published in Oct 2019 by Armed Forces Health, ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference.
    – 25 Dec 2018 “the flu is on the rise, but another nasty virus is also going around.” “
    – Mar 2019, MODERNA COVID vaccine patent amendment warned of “deliberate coronavirus release” 9 months before COVID-19
    – Mar 2019 Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows (Reuters)
    – Mar 2019 Whoopi Goldberg believes she had some form of COVID-19 having suffered from pneumonia and sepsis for several weeks. “I’d never been that sick in my life. It was crazy.”
    – Mar 8 2019 US government approves experiment to create a type of bird flu that 'could kill millions of people.'
    -. (by a Bulgarian investigative journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva)
    – July 2019 CDC closed US Army Fort Detrick bio defense center (a bio-warfare division) due to deadly gem research level 4 or serious severity level warning.
    – July 11 2019 a total of 63 individuals out of 263 residents in the assisted living retirement community and skilled nursing sections of Greenspring have become ill with symptoms ranging from upper respiratory symptoms (cough) to pneumonia. 23 have been hospitalized with 3 deaths associated with the outbreak. No cause for the illnesses has yet been identified.
    – Aug 19 2019 Washington Post headline- Officials: Nearly 100 Cases of a Mysterious Lung Illness Could Be Linked to Vaping (by Lena Sun & Lindsey Bever).
    – Sept 2019 US reported there were 1080 cases of unknown pneumonia in 48 states, 18 deaths & were classified as e-cigarette death. Yet same type e-cigarettes have been sold for years.
    – Sept-Nov 2019 sudden illness spikes killed 12,000+ Americans. It was classified as influenza and e-cigarette death out of the 19 million influenza patients of which 120,000 hospitalized.
    – Oct 18-27 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, China. US athletes (300+) and personnel (100+) participated and resulted at 35th place, United States (USA): 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze. Five of those US athletes were sick & were taken to a local military hospital during the game; went home without waiting for the rest of the group 2 days prior & left via a private military plane.
    – Oct 18 2019 Event 201 (Global pandemic drill) participants: John Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    – Nov 2019 First COVID-19 case was reported in Wuhan.
    – Nov 2019 France had Covid-19 in November, hospital says after analysis of chest scans (reported on 8 May, 2020)–QpD871eNhu/index.html
    – 27 Nov 2019 SARS-CoV-2 in human sewage in Santa Catalina, Brazil, November 2019
    – 30 Nov 2019 Government figures (blood samples of 2019) proved US already has widespread COVID19 population of 4,709,670 in 2019 – from Oxford University Press 30 November 2020 or NPR 12/1/2020 article referenced it
    – 18 Dec 2019 Italy’s sewage water shows SARS-CoV-2 present prior to reported outbreak in Wuhan
    – 27 Dec 2019 a doctor on French BFM TV (May 3, 2020) said tests showed a patient diagnosed with pneumonia near Paris in December actually had the coronavirus. The patient had not been to China and one of his children was also sick.
    – 7 Jan 2020; new antibody testing reported on May 11, 2020 shows that symptoms for at least five cases of the COVID-19 were present in Ohio in January, Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton said.
    – 8 Jan 2020, A Montrose resident Almeta Stone’s sister die of COVID-19.
    – 8 Jan 2020; another news article heading: Flu season is hitting hard already. ‘People feel like they have been hit by a bus.’ Health officials had warned the 2019-2020 flu season could be one of the worst in history. Although the season tends to peak in February, in South Florida, doctors report they are not only treating two strains of the flu, they are also sending people to the hospital with complications such as pneumonia. “About 80 percent of the cases we are seeing involve some type of respiratory illness,”
    – Early Jan 2020, Dr. Helen Chu, a disease specialist in Seattle, had the ability (and instinct) to test for coronavirus in early January. But officials told her she wasn’t allowed to test and sent her a Cease and Desist letter, her story even got on New York Times.
    – Feb 2020, top US execs dumped $9B of stock before virus hit. Some congress people did the same.

  4. 来中国吧~这边机会很多~不会中文也没关系的~

  5. Can you report actual news… I’ve heard this for 1000th time! STOP POLITICIZING COVID19

  6. The number in the US is high because every hospital puts down that anyone who dies it was because of covid 19 just so they can get money. It is not even covid related deaths but they count is as such.

  7. Why not interview the brave Chinese news reporters that LONG ago tried to inform the world that China’s number were past 200k around APRIL!? The countries crematoriums are running 24/7 and burning, in some cases, 2 bodies at a time. America has no reporters anymore. Just talking heads that like to huddle up in semi-circles and have “opinions”. 😒😤

  8. Anyone remember the stink that the media made when Trump was calling it the 'Wuhan Flu' and how Nancy Pelosi went to China-town and actively begged for people to come and gather en masse without distancing from eachother at all?

    Yeah me neither, anyone who remembers that bit of history has to be a murdering white supremacist.

  9. Fauxvid-19 never existed in China😑

  10. Did you know. M.S.M HAS wined And dined with the CCP/ CHINA communist party. ABC, CNN, CBS, NYT, NBC. L.A TIMES AND MANY MORE.know wonder they attack Trump 24/7. Are media and are leaders are being influenced by China in a big way.this is a serious problem. Biden also has lots of ties to China. People you better wake up. We're under attack from inside and outside. Scary as hell

  11. 😂😂😂

  12. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Amen!
    Repent and turn from sin! Obey God's sacred 10 Commandments! Time is running out!

  13. PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE – How stupid can you get? Lead by the mainstream media and the democrats – I'm no genius and I came up with this conclusion several months back when the COVID numbers were going crazy – PRIMING THE PUMP for Biden to come on his white horse to save the day – THIS IS ALL BS!!!

  14. Wait for the so called contagious variant to hit china or is it already there. 79.3% effective wont be an issue since only 90000 people have had covid there. Here we have 95% effective where many wont take it.

  15. Wow, this comment section is really restoring my faith in the average Joe. I don't see one comment that actually believes this crap. Makes me question the intelligence of The producers though…

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