Dubai rings in 2021 with elaborate fireworks display – Car Mod Pros Portal

Watch as the impressive fireworks display lights up the sky over Dubai.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Dubai rings in 2021 with elaborate fireworks display”
  1. My husband dumped me for another woman 5 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don’t know what to do, so I visited the internet for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster call (Dr Godfather) help them to get their ex back so I contacted (Dr Godfather) and explain my problems to him. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the 2nd day my boyfriend came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you for helping me to get my love back and your love spell is truly perfect, you are truly talented and gifted i will continue to publish your name on the net because of the good work you are doing. If you need his help contact him now through his email: or WhatsApp +234 7062606817

  2. shame on you for blocking the comments sections on the youtube videos on your QAndA channel ABC, there are important discussions that need to take place on forums such as these, and you are part of an obstacle to this free speech, shame on you ABCQandA – ABC, are you a broadcaster for the public or not? #ShameOnABCQAndA

  3. +++++Trump has opened the way for death by firing squad, electrocution, poison gas, to the already used lethal injections, for Americans after December 24. Hitler powers. Get the facts as to what is going on. Alex Jones has been saying Americans are fat and stupid, but it is you Alex, that are stupid. You are trying to get Bill Gates killed, by your lies, just as you have done to other people. Saying Bill Gates is going to force a vaccine on America. Trump has been the one behind the vaccine(operation warp speed), where he will have the military administer a forced vaccination to all Americans in 24 hours, by General Gustav Perna. In Canada it is Major General Dany Fortin, that will vaccinate Canadians. The military is dealing with corona virus in UK(Britain). In Australia they have supposedly only 8 cases of corona virus, and armed military is forcing quarantine, including armed checkpoints. In Canada, Randy Hillier(not the General doing forced vaccinations) revealed the Canadian Government's concentration camp plans(through the Government's own documents), Government falsifying of Corona virus numbers and falsification of the hospital numbers, was fired retroactively it seems. He made the statements in 2020, but there is information spreading that he was let go in 2018. There is a cover up going on. It is not Antifa doing this to the world, but your long ruling suppressors. Read on! Alex Jones is trying to tear down those trying to make you free, and others who's businesses jeopardise Trump/ AlexJones/ Big business/ Government/ Pope fortunes. They are systematically destroying people and businesses. Alex is Trumps militia leader and propaganda man. ( ( ( ). Look at what happened at UC California, when they were trying to find and kill me. That should wake people up to the reality of what is happening. Trump can make the economy perform well, by guting safety, the environment, and stripping the poor, but in the long run chaos. The great reset was supposed to be the setting up of a system, where the people of earth, would share in the proffits of the world, with a 24 hour work week, and a highly productive society, where every single person on earth has property to build a home. The great reset is where society stops recognizing people who follow satanic organizations that enslave people. Mankind is willing to over look their evils of the past, done in ignorance, if they turn to doing good. Hence the name, the great reset. If these evil suppressors don't change, then they will be considered outcasts of humanity(that is where their weeping and nashing of teeth will be). They will have brought it upon themselves. Don't talk to or listen to them, basically have no dealings with them. By being against God, they have made themselves enemies of humanity. These people would not be killed, but just be outcasts, but they are trying to kill all people who might prevent them from continuing their reign of terror. There are people spreading fraud, that no one will own any thing, which is absolutely ridiculous. It was supposed to be a system of equalisation, but the Royals and government fat cats, have turned it in to terror, extermination and condensation of power. The false systems know they are a fraud, so they have resorted to killing, to suppressing freedom, just like they always do. Most people are not violent like they are, so people do not know what to do to counter their terror, when they control most aspects of life. They want to bring us back to the past, where they controlled all things. The Pope of Rome, runs the Vatican City State, which actually is a Country. He has his own flag, and crown, in fact he has a tripple tiered crown, which is on the Country's flag. The triple tiered crown, which is on the flag has 666 written in Latin, on it. The Pope is the ruler of the City above the Kings of the earth, mentioned in Revelation/ Apocalypse 17,18 of the Bible. It mentions there, that they are clothed in scarlet(Catholic Cardinals) and purple(Catholic Bishops). It mentions, that in this Church Empire alliance, is found the blood of the prophets, holy ones, and all slaughtered from the earth. The way to defeat them is for every one to tell hundreds of people about the fraud until every one knows. They also know this, that is why they keep locking people down, and then going in and slaughtering the people who know. People through out history have been such cowards, that the system has been able to keep going, unhindered, although many people were oblivious(they had no idea what was really happening in order to act) to what was happening. Don't raise up your weapons, but raise up your voice. A good idea to have a weapon to defend your self though. The Roman Papal system killed the people of the Americas, those during World War Two, Rwanda, Asia, every slaughter on earth. The people could stop it all in one day by working together. England is part of the Roman Empire, but it pretends to have parted ways. This is a false reality. The Magna Carta treaty, proves that the Pope controls the nations of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, others and the Countries these nations conquered. Their "mark" usually hangs from their necks, flags, shields and it symbolizes their religious political system. Revelation/ Apocalypse 17, 18 calls it the Church riding the Roman Empire(Roman Catholic Church, and daughter religions). The Bible says, that they force people to worship and accept the mark of the Empire/Church, or be put to death. From around the year 538 Rome had decread the death penalty, for any one observing the Biblical Passover, or Sabbath. Just as the Bible had said, but the time period for that ended 1260 years later at the French Revolution, and birth of the US, just as the Bible had said. That's when the control of the Empire shifted from Rome to Constantinople(now Istanbul Turkey). In 1929 Lateran Treaty, Catholic leader Mussolini restored the Papal State of Rome Italy, which was the death blow recovery mentioned in the Bible. Revelation and Daniel fortold these things(Daniel12:4, 1Peter1:12) The cross or X symbolizes the belief system of Rome. The crossing of truth with error. It symbolizes the 10 nations that originally made up the Empire. X in Latin means ten. Daniel 2:44 mentions 10 kingdoms being destroyed by God's Kingdom. The Pope is the master of puppets, pulling the strings. (Pay attention to the lyrics( Alex Jones, has already called for the mass execution of American citizens. ( God created man to live for ever, in peace and happiness, and he will return that to mankind. Prince Charles is talking about going to war, to seize control. He is not wanting to set up God's Kingdom on earth. He has been very happy, living off the people's money, and keeping them suppressed and in darkness. If every one on earth shared the earth's profits, and had their own property and house, this world would see a peace and prosperity like never before. Prince Charles talks about a marshal plan.(marshal law). Magna Carta, talks about how to deal with people waking up. It says to take away all their freedoms, so they can not even leave their houses. Then the Pope will compensate them for their extermination of the people. If only there were some people, who were not so lazy, that they would look in to things, for the sake of their offspring. Should I quit telling you about these things? God says that no coward will inherit God's Kingdom. It must be very difficult for people to just say, I don't care if they rape and steal and kill, I'm too much of a coward to do any thing. All you have to do is every one tell every one else, until all people know. Do it very quickly, and then they will not be able to kill, like they are doing under the guise of a corona virus, like they did under the guise of a typhus virus during World War Two. They exterminated over 12000000 then, and the Pope, had said there would be over 13000000 million exterminated in the US alone and maybe more now. Catholic Adolf Hitler used pellets of Zychlon B, which turned in to a deadly gas, that would suffocate people, when exposed to air. They would also put an exhaust pipe in to people's windows, or pick people up for quarantine with a truck, that the vehicle's exhaust would go in to the passenger area, killing or causing breathing problems. Are you willing to do the research, and use your voice to make people know the truth? The Bible says, you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. The Bible also talks about the Kingdoms of the world becoming the Kingdoms of God. Imagine every one on earth being an equal, home owning, productive person. It's only greed that keeps this from happening. The Bible, refers to the Church riding the Roman Empire (Roman Catholic Church) as being responsible for all those slaughtered on the earth. Time to make a real change, and not slaughter, in the name of a Church, that God says is fake. Trump sent a cure, earlier in the year to Brazil, and soon after they were having mass graves of 20 000+. America never had a cure at that time, so what did Trump send there? A health expert said that people were dying from the cure. German(Nazi) BioNtech has vaccine for the military to exterminate you. Locking of people down in groups, can not be justified moraly or legaly, only sick people need to be isolated, in a real case scenario. Read the book of Esther of the Bible. When you go to testing area, no phones allowed, why? Military nurses end your life, no witnesses. Flu like symptoms come from being radiated. View( ) OOOOOO O Please pray for me, and video record, copy and paste text and read it later, or give to others! O OOOOOO

  4. 😘😍😇😻👵👴👩👨👧👰🐰


  6. Éstos si que es futurismo, no veo fuegos artificiales así de ningún país.😮😱

  7. My husband left me and said he no longer loves me after spending 9years together, We have a beautiful daughter of 5 Year and I was not able to understand just how someone can fall out of love after 9years the fact that he feels the way he does He no longer wants to do anything with me talk to me or see me I feel that our marriage can be saved but it was miserable when my husband doesn't want anything to do with me. few weeks ago i found good testimonies in marriage forum on how dr Ojiefo help people get there ex back and i also shear my problem to dr Ojiefo after 48 hours my huband came home unespectedly and he appologisesd for every of his mistakes i just want to thanks dr Ojiefo for everything he did to returned my husband back home. To save your marriage reach out contact information, via whatssap: +2349055497048

  8. i want to recommended Dr. Ojiefo as the best spell caster from Africa, he is a good and guanine man who love help people, i came across his testimonies online and how he help people bring back their lover, at first i thought he was one of those scammer but i decried to try but to my greatest surprise he didn't a good job and my love is back and
    will a living together as one. all this was because of dr jakela, you can contact him today and get your problem solved you him on whatsapp at +2349055497048 or email him at :

  9. Covid 19 to Covid 21: "Hey bro, my world tour was great. I even got to see some fireworks last night. You gotta last the whole year, if you wanna catch some fireworks at the end of it. Enjoy!"

  10. 🇦🇪🤝🇦🇲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Just praying for your sins to be forgiven, and saying the name of Jesus at the end of your prayer will not make your sins that are red as scarlet be white as snow. In this time of disaster and pandemic like COVID-19 Fathe God is calling you now to come before His Word, and be guided into all Truth through the Spirit of Truth, and truly wash away your sins.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading across the world, and countless people are suffering. There is also the locust plague and floods. Do you think these are just coincidental occurrences? The Scripture even says that people will faint from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world. The day in which God brings His punishment upon this earth is this age because of the evil that people have committed. 3

  13. 🚨With the Wuhan biological weapons, the Chinese Communist Party killed 350,000 Americans, killed 1,750,000 people around the world, and caused trillions of dollars in damage.The CCP threatens to seriously expand the World Military and Economy. In 1950, the CCP invaded Tibet States and suppressed strongly. The CCP invaded the Uyghur East Turkestan State and the CCP called Xinjiang. The CCP makes the indigenous population in: Tibet, Xinjiang, Hui Ningxia, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia severely reduced.CCP genocide for human organs.Help the East Turkestan State, State of Tibet … escape the invasion of the CCP zombies. CCP zombies seriously threaten to invade and expand the Sea East, East China Sea, Taiwan, India, … CCP invaded 200 nautical miles of many countries to exploit seafood. The CCP Supports Pakistan to fight India, support Iran, Korea, … to fight the Americans and the Allies. The CCP threatens to expand 'global supply chain' and to expand Military, threatening 'debt trap expansion with many countries'. The CCP brutally persecuted, imprisoned and killed people in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, … Over the past 30 years, the CCP has stolen technology, copyright, and confidential information through Huawei, ZTE, … and Chinese people living abroad. The CCP 'drinks all the water of the Mekong River in the dry season and floods downstream in the rainy season. The CCP has invaded and seriously threatened 'border invasion' of 13 neighboring States. The CCP invades the Economy of many countries: '' by people of Chinese descent who live and naturalize in our Country. They hold many important companies and hold 60-80% of the Economy of many Countries.The United States, the Allies, the United Nations, International Law, WTO and International must immediately remove the CCP's zombies. CCP zombies must be severely punished..🇺🇸🇪🇺🇯🇵🇬🇧🇦🇺🇮🇳🇮🇱🇨🇦

  14. They did the damn thang wow I know Where I’m going for New Year’s eve

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