British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a strict nationwide lockdown Monday as a new variant of the novel coronavirus continues to spread and strain the country’s health care system.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #UKLockdown #Tier5


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “England enters new national lockdown l GMA”
  1. The lockdown is the UK isn't a lockdown if you are working class! All my family is at work all my friends are! It's exactly the same just with no socializing at the weekends!!

    No wonder the suicide rates are going up

  2. A healthy man doesn't need to be vaccinated of any covid 19 vaccine because covid 19 is not harmful for everyone and the vaccine is not a solution because covid 19 mutilated itself with time second thing, can a vaccine treat body inflammation or pneumonia? answer is no! and the third thing is. it is not covid 19 that Killing people because if it would have been happened corona kills every affected patient. it is our body's overwhelming action on corona that makes the situation worst and because of this patient's body get inflamed and later he faces cepticemia and it is a cause of death . It is patient's body that has capability to produce antibodies against covid 19 no matter what type of virus is that. but it needs time and the patient has to save his body to be inflamed. and it is the way the patient can avoid inflammation till the body produces antibodies against the virus. Believe or not we can stop our body inflammation by controlling our eating habits it is possible. I am a patient of pneumonia myself and I was fed up of allopathic treatment but I followed some aurvedic instructions and some research was done by myself , today I am hundred percent healthy. I don't take a single pill to treat pneumonia because I don't face it since last two years. There is no possible vaccine for corona and only Ayurveda can save from this mysterious virus. millions of experimets have been carried out no result. If someone gets affected with covid 19 he should eat only the following things. if a corona patient eats the following things his body would not produce mucus and he is safe – the things are – wheat, gram(chana) , white sugar, milk ( milk from animals) and all products made from milk(milk from animals) , salt, red chili, mutton, chicken, fish, mustered oil, tea, masoor dal(peagion food ) ,green leaves but not Cobbage, remember all this products mustn't be contaminated and they must be pure. if the patient eat these things and don't eat enything else and follows these instructions strictly. it is nothing but common cold. it takes 15 to 18 days because the patient has already eaten something that his body would take 15 days to stop producing mucus and the patient must wash his nose with hot water. I mean warm water and inhale hot water thrice a day by his nose and he shouldn't mix the cold water into the hot water to get the temperature down because if he does so. I don't know why but the result will be zero. so to get the temperature down either the patient can pour the water or he should wait for some time. I think
    Patient nose is a heaven for the virus because neither body's action nor medicine works there the patient must wash his nose. how, it is on himself because virus enter into the lungs from here and the patient get affected again and again. it is my personal experience and please have a trust on it.the patient mustn't eat the fruits neither a single bite and others vegetables besides green leaf because fruits and vegetables are the main source or cause to makes our body producing mucus. It means if the patient follows the said instructions his body never get inflammation and a healthy person doesn't need to follow this formula. It is for those who are under threat and either they have a history of pneumonia or they are in their old ages and patients of diabetes or at high risk. besides them no need to worry it is only common cold nothing more. I am a patient of pneumonia and I have been researching on pneumonia for last 18 years. if the patient trusts this thing. and applying this thing. he never need a vantilater and he never going to face any worst or a death. do you know why the death ratio is less in poor countries. it is the reason. the poor people don't eat fruits and vegetables as much compare to the richer and mostly the rich people have been dying with corona. a six month old child never faces pneumonia because he fed only its mother's milk. a wild animal never face pneumonia because he never eats another feed besides green leaves, a man never faces pneumonia if he eats the said things. friends pneumonia made my body too sensitive. so I discovered this thing. it took me 18 to 20 years to sort out these things. I have faced corona and it took me 16 days
    To get rid of it and it was like a some different kind of cold for me because I am on the said diet already but if I won't have known this thing I would be a dead man yet for sure.
    Note: vitamin c daily value is different for different people. a patient of pneumonia needs very little amount of vitamin c and green leaves like spinach and lettuce can full fill this need

  3. Under the pretext of the global "pandemic" the following goals are achieved by the largest capital (all of them are aimed at overcoming a massive economic crisis, at the heart of which lies the crisis of overproduction, in other words, what we are witnessing is Great Depression 2.0 covered up with a "deadly virus"):

    – closing down plants, factories and even whole industries (i.e. slowing down the production process in order to let old products gradually dissolve and stop the production of new ones; dealing with not only oversupply of products, resulting from incorrect distribution, but also services)

    – downsizing workforce (because many workers are simply not needed when there is an overproduction of goods)

    – killing off small and medium businesses in order to replace them on the market (this always happens during an economic crisis, a small capitalist gets eaten by a big one; for example, the so-called "swine flu" helps to effectively bankrupt smaller businesses, magically avoiding huge corporations p.s. no, China is not a socialist country)

    – cutting expenses on healthcare and education (millions of operations have been cancelled, medical staff has been getting laid off; schools and universities are switching to remote learning with plans to replace teachers with video lectures)

    – fighting and slowing down the inevitable revolutionary uprise (protests and strikes resulting from downsizing, loss of small and medium businesses, loss of democratic rights etc) by banning social gatherings, putting muzzles on people's faces and demoralizing them

    – intensifying economic exploitation (cancelling bonuses and freezing salaries; making people work overtime under the pretext of "difficult times for us all"; not paying wages for several months etc)

    – maximizing profits, making billions of dollars out of thin air by forcing millions of people to buy a product they don't need (surgical masks against a respiratory virus, sanitizers, gloves, electronic thermometers etc. The daily profit from masks alone is so gigantic that they are for sure to remain with us forever now, until people abolish them) ,

  4. Yep we are screwed here in London. Our third lockdown. My heart goes out to anyone suffering mentally or those that lost life. Had a baby in June lockdown we still in lockdown. Enjoying my family however not many are fortunate

  5. National lockdown is months to late with 10 of thousands of deaths a week these deadly viruses are far worse than in March last year NHS will never cope with the deaths ⚘

  6. Feb 1st 2021 is "Show Your Face!" day. We will be celebrating by removing our masks and socializing on this day, and every day
    thereafter. Go to a party! Go out to eat! Show your face!

    Happy Show Your Face day, everyone!

  7. Why don't they clean out the duct system for AC & Heating that's why the hospitals keep having outbreaks stupid fuckers they keep complicating everything. Some of these old buildings never keep air ducts and returns clean therefore you get Covid 19 or Legionnaires disease which is almost identical to Covid 19. To be so smart they are pretty fucking stupid

  8. UK = 76,305 China = 4,634 (x16) II US 365,620 China 4,634 (x78).

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25!

    Vaccines from Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India.

    US warp speed?

  9. Lockdown works in Densely Populated Regions like Bangladesh, India, Nigeria etc. For Countries like New Zealand, Australia, England lockdown is not really needed. People need to be more disciplined and careful towards the virus.

  10. All the data of "infected cases every day" is total BS! All the labs are struggling to test 600 samples a day. How can 10 000 cases be reported in a single day? Keep in mind, it takes in average 2 minutes to get a sample depending on how the sample is taken. 416.6666666667 people need to be tested per hour for 24 hpurs. Roughly 8 samples tested positive every second? There is no machine in this world that can do that nor the man power to do so. The colour change on the swab they stick in your nose reacts to any bacteria that is in your nose or mouth, since there is thousands of bacteria in the air that you breath in every day that doesn't affect you in a negative way. (your body needs bacteria to keep your imune system active)

  11. Since the real information about coronavirus 19 and the vaccines is public knowledge. There is no need for masks, vaccines, lockdowns. It appears that the former. SS.3rd Reich police state, and Argentina police state, and Soviet Stalin police state, Shah of Iran police state, Mao China police state, Ceausescu's police state, is happening?? In England now?? This action without Parliament? vote is setting a dangerous standard?? By way of comparison. Since these viruses are causing less* death than flu, and the greatest number of deaths for 2020 was ABORTIONS. With which they make these vaccines from, mixing with jellyfish and or chimp/Chimpanzee cells. IS THERE A CONNECTION HERE !??

  12. Could someone please tell me where about the virus is raging? It certainly isn't raging where I live.
    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive.
    It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
    The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated;
    but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end,
    for they do so with the approval of their own conscience! C.S Lewis

  13. The first wave didn't work, let's try another. What about the video of a hospital almost empty, and the woman who made the video got arrested?

  14. This is what leadership looks like. America hasn't managed a nationwide response in the entire year of the pandemic. Incompetence and corruption in our government and a failing healthcare system are the highlights of the pandemic in America.

  15. Third times a charm —right? Oh wait, lockdowns don’t work.

  16. Didn’t the WHO already say lockdowns do more bad than good and should not be implemented

  17. This what happens when you let mad scientists run things..Deaths and infections down in Florida after mask mandates removed….some stores have them, some don’t so lockdowns do nothing at all

  18. RELAX Covid is contagious everyone will eventually get it. Besides that it isn’t as bad as we first thought it was

  19. Ha ha look at the AZZ in the news has been caught in so many lies who even watches this garbage they are the virus 🦠

  20. Well at least we have a timeline for a vaccine The thing is Porton Down is the most advanced g nome base in the world hence it found this South African strain first here that spreads soo quickly we had little choice but to lockdown just as we were doing ok.People who say the vaccination was rushed is rubbish Porton Down have been fallowing this Coronovirus for 14 years they never expected it would jump from bats to humans if Chinese do eat bats which I’m skeptical about. seems like more an accidental leak from the Wuhan lab and the young whistleblower that leaked the story dies how convenient.The WHO should send a team to China to see what happened Apparantly Mr Trump calls it the Chinese virus
    He may. Have reason to think so with 230000 his people now dead sadly and the disease rampant there.We wiped out Ebola in Africa with UK expertise we will with this I’ve every faith in our amazing scientists 😥🙏🇬🇧🇺🇸👍🥇⭐️

  21. I need boyfriend 💋💋💋💋💋💞💞💞💞

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