Warnock projected winner of Georgia Senate race, 2nd race too close to call l ABC News

Warnock projected winner of Georgia Senate race, 2nd race too close to call l ABC News

ABC News projects Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock will defeat incumbent GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler, while votes between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Sen. David Perdue are still being tallied.

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48 thoughts on “Warnock projected winner of Georgia Senate race, 2nd race too close to call l ABC News

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  2. Biden2021🇨🇳

  3. Man, we just can't stop winning 😁

  4. Finally, Trumps appalling actions made people who never voted or cared about politics to OPEN THEIR EYES. OUR VOTES MATTER!! I pray Warnock follows through for Georgia and is the change that's needed.

  5. Look it’s a swamp rat 🐀

  6. 😂😂😂😂😍😂😂😂

  7. the irony of a black man helping a jewish man to win the senate election 💩🤦🏾‍♂️

  8. Georgia: The results are not a surprise, and neither is this the end of the story. The devil went down to Georgia. I am not surprised by anything that happened. I expected it.

    There were no consequences for the criminals behind the earlier fraud. That made them bold. And, even some Republican officials made no changes to protect against fraud. That made it easy.
    – Mario Murillo

  9. No history, just lies.😜🤪

  10. Go to rumble.com for breaking news on Obama and Italian PM being in on the steal. Also, go to Simon Parkes YouTube post today for more on this, which will continue to break throughout the world, just not on us MSM, until they won’t be able to hide it anymore.

  11. Trump did more for Democrat power than any other Dem in history. What does that say about dems?


  12. God bless you Pastor. Congratulations.🎊🎉🍾

  13. Mitch did this to the Republicans, I’m starting to think he tanked it on purpose, he can’t be that stupid to think that not voting on a 2K stimulus when people are out of work wouldn’t bite him

  14. “His kind MLK like” sentiment that still goes on in his church???? What like his out right racism?! Anti Semitic comments? The praising and comparing mass murdering psychopaths to America’s history? This man is a socialist Marxist racist horrible man and should never be within a million miles of POWER let alone government power.

  15. Congrats to Warnock.Amazing👏👏👏

  16. Democracy wins ❤️

  17. Punishable by Death ☠️ before a Firing Squad

  18. TREASON Fraud Voting 🗳

  19. It is fitting for Ray Charles to be singing Georgia on my mind.🗣👁👃🏽👁🧔🏾👨🏾‍🦲👩🏾‍🦲👨🏾‍🦳🧑🏿‍🦳👨🏾🧑🏽👶🏾

  20. This guy abuses his wife and kids lol. Good job mainstream media! You guys are on the side of disgusting communists that want to implement the Chinese model of society.

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