Episode 1, Creds – EricTheCarGuy – Car Mod Pros Portal

Eric The Car Guy Episode 1

For my first installment I wanted to talk about my credentials and lay the course for future shows. I hate to talk about myself so I tried to make that part short. As I said in the show you can submit your questions as a video or text response to this or any future video. Give me some time to address any issues that you might have. I will let you know if the answers are posted on a future show, or on the forum.

Click below and Stay Dirty

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Have fun and play nice.



By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Episode 1, Creds – EricTheCarGuy”
  1. Hello, I went into one of your videos 1 year ago. I needed a simple way to change or fix my car's window, and your video gave me the right answer and method. I really appreciate the effort that you do into sharing your knowledge. Thanks and greetings from Mexico.

  2. awesome video, i've been watching your videos for a while so has a lot of other people and i just wanted to see where it all started.

  3. I like how Eric hates the world, but deep down, he still has a soft spot in his heart for the vulnerable. Thank you.

  4. Love going back to the beginning of ETCG! Even though you've improved everything in your videos, you rocked it from the very beginning!

  5. i've been seen your videos for a while, and now i start to watch them in order from the first one, i've learn a lot of things, and just want to say thank you for the time you dedicate to do your videos… also… are you still answering questions in old videos? hehehe maybe this goes unnoticed… greetings from PERU!

  6. Eric, that guitar riff in the beginning is sweet!! Is that a recording of you? I myself have played guitar now for 25+ yrs, among other instruments (piano, drum, guitar, bass, trumpet, clarinet, and saxophone) all of which I was schooled in and took classes for throughout my lifetime.. I love music
    Love that riff in the beginning Eric!!

  7. So cool to look back and see the first episode, you helped me and im sure thousands of others save money and just learn about cars and engines. Thanks alot eric keep up the good work !!

  8. Hi Eric, first of all thanks for all your videos, they're awesome! Learned lots of stuff from them, not gonna use it a lot since I'm really afraid to do some work on my car because when I take something apart, I never put it back together properly so it works like it should 😀 So thanks again for the hours of entertainment you provide me with. Anyways, I have a little problem that I would like to consult with you, and that is my ABS. I have a 99 European Accord (code CG9, engine is F20B6 2-liter Vtec manual). The problem is that my abs doesn't seem to work. When I turn the key on, the abs light doesn't come on at all (yes, the car does have abs). As far as I know, the abs light should come on and then off when i start the car. I don't know what was done to the car, I bought it like that. I had the brakes done at a shop when I bought it. Also, there is a thing that my e-brake light stays on even when the brake is not applied. This is because of the e-brake lever sensor is bad- the brakes are new and I have enough of the brake fluid. So basically the abs never lights up and doesn't even flash when I hit the brakes hard and lock the wheels (or one wheel). The fuses are OK. What do you think? The brakes work fine, I had the car inspected a month ago. Also, when I Rev the car over 5k, either when cruising or on neutral and have the fan on, I smell exhaust in the interior – I read that it could be caused by the oil cap not sealing properly, I'm afraid that it could be cracked exhaust manifold. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot for reading this long comment and keep doing your great job!

  9. EricktheCarguy have you ever though of making a copy of that  book of knowledge that you have there! i would find your written knowledge useful i know other will to even tho im not a mechanic it's my dream on becoming one i have been seeing your videos over and over and taking note's on things you say and do. and i appreciate you for sharing your knowledge. your videos have been very helpful to me.

  10. For anybody whos just clicked on this video and is wandering who this guy is and is he actually any good? YES!! yes he is, the amount of hours i have spent watching his videos is insane, I'm now studying mechanics and making money from working on motors, all in one year, it's all thanks to Etcg.. Just wanted to take a few minutes to let everyone know especially you Eric how much i appreciate all this all the way from Ireland 🙂

  11. i just subscribed a few weeks ago, and i want to watch all the videos also and take notes on them.

    Great to see you at this time period when they were bailing out all the criminal bankers. Financial Derivatives and Credit-Default Swaps are imploding all the economies around the world. The Government says the people owe them the debt the Bankers created and made the Government sign off on.

    It's one of the biggest cons in history.

  12. Have you published this book that you wrote ??

    there are still a lot of independent publishers that would publish it for you; i think it would be cheaper for you than self-publishing, and less expensive for those that want to purchase it. i will get a cheap used version of it on amazon in five months if you publish it now.

  13. in the intro when you took of your hat, i swore it was the actor Dax Shepard, but then when the vid started, to look at you straight on with those sideburns i really felt you looked alot like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys. hard to believe you have been here since '09, glad your still here, hope your here for a long long time to come.

  14. Hi Eric , I can't thank you enough, I started serving my time as an old style mechanic rather than a parts fitter, You don't see old school mechanics much now, so thank you for showing the real side of true garage skills.and great that your a honest mechanic as there is so many scams round the industry and it gives all mechanics a bad name. "STAY DIRTY"

  15. A couple of observations after watching this having watched upwards of a hundred newer videos (comparing recent videos to this one)

    You now fidget less
    You more or less stay in one place for the video
    You get your points across in one go, rather than think of them all sporadically and have a brutally clip them together.
    You are looking more confident
    You have better intro music
    The "Stay Dirty" slogan is better!

    Good stuff and thanks for your efforts.

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