Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he wants to give former President Donald Trumps team more time to prepare. ABCs Elizabeth Schulze reports.
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Now we know why he wanted to delay 😂😂😂😂 "oh he's no longer president so we can't impeach him now"
If President Trump would have led the march into the White House no one
would have been killed or arrested. The protesters gathered evidence to
bring to Trump. The protesters were looking for proof that the
election was stolen. That is why the protesters came to Washington!
Stop the steal!
Wake up, there no Democrats nor republican in washington, is just a front. The incredible happen in front of our eyes. They are filing article of impeach!ent and the criteria don't exist. They are laughing in our face. Is all political theater.
So wheres bidens impeachment exactly. Let me remind you he endorsed blm. The same blm who occupied multiple city blocks in Seattle and declared an independent nation back in june for almost a month commiting 100x more treason than the trump rioters did. Did everyone forget chaz happened or what
Can we impeach the whole Republican Jim Jones cult party and start new…..please….lazy…..we want your salaries.
How can we have a democracy….if the republicans of Donald Trump still go his way. A total treasnous president and republicans rather stand by his lies and criminal activity…than have enough guts to go against someone who didn't care if the rioters blew up…and burned the house around them. I just don't get the Republican cowards. Go down the river with Donald Jim Jones Trump………no thanks I gotta brain.
To bad the turtle neck always messes
Biden’s turn in two years! Socialist crooks!
Oh a delay imagine that why is that you people are crazy 😜 to even try this stupid circus 🎪 not to mention the news is involved again after the whole Russia hoax when it all comes beck to Democrats they are playing is again Sam same fraud
Doesn’t matter if he is no longer president, he committed something so criminal.
Had to share from Clint Eastwood
I love when people call Trump Stupid..
You mean the multi-billionaire who kicked every Democrats butt, buried 16 career Republican politicians, and continues to make fools out of once reputable news organizations …
You mean the guy who won the presidency?
You mean the guy with the super model wife?
You mean the guy whose words alone put a massive slow down on illegal border crossings?
You mean the guy whose mere presence made the stock market smash its previous records?
You mean the guy who created 1 million jobs in his first 7 months in office?
Are you sure you even know what it is you’re resisting?
Are you sure you back a party that enables the decimation of every core principal of Christianity?
Are you sure you back a party that voted 100% against the abolition of slavery?
Are you sure you really take a politician like Maxine Waters seriously?
Are you sure you don’t see anything wrong with someone who has a 40 yr career as a public servant living in a $4.5 mansion representing a district she doesn’t even live in?
Are you sure you see nothing wrong or peculiar about Hillary Clinton a woman being involved in politics for the last 30 yrs having a net worth of $240 million?
Are you sure you’re not just basing your opinion on hatred spewed by a crooked paid for media platform?
Could you even tell me 5 things the Democratic Party has done to improve you’re day to day prosperity as a hard working American citizen?
Probably not..
Do you realize the debacle you are sending your children into once they become adults by continuing to support a political party that has done nothing for the poor except kept them poor, gave them free abortions, and a few hundred a month to keep food in their fridge?
The prosperity and safety of its citizens is job one of your government.
Get with the program.
Everyone else has horribly failed you!
Smarten up and take a position for the sake of your children.
I promise you a country full of illegal immigrants, abortions, $15 an hour jobs, and non-gender specific people aren’t gonna make your country and life any more prosperous.
Rosie, Madonna, Katy Perry, and Robert Deniro are not just like you. They don’t have to live through the real world day to day disparity of an average American.
Men don’t hate women, white people don’t hate black people, and Donald Trump is not a racist.
Stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by a party that has continuously failed you.
Be about your prosperity, your safety, your children, and an America First mindset.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your growth.
Dump these crooked politicians that have stunted your children’s growth.
Toughen up, take a stand, and act like a proud American.
See the spirit of Trump supporting and freedom loving Americans and just imagine where we could be as a country if everyone had the same priorities. â³📺ðŸâ€Â¨
Defund The Media
Who cares!
Considering the Republicans delayed acknowledging of Trump’s defeat and subsequent voter fraud led to the capitol riot, time is a luxury that’s on the budget. Especially since it has been abused by Trump before.
Trump Built!!! 75 million strong!!! Impeach 46!!
McConnell is such an 😈a$$hole!
No longer majority leader and still think he's in charge. Using quid pro quo tactics to get what he wants. They hate to give aid to the suffering american people….they have no problem giving aid to the rich. UNBELIEVABLE!! All this creating further division is BS, they said absolutely nothing when trump divided the country 🙄, was totally on board with that.
Democrats needs to take a hard stance against them….they will complain no matter what!
New Webster's Dictionary definition of hatred: Nancy Pelosi
Synonym: Chuck Schumer
GOP, listen up. 'Do the right thing and convict/disqualify Trump" THEN spin it as how the Grand GOP ALWAYS DOES to support their values REGARDLESS of who gets in their way. Marketing 101 guys! Do it and spin it!
McConnell was a dirty person, is a dirty person and it is very likely that he will be a dirty person until the end of his days
Miss Lindsey needs a new boyfriend. Republicans are pathetic losers and they care nothing about the country or the people.
"The Republican Party…
"While Continuing To Support…
"Trump's Election Lies & Continue To Promote…
"Sedition, Violence & Treasonous Acts"
"These Republican Members Are A…
"Disgrace To America's Democracy"
"Get The Hell Out Of Washington…
Never Forget
“Ted Cruz is a disgrace to America’s Constitution & the people of Texas & the citizens
of Texas who elected Ted Cruz…
"Cruz’s lies & agreement that continues to promote sedition is an act of treason &
must be seen as nothing else…
“Your supporters were overheard standing at “Your Desk Saying…
“Cruz Would Want Us Toâ€ÂÂÂÂ
“Do ya still feel that way “Tedâ€ÂÂÂÂ
“You & the Republican Party have been lying about America’s election for months…
“Y’all are Traitors to America & you “Ted Cruz…
“Are a Traitor to America & Texas…
Never Forget
Let Merrick and Letitia prosecute first 'cause Chuck can't reverse the effects of mercury poisoning and inbreeding suffered by the opposition in his chamber. It will be much more difficult to defend Pumpkinhead and his supporters if there's a pile of criminal convictions regarding election tampering to add to the evidence of insurrection related to 1/6/21. Merrick can also gather better evidence from FBI investigations on the insurrectionists that would then be available in the Senate trial but not before it is revealed to the defendants in discovery or in court.
Nothing unites a country like impeaching a president after he is out of office (unconstitutionally) and calling half the citizens brainwashed and possibly domestic terrorists. Signing executive orders that lay off 50,000 Americans on the first day. Entering a climate accord that penalizes America and rewards China and India for the same exact action just because they are over populated. That sure gives them incentive to hold their populations down.
Now we go from a president that enjoyed being in front of the people to one that is afraid of the people. Requesting all intelligence agencies to investigate domestic extremism. Wow we should all feel so much more united now that Biden is in office.
Time to call Mitch's bluff , time to release all the documents on EVERYTHING
Trumpo will forever be the odd one out. He and his family/brand will never be part of the ex-Presidents' club, and I assume he's fine with being just that: an OUTLIER and an OUTSIDER. A failed experiment, never to be repeated. Good riddance.
Trumpism is categorized as a neofascist anti-intellectual populist movement – much like Orbanism in Hungary. Our grandchildren will likely come to the conclusion that fascism and anti-intellectualism was not the way forward.
Let's delay the trial until the mid-terms.
More waste of time and government resources.
"Prepare his defense"??
Ummm… there is no 'defense'.
But Comrade Trump does need the time to scrape-up the deposit for his TV lawyer.
Hello where is your hea
It is vital and essential that this impeachment trial starts now so we can put this behind us and send the message out to the world we do not negotiate with terrorists. We prosecute and punish them! Stay strong Pelosi hold your ground don't let them stop this!!!!!! Do it NOW!!!!
BTW will all the racial equality Bull extent to welfare.
Makes sense quotas for equality in employment should mean the same for everything else. Welfare, Food Stamps, Housing assistance. Yep only a certain percentage should go to people depending on race.
Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%
I'm all for it after all equal is equal if you want quota they apply both to good and bad.
It’s 3 PM …Do you know Where cheating Joe is at? Is he up yet?
Because of Trump more people are aware of systemic racism and alot more people who never went to college now have protest experience
I think “ fight like hell†is an expression he SHOULD NOT use!