House delivers Trump impeachment article to Senate – Car Mod Pros Portal

House Democrats delivered an article of impeachment charging former President Donald Trump with inciting the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, signaling the start of his second impeachment trial.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “House delivers Trump impeachment article to Senate”
  1. WHAT UTTER FOOLS these "leaders" are making of themselves. "Peacefully & Patriotically . . . to make our voices heard." Yes, sounds like "high crimes & misdemeanors" to me. HOW THE HECK ARE THESE WORDS "inciting" violence?

  2. Members of Congress on what they witnessed???🤣🤣🤣 Like AOC who said she was threatened and wasn't even present or Maxine Waters calling/ inciting violence live on camera a while back or Kamala Harris supporting protest…aka..riots and now this kangaroo court that doesn't even follow the Constitution, such a freaking joke!!! Oh wait and did I mention Biden placed people who lied to the FISA court on his cabinet…lol.. double standards and lawlessness when it benefits them…


  3. Hi, Dear Internet Friends
    Yes, D. Trump and his son and all of their supporters who violate the House of Parliament are all criminals.
    They must be condemned and pay for this serious incrimination.
    Detroned, completely finished or zeros, They only become presumed prisoners with multiple trials to come. Farewell now.
    Let’s turn the page, respectful of the Constitution and Democracy, hoping that they will never come back to obscure our lives.
    Take care of yourself and your family.
    * If by chance, you want to know better about writer of these lines, to spend a little moment of reading and reflection by wanting to seek a BETTER WORLD and to avoid the possible national bankruptcy, just read this Ebook :
    "Let's fight for a Better World " in several languages
    (NOËL TUY In KDP Amazon Editions or free on request)
    Best regards.

  4. It's shows their level of unimportance. Which I am stuck with that. Cause u would think they are highly intelligent and worthy beings. when they r absolutely nothing. and it is so bad. Completely bad. On their own part. More devil's added to the clan. Initiation ceremony.

  5. This is exciting! I am loving this process bc America is the place where the enlightened citizenry acts to check abuses of power by our elected officials! Reminds me of that movie "The Empire Strikes Back!" Man those founders came up with one heck of a system unlike any other! Their thinking was on another level. I have never seen, nor read of another country moving so swiftly in such organized fashion to get rid of actors of such, then hold them accountable for their actions w/o ruining itself. I am proud to see that we are setting the standard. Show these other countries how it is done!

  6. ByBL- All I see is evil walking down the hall to deliver their so called impeachment LIES !! What a disgrace to America.

  7. The Commander in Chief is Commander over all armed forces, he told them to "Stand Down." A few rioters caused mayhem, now they want to call anyone who loves the United States and our Constitution a terrorist. That's what the nazzis would have done

    Collapse an economy and buy it all up for paper, import more and say we're overpopulated, make the chmtrail flu and it was C0VID, an epic fail. Use indoor farming to mass produce a peaceful opioide euthanasia and with 1/3 of the world starving, 5 percent needing bionic body parts they can't or don't want to get, another 5 percent with terminal illness, another 5 percent living in chronic pain, and another 5-10 percent who never wanted to be here anyway, and 50-60 percent of the worlds population would take a pill to go to sleep for the last time and say 'thank you' dump aerosol chmtrlcvd for 21
    You have the right to kill but not to die. A good King before he issues birth certificates would make sure every citizen had the right to leave when they wanted. And pardon that 26 year old teacher whose lover plead not to throw her away, after all he got her pregnant. Someone else enters a room of a ten year old and molests her, and you can only call it rape, and they'll get out in four years, consensual love when nature is developed? 26 years in prison for her. Cruelty should be outlawed

  8. An executive has volunteered to provide pillows for all Democrats for their comfort during the impeachment trial. I think the Democrats should check what is inside the pillows before using them.

  9. Kevin McCarthy playing Ferris Bueller with Trump in Florida….Isn't he one of the "Jurors" at his Impeachment trial? Isn't that a conflict of interest or something. These Republicans have no Goddamn shame. If they aren't straight nuts they are straight slimy…Least the Republicans in The Bush era weren't crazy

  10. Does anyone see the impeachment of Trump as a reenactment of Thomas a’becket tragedy? The knights said they killed Becket because the king ordered it. The king said he was misunderstood by the knights. Will the impeachment go against Trump. Will the rioters in Capital Hill be punished. Was Trump misunderstood by the rioters to attack Capital Hill? Food for thought— . Did the rioters follow Trump’s order? Did the rioters misunderstood Trump? Nothing new under the sun.

  11. Everyone on Capital Hill knows you cant impeach a retired President!

    CCP Attempt to Overthrow The People of the United States is in Process!

    Everyone on Capital Hill knows you cant impeach a retired President!

    Compromised News Stations and Social Platforms Gas Lighting and Suppressing True Speech!

    Everyone on Capital Hill knows you cant impeach a retired President!

    THE TRUTH! Trump won and is still President!

    Get your heads out of the sand of lies! No one can stop what's coming!

  12. He's no longer president, cut the BS now. I get it's political trial, but this is political vengeance.

  13. Do these FLEAS even know what their own bible says? "GOD will crush all nations?" That means Bidens nation, Putins nation, Trumps nation, our nation, ALL NATIONS. The clock is ticking on mans government. 🕘

  14. So sad. Do you believe his boy did commit suicide. I do not based on the government's dirty work. I'm believing his son was taken out. This is ridiculously Sad. Had to put that out there! Violence is Pinko communist way. War Pigs!

  15. This is a circus .. a joke… these fake gossips are actually acting like the Congress can Impeach an ex president… there is no route in the constitution to allow this .. you don't need 2/3 anything they are lying to you america. The entire thing is an act… report facts !!!! Fake fake news

  16. Where's my stimulus check 😠❓❓❓ mailed on the 6 th and nothing 😡

  17. Kamala the pride of India 🇮🇳 🤣🤣

  18. Another failed impeachment. They know they don’t have the votes, but it’s not their money. It’s taxpayers, so who cares…!!!

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