Biden signs executive order on climate change – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden addresses climate change and the White House COVID-19 response team talks about the shortage of vaccines and plans for dealing with the pandemic moving forward.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Biden signs executive order on climate change”
  1. Fast forward 2 months later now he's calling it a climate crises. But dude joey you got it wrong again. The crises is at the border that you created. We don't have a climate crises so quit stealing the money and trying to change our country into a communist country.

  2. Everyone in the comments are the problem. Try thinking forward and not so selfish then you might see why this is necessary.

  3. USA can not and should not save the world. Biden's policies only drag our nation into proverty.
    Depending on who scientist is. The climate change could caused by the nature of the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field would have briefly transformed the world by altering its climate and allowing far more ultraviolet light to pour in.

  4. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, climate change will happen no matter what Comrade Wizard Biden does. The sun is getting bigger and will for the next million years. Stupidity, the real epidemic.

  5. "Earth heats up due to pandemic’s cleaner air, study finds" headline from AP.
    Poor Biden got it wrong again.
    His clean air will cause global warming.

  6. Climate change is a hoax made by the fake news left media to support communist China and ruin America and take away jobs! Don’t believe Biden’s climate hoax. Keep using fossil fuels!

  7. So if Biden bands oil to be produced the oil prices and gas prices will go sky high no one will be able to pay for gas if you do not have an electric car you will not have access to transportation other than public transportation. Electronic cars are like computers artificial intelligence and the gasoline motivated cars are not to me this is just a huge scale and another way for the government to establish more control now they’re controlling our transportation

  8. This president needs to think what's best for American citizens. Stop undoing what President Trump did because he's like a 3rd grader who's only gonna do such & such because he doesn't want to play nice in the school yard. Grow up and be the President and work for us. Build on President Trump started and get this country back on track again. I understand wrinkles need to be ironed out. I'm trying to support this person but I've only seen him tear down.

  9. Truly a Chinese agent. Communist China controls most of the rare earth metals required for batteries that are going to power this green revolution. Communist China strip mines the earth to get at these rare earth metals required for modern batteries. Just like every word that comes out of MSM and Democrats it is all smoke and mirrors.

  10. People voted for a man that will only listen to the people behind him. So ultimately, people voted for the people behind Biden. Trump actually thought for himself….

  11. Sign one mandating that everybody stop working!!! That is the only way to get a handle on this extreme deadly virus!!! It would alos help temporarily slow the climate change! People don't need to be working. That's what this stimulus money is for. If you can't afford to survive off it you should have planned for emergencies long ago and you should probably reevaluate your life choices! Your job, your home, none of that matters if you're dead from the virus! If you lose your home, not the end of the world. We all have to make some sacrifices. Live out of your car until the economy reopens if you have to. Again, life choices! You weren't prepared!

  12. Carbon taxes are folly. Deforestation is the problem. Reforestation or land set aside the solution. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.

    Born and bred in Africa I witnessed much of the climate change in Zimbabwe as forests were cut down for grain and tobacco cultivation and 80% of the land changed to grassland and semi-desert. The EU land set aside restores nature’s powers over the climate, fixing carbon dioxide and stabilising temperatures and rainfall. Why else is earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide just 0.04% when it straddles between Venus and Mars orbits each planet with atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in excess of 90%? Carbon dioxide is not the demon, it is plant food and plants work for us providing us with food and controlling our climate to be most favourable for life. Carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are just side actors, just like police cars and ambulances are to accident scenes. Just because police cars and ambulances are present at every accident scene does not mean that they caused them. The same with carbon dioxide and fossil fuels, they were mere agents of deforestation but deforestation was the cause of environmental changes.

    So the solution to gaining control over our environment is strengthening nature.

    The first method can be used by you personally to indirectly alter the climate for the better. Change to a keto or paleo diet and minimise your carbohydrate intake. This will not only improve your health and eliminate T2D, but more importantly it will incentivise farmers to plant trees which bind soils and provide nuts and seeds for your keto diet. If you choose a high carbohydrate diet, farmers will respond by cutting down forests to grow grain for your food. So by altering your food intake to a keto or paleo diet, you alter the food chain and thus ultimately the climate.

    See the best keto diet here

    The second (macro) solution can bring about climate improvement is as follows.

    1) Build plant factories to feed 7.8 billion people and liberate land and water for forests

    See examples of working plant factories

    2) Use cattle herds to revitalise soil

    3) Use goats to reduce fire dangers in forests

    4) Use agrivoltaics to turn deserts into meadows with solar panels

    5) Use marine cloud seeding to moisten and seed ocean air for clouds and rain

    6) Use minerals to assist salmon populations

    Don’t be misanthropic with the debunked carbon dioxide nonsense. Be positive. Be useful. Help flora and fauna control climate and don’t demonise plant food.

  13. Nasty, illegitimate, liar. You should be ashamed of yourself for calling him President. You look ridiculous trying to hoist him up like this. Shame on you for being so weak

  14. Bye bye American jobs , so long women’s sports , the Lunatic Left is in charge now ( for a little while ) 😬

  15. "It is harder to help someone realize they been deceived, then to deceive."
    ~Mark Twain

    Typically when what comes out of a persons mouth does not correlate with what they practice something is likely rotten in Denmark. Exercise discernment people.

    Private jet belonging to family of Biden ‘Climate Envoy’ John Kerry emitted as much carbon as THIRTY SIX cars last year

    Watch "Biden Hits Trump on Climate Change: ‘He Doesn’t Have Any Real Answers’" on YouTube

  16. Biden is going to install a thermostat on the Earth! A great big one! And all we'll have to do is give it a couple of turns and we'll have climate control back under control!

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