ABC News Live Update: Capitol Police Officer Sicknick to lie in honor on Capitol Hill – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, “No deal yet” on President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief package, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez describes her experience during the siege on the Capitol.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: Capitol Police Officer Sicknick to lie in honor on Capitol Hill”
  1. FLASH April 19, 2021: Officer Sicknick died of natural causes according to the medical examiner. So, the fire extinguisher story WAS a lie after all.

  2. Siege LOL. Phuccing joke better fits the discretion.

    Do as told.
    Hush, the Teleprompter gods are speaking.
    Take in there non stop driving in of the Plandemic.
    "Breaking! Spike in leaves falling somewhere on earth due to [insert a covid narrative]."

    "Cases spike" "cases surge" cases cases cases.  Illness and mortality is too low, in response to pump the Plandemic its all about the "cases".

    Summerization of the news for this year.  Ahhhhh! COVID-19!  A group here… Ahhh! covid "cases" spike.  A group there… Ahhh!!! covid "cases" surge.  The goal in this phase of the Plandemic is "cases".  News will not assert that those that showed freedom became sick or tested positive.  News will just plant that seed into your mind.  End of summary..

    Ignore decades of CDC statistics.
    Worship your covid stricken celebrities..

    Interesting videos about media and the agenda.

  3. Its disgusting to watch all these Democrats now honor a fallen policemen. When for the last 2 years they all openly disparaged and spewed hatred about and toward law enforcement! Hypocrites!

  4. Soooo Susan Collins who personally let trump off the first impeachment and claimed he had learned his lesson (to stop committing crimes!?) now is actively stopping millions of Americans from receiving money to keep them alive as a direct result of trumps total failure with the pandemic which he claimed would be gone by last APRIL LOL These people have no shame or memory.

  5. BINGO – only my child is 12, and I’m in a wheelchair….you think that would be an advantage in a chase, but there’s stairs! 🤯
    My daughter is high risk and on a IED.

  6. Officer Sicknick, thank you for your service! May You Rest In Peace. I wish your family peace and love as they mourn your passing. Condolence to the bereaved family. It is nice to see our President is in in attendance to show respect to our fallen officer.

  7. My condolences, respect, gratitude, thoughts, and prayers are with Officer Sicknick, and his family. My condolences, thoughts, and prayers go out to all those who have been victims of the riots, burning, and looting that has gone on, being referred to as mostly peaceful protests by the media and persons in leadership positions, unhindered by those who are responsible to encourage people to think, and act in good moral charcter honoring principle and virtue. America is in crisis because of failed leadership serving themselves, and foreign interests, dishonoring their oath of office and all those who think, act and serve faithfully their oath of office. We are living in a time of great deception. Discernment is essential. For the past 11 months there has been rioting, looting, and acts of violence being committed by people thinking, and acting unprincipled, and salacious in up to 30 states simultaeously while being encouraged, supported, and even bailed out of jail to be arrested again elsewhere. Perpetuating these tragedies are lying, deceiving, manipulating, cowardly persons that have ambitiously, and wrongfully seized positions of great responsibility only to abuse their position by serving themselves, and foreign interests while masquerading as Representatives. These are facts. When a persons words, and actions oppose each other utilize discernment before becoming a victim to factless, emotional, political diatribe. There is a lot of information below. You can copy and paste, or screenshot the links to save for reading, reviewing and discerning if you so desire and when you have the time. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Anything unfavorable to the agenda is being suppressed from most mainstream media. I am an American who does my best to be guided by principle, and virtue. Unprincipled , salacious people who have a global agenda that is not in Americas best interest are what is at work. At the bottom of this comment are the legal, appropriate , dignified ways "We the People" can unite to exercise our Constitutionally protected procedures to stop those with ill intentions to America.

    "It is harder to help someone realize they been deceived, then to deceive."
    ~Mark Twain

    Protests, fires rage through the night in Minneapolis – The Washington Post

    Kamala Harris – If you’re able to, chip in now to the… | Facebook

    Kamala Harris on Twitter: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota." / Twitter

    If you're out there in the streets right… – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    AOC Staffer Asks Twitter To Ban Users From Citing AOC's Riot Support

    President praises China on YouTube

    Watch "Links between Dominion, UBS and China; CCP is the world's greatest threat: top US intel official" on YouTube

    Watch "Senate Report Confirms Biden Family Deal with the CCP" on YouTube

    Why is Gates denying Event 201?


    Assistant Secretary For Preparedness and Response Robert Kadlec, MD, told Congress via an official document dated December 4, 2019 his report on pandemic response that spoke at some length about the Crimson Contagion pandemic drill.

    12/14/2019: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, an Israeli thinktank
    The Roots of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    China sat on news that coronavirus could be a pandemic for 6 days: AP – Business Insider

    China has been implicated in more than 80 percent of all economic espionage charges the Justice Department has brought and is connected to 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases the department has brought charges in since 2012, it said.

    Former Harvard-Affiliated Researcher Pleads Guilty to Lying About Smuggled Cancer Research | News | The Harvard Crimson

    Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases | OPA | Department of Justice

    Harvard University Professor Indicted on False Statement Charges | OPA | Department of Justice


    Medical Student Who Tried To Smuggle Cancer Research To China Gets Time Served – CBS Boston

    Researcher gets time served for lying about vials inside bag

    Cancer researcher gets time served for lying to authorities about taking biological vials from Boston hospital – The Boston Globe

    U.S. charges target alleged Chinese spying at Harvard and Boston institutions | The Japan Times

    The China Threat — FBI


    U.S. charges target alleged Chinese spying at Harvard and Boston institutions | The Japan Times

    Medical Student Who Tried To Smuggle Cancer Research To China Gets Time Served – CBS Boston

    COVID-19: Chinese woman earlier speculated as world's first coronavirus patient has 'disappeared'

    Watch "CCP Method: Chinese Communist Party’s global agenda—coronavirus outbreak is the latest wakeup call" on YouTube

    Top Recipients of Contributions from Lobbyists, 2020 Cycle • OpenSecrets to see what bills are being presented to become law that represent American or Foreign Interests.

    Contact your local Congressperson and Start or sign a Petition here to stand up against foreign interests, emotional political diatribe, and anything that is not in the best interest of America and her Citizens. or

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  9. Republicans are very petty and never wants to help the middle class or the poor. They act like if their paying out of their own pockets. Republicans need to be voted out. It’s a dying party. And they know it. Hope progressive can teach them a lesson again in 2022 . Democrats have the biggest chance they ever had to get this right and show Americans how corrupt the GOP is.

  10. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley or any of the Republicans that still voted to contest the electoral count AFTER this man was beaten to death shouldn't be allowed in.

  11. RIP Officer Sicknick you gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect and serve your Country. Condolences to your family, friends and fellow Officers.

  12. He’s the ulysses s grant of today
    Officer sicknick deserves a statue outside the capital
    God bless America

  13. Imagine getting a bunch of people wanting to pay respects to the officer and not even talking about it for a 10th of the video

  14. Give me a friggin break! Go check the interview his brother gave and what he told his brother happened. No fire extinguisher to tye head. He was pepper sprayed twice and he had preexisting health issues. Democrat media trying desperately to convince people this was the worst thing ever when they ordered the DC police to let them in.

  15. Trump should not have incited his cult mob followers to riot on the Capitol Building to overturn the election and attack our democracy. Condolences to the family on this unnecessary tragic loss of life directly attributed to the violence of the Trump mob on a police officer simply trying to protect. 💐

  16. The x pres makes no mention of him. Trumps just an arsonist and the Trumplicans are all witnesses that won't snitch..

  17. I just read through most of the comments. Some condolences, some asking why he is just getting buried now, and still others wondering why the BLM weren't honoured. Now my point of view.
    This 11th I lost my daughter to what is called accidental overdose, because it happened in her house the policemen, detectives had to do an investigation, then an autopsy had to be performed. This was before covid and I did not get my baby girls body back for Approximately 9 days. Now this officer was murdered. Maybe the police,detectives had to try to find evidence that would help catch the murderer or murder's. He gave his life to protect other lives, he and his family deserve this honor for him.
    Just as George Floyd and the other innocent people. Officer Sicknick was defending the people inside who were and are trying to change things like what happened to the George Floyd's in our country.
    Please do not take this away from OFFICER SICKNICK and his family. Thank you to all who protect me, my family and our freedom.

  18. Why? This is ALL POLITICAL THEATER and the filthy democrats and their establishment republican apparatchiks should be ASHAMED!!! What’ a JOKE. I’m sorry for anyone killed but they act like this was the biggest thing since Pearl Harbor. How about all the FT. HOOD SOLDIERS murdered by the islamic extremist who is STILL alive reading is koran everyday and writing anti Christian anti American papers.

  19. They keep talking about these capital riots while ignoring previous and current riots. Ya know, the ones that dont involve Washington and revolve around regular folks with homes and businesses.
    Why dont we investigate those like we do these… political privilege?

  20. I worked in the funeral business for 12 years. The thought of a body lying in state nearly a month after death even makes me a little sick to the stomach, and I've literally seen things that most only see in horror films. Even under refrigeration, it would be hard to completely seal the odor.

  21. I can't believe this murderous riot even happened. This man was down and the animals kept going. A woman was trampled to death and they kept going! A man fell off the scaffolding and died and the animals kept going. A woman was shot dead by a scared cop and these animals kept going, intent on killing Pence and Pelosi and AOC. It's horrific. Their ring leader, Trump was the chief inciter and he should go to prison for the rest of his sorry life. His kids too.

  22. Susan Collins is so insipid 🥴 she has the back bone of a plate of jello 🤭 She's not capable nor qualified to be in any decision making process concerning America 🇺🇲

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