ABC News Live Update: House to vote on whether to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, a couple struggles to get a fiancé visa ahead of the birth of their first child, and the women making history at the Super Bowl.


By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “ABC News Live Update: House to vote on whether to remove Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene”
  1. I lost my job due to covid and a friend of mine recommended Sir Chris and ever since trading with his platform I have been benefiting a lot..

  2. WHAT.. "IF it works".. So we are Ginny Pigs.. LOL.. sounds like Bill Ga+es agenda.. Do the test Right… At under a 30thc not over.. Inflated Numbers. man made pandemic .. Fear and control… S.S.D, 1 not 2 masks stay home no family celebrations.. BOW and they will tell you how low… When is enough Enough for you…

  3. The lies about the Russian Collusion was much worse. Why hasn't Pelosi, Schiff, and others been removed from their committees?

  4. Love You Greene you’re a Ballbuster 🇺🇸❤️👍

  5. Now that she is a congresswoman in name only can the media STOP covering her. Her votes can be reported along with other members but giving her media oxygen only spreads her hate. Trump had to be covered as President She does not. Suffocate her hate.

  6. What about Waters, Harris, Tlaib, Omar, Bush, and many others who have called for violence, and destruction of property. Assault on law enforcement. Anarchy. They have called for all of these things time after time. While cities were being burnt down. Businesses looted. Court houses burned. Law enforcement killed.

  7. so you can say whatever you want one day, turn around the next and say you didn't mean it, and you're just supposed to forget about it! the republicans are a disgrace these days!

  8. If they remove her they better remove others as well . I’m done with this leftist evil to shut people up . This is fucking America not China

  9. Over 11,000 scientists from all over the world have gathered to declare a climate emergency. Their article, published in the journal Bioscience, explores the science behind this problem and how to deal with it.

    In recent years, this topic has been raised constantly. However, signatories from 153 countries note that society has taken too little action to prevent a climate catastrophe. Despite longstanding claims that burning fossil fuels causes serious environmental damage, global industry has been slow to switch to alternative and cleaner energy sources. Of course, these are banal business laws – but greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are steadily growing, and humanity itself suffers from this first of all. Ladies and gentlemen ! I wish you happiness !, sorry that my text is off topic! I am from Russia, I live in Siberia, I am 63 years old, I position myself as an inventor! For obvious reasons, my know-how did not find popularity in Russia, in a country where 50% of the budget is formed from fossil fuels, my invention is doomed to be forgotten! I hope for caring business people who are not indifferent to the environment and nature. My power take-off rotor (conveyor type) will allow you to obtain energy from the flow of water (river, sea currents) on an industrial scale, using my submersible power plants without a dam, will help you avoid burning: coal, gas, oil, atom. Looking for a sponsor . investors (non-patent), my address:

  10. Hoyer seems to me the only level headed and fair debator. He raised actually valid points and yes please do something about Greene. Let the people decide later but for now she at the very least needs reassigned. Can the media please interview her and make her answer why the American people elected someone so violent?

  11. I will also say I couldnt resent Republicans and some Democrats for raising and inserting issues that have nothing to do with this isssue. Especially the Rep; from Texas I think ,who felt the need to state extra issues such as various bathroom use laws. If Reps or Dems want to make a point please raise the standard!

  12. Ill mention I have no party affiliation, i like Biden, and cant stand Trumpists. However, I have to agree this is a social issue. Both sides speak overly dramitically today and while Greene should be condemned I think it could set a bad precedent to remove her at this time.

  13. AOC lies about being in the Capitol when the riots took place and then says Ted Cruz wanted to kill her and rape her , which all are lies. She is a pathological liar, who is probably lying about her abuse. She was in no danger at the Capitol because she wasn't even there. Several Democratic congresswomen have said that Trump should be killed. Also They have said to commit violence, and then Kamala Harris said they should pay for the violent offenders, who looted and burned down small businesses pay to get them out of jail. I am so Offended at the Projecting of your own lies is being put on Truth. Democrats in Congress Can say anything, They never get ousted. Nancy Pelosi can tear up The President of the United States Speech , in front of all American and get away with treason.!!! We are so upside down right now . Wrong is right and right is wrong.

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