5 Android Features We Hope to See in 2015 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Jayce talks about what we hope to see on the Android horizon in 2015.

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By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “5 Android Features We Hope to See in 2015”
  1. I have a note edge and use the edge screen daily. It saves me from having to swipe through all my pages and my app drawer for crap.

  2. forget all of that shit, we need battery life and efficiency (meaning less google play services, possibilities to sync with refrigerators, washing machines, watches and other BS. I personally don't own any of those devices and find my system resources being used by those services for no good reason, they should be optional, not next to mandatory.

  3. I was a hardcore iPhone user until a month ago I got a Note 4 because I was bored. Apple has all those features u mentioned except battery life and unlocking.

  4. Yo I have the old moto x and I get 1.5 to 2+ days in battery life in casual use and at least a day guaranteed in insanely heavy use. I have never run out of battery in use even after days of not recharging.

  5. Almost all those features are already available in WP 8.1 and in Lumia phones.
    From battery life, to phones strength.. and Cortana! :]

  6. If fingerprint recognition was on, that would be shit. What if you want more people to use it? What if you want to sell it?

  7. Both my Sony Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z Ultra have great battery life. The Z Ultra makes sense, due to the size, but the fact that the Z3 is so good is a testament to technology improving battery life. I think people have to stop buying Apple and Samsung stuff and broaden your horizons to see better battery life.

  8. Unless you're willing to get the equivalent of an nfc tag installed under your skin then to have your phone know it's you then I'm sad to say that for the forseeable future – you're dreaming.

  9. Very confused about your Google Now shipping notifications. I ordered something the other day and it was in my Google Now queue in no time with a link to track it, in which I did track it step by step until it was ready to pick up.

  10. Yes, note edge is just a gimmick but it gave everyone and idea to make the screen more innovative. I am tired of screen gimmicks like it was HD, full HD, UHD and whatever HD, which all are the same when you see.

  11. Whoa guy! We all know Google knows all the intimate details of our lives but way to jump on the privacy invasion empowering bandwagon. It's not always worth the convenience. Just ask Sony, or Dropbox, or a hundred others.

  12. The first thing android needs to bring is SPLIT SCREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a nexus 6 and a nexus 9 and i can not take advantage of my devices at 100%.

  13. Great video, I agree with the google Noe should be able to give us more detail information about "Amazon" when its shit and when is in transit. Just give us info when it has been arrived. Also Note edge I find it helpful

  14. I wish Google Now was less preemptive. Let me bring up cards when I want them not just when you think I need them cuz half the time you get it wrong.

  15. I disables google now cards but kept the "OK google" so I can ask for anything anytime I want. Why? Well believe it or nor Google now aka Google search uses location settings and constant wake locks to destroy your phones battery. All my wake locks went away after disabling it as well. Using the google news app on click yo refresh offers the same information without location tracking and wake locks.

  16. @Android Authority  … I was hoping for better finger print scanners etc. as well, until I saw those kinds of 'security locking mechanisms' at the recent 31C3 (Chaos Computer Club). Unfortunately, it's German, but you can see here (http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2014/31c3_-_6450_-_de_-_saal_1_-_201412272030_-_ich_sehe_also_bin_ich_du_-_starbug.html#video&t=184) and read here (http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/31C3-CCC-Tueftler-hackt-Merkels-Iris-und-von-der-Leyens-Fingerabdruck-2506929.html) what they were able to do with just some average cameras: taking pictures of Merkel's eyes or pictures of thumbs (from quite some distance!) were enough to unlock the devices… quite scary. But 'battery life' being number 1 is great!

  17. In stock Android I would love to see split window view thingy like you have in galaxy note family, better google now (as you said) and more customization options (for example: buttons (and soft keys) can have programmable functions aside from the original ones, make custom shortcuts in quick settings notification shade thing). Basically some customization options from cyanogenmod rom. These are great features, and should be implemented in all Android devices. The first and most important step is to get them to stock Android straight from Google.

  18. Smaller Bezels, better front facing cameras maybe even with flash, better integration with chromebooks and android TV, gesture control on the back of the phone.

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