Millions suffer through deep freeze without power l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

More than three million people in Texas are waking up without power after record-low temperatures hit the Lone Star state and led to rolling blackouts.

As power outages rock Texas, here’s what you should know to stay safe:

#ABCNews #DeepFreeze2021 #PowerOutage #Texas #Weather


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Millions suffer through deep freeze without power l GMA”
  1. How a populist movement left Texas black and Germany in Nazi Control Relax, You choose to have a fragile power system at low cost. Tough it you guys. You got exactly what you ordered. A retired electrical engineer.

  2. The Great Reset ….by Klaus Schwab it's a book on Amazon…. written by the head of the world economic forum..
    You'll have a butter understanding on what just happened and who is making it happen

  3. Everybody should check out H.A.R.P. it's in Alaska the North West…. they've been doing weather manipulation since around the Vietnam war and they use cloud seeding for weather manipulation you'll have a different perspective on what just happened in Texas …..and our food supply for the next two years

  4. ahh what a great time to live in a tropical country but I’m sorry for all the lives lost also no wonder it’s cold here when it’s supposed to be hot

  5. Former White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on his new home at Fox News this week that the power outages in Texas that left multiple people dead are somehow the consequences that people face for electing Joe Biden. Kudlow is a dishonest and desperate fraud who is trying to shift all of the blame off of his Republican buddies because he knows that his low information viewers will believe anything he says.

  6. So… you have like -6 C and the whole state breaks down?…your houses made of cardboard or what? I live in Sweden btw..luckily….

  7. Hmmm… The power goes out all the time where i live. Snow, pacific Northwest storms etc… Woke up this morning and the power was out. Flipped a switch-genny came on and its PlayStation time. Snoflakes melted. Lol

  8. I find it odd that a wind turbine in Texas freezes, but that exact same wind turbine where I live in Wisconsin keeps spinning round and round in below zero weather for weeks on end. Do you believe everything these idiots tell you? I guess Texas got the "warm weather" wind turbines, LOL!!!

  9. hey ABC, and the rest of the American mainstream media…please don't let us down…keep reminding us how this is Ted Cruz's fault NOT Joe Biden's😆👍

  10. Power went out Monday, and turned on Friday. Ended up missing out on a week of work cause I had to drive me and my dog 17 miles to the nearest warm place.( i know people had it worse than i didn’t for sure) My job isn’t relieving me for the loss of income. First of the month is going to be the end of me lol.

  11. People need to wake up from their haze of existence and place the blame for far more than this current travesty where it actually belongs. This is happening because they have placed their faith into a system that will never actually care for them, but rather it will only allow us no option while it exploits us in every way imaginable and somehow claims innocence. Nikola Tesla's dream and his life's work were confiscated and have been kept hidden for sake of monetary gain – and people are now dying and facing all manner of ensuing nightmares in their attempt to recover from this because the grid that they have been given no choice but to be enslaved by has failed them, as it inevitably always will. WAKE UP AND LOOK AT WHAT THIS SYSTEM HAS DONE AND IS DOING TO US ALL. It will never actually protect us, it has only ever leeched from our billiance and capabilities, while keeping us "in line" – human beings have created this society, and we do hold all of the power. It's time to kick the parasites off of us so that we can continue to create a beautiful and amazing world, unfettered and in harmony – and, courtesy of their own system, we even have their names…

  12. Man I sure hate politicians who leave their state during crisis- Ted Cruz

    By the way, Hey neighbors wanna go to a luxury resort in Mexico? My house is freezing, it’s only a little over $300 per night and it’s very god security…

  13. Many houses in the US are old fashioned, wooden houses with terrible isolation. This mskes it so much worse 😥 also I can't help but feel that the US, when it comes to public services and technology is at least 10 years behing compared to other first world countries. I mean they are literally running out of food!!! 😳 I really hope that they will have power again as soon as possible 😔

  14. "3.3 million without power"》》02:23 "33 degrees" 33 degrees of Freemasonry! order out of chaos! freemason coding in plain sight. Wake up sheeple!

  15. I hate to say it, but it wouldn't surprise me if this storm wasn't man made by HAARP.
    Biden probably gave the okay and took a snow day. Because so many Texans voted for Trump.

  16. This is terrible. Where's your President? He doesn't care and took a snow day.
    Trump would have brought generators and food. He'd be down there shoveling snow

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