Rebuilding a Wrecked JZX100 Chaser Pt. 3

Rebuilding a Wrecked JZX100 Chaser Pt. 3

Driving this thing was everything I imagined…. Next up is phase 2 once I get back!


48 thoughts on “Rebuilding a Wrecked JZX100 Chaser Pt. 3

  1. I was just thinking where’s burt and he just pops up I miss him in ur videos he funny asf

  2. Out off all the time I have being watching Adam I would say I love the chaser the most amazing car ever I really want one 😔

  3. Love the vids man, got hooked. Makes me want to get into whatever the hell it is you do. Also just curious how do you get away with showing speed on YouTube??

  4. Wtf is that 😂

  5. Bro!!! How do I get one in the US?! When I was stationed in Okinawa I had a 98 Tourer v. The JZX platform is amazing. The ultimate sleeper! Nice to see someone else appreciating it here in the states as much as I do👍

  6. Adam's secret sema build🤫

  7. Pay for my college tuition 💕

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