Video walkthrough of the Orange San Diego – Car Mod Pros Portal

We take a more detailed look at the Orange San Diego, the first Intel powered Android smartphone to launch in Europe.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Video walkthrough of the Orange San Diego”
  1. i recommend u get the orange san francisco there both pretty much the same but the san francisco is better built and cheeper as i have had both of these phones

  2. Mine Won't Turn On ? I've Had For A Few Months Now, And It Was Charging Not 10 Minutes Ago, And Now It Just Won't Charge Or Turn On

  3. Why does everyone go on about it being on ginger bread? First thing i did when i got it was update to ice cream sandwich with no trouble!

  4. OK I think this is more of a bridging phone between pc & mobiles but I really do not see the point of having 64 bit capable processor running a 16 bit os its over kill like shooting a fly white a bazooka

  5. um i was wondering does this have a sd or micro sd card slot?
    will this alyways be on 2.3?
    can u get it upgraded?
    How come orange/intel are saying its super fast yet its running a 1.6ghz SINGLE core while S3 has 1.4ghz QUAD??
    surely S3 is WAY faster

  6. "but this phone nothing compared to s3 or the iphone 4s", ones £200 the other two are £500 plus. Would you really expect it to be as good? That said a lot of the benchmarks online show it give a good account of itself.

  7. Yup, it will be free. I've just got my San Diego and I love it. Really, really good 'phone for the price so I can't wait to try ICS on it.

  8. Hello, does anyone know how to take screenshots (screen capture) on this handset? Do you need to install a software or can you do without it like on Samsung SII?

  9. I agree with you about the S3 but not with you about the iphone 4s. The iphone might be the most over rated phone in history. All Apple has to do is come out with new hardware and regardless of how good or bad it is its going to sell this does not make it better. Apple is not the company that many make them out to be all they do is make easy to use devices but this is no way makes them superior to any of the high end Android devices.

  10. A name like Intel should of waited and worked on a phone that can take such brands like apple and Samsung but this phone nothing compared to s3 or the iphone 4s.

  11. Ics will give this phone the hardware acceleration natively in the browser and in the interface, that's why is supposed to be better. I said supposed and i believed it could be on this phone.

  12. I honestly don't see the functional advantage of ICS over Gingerbread. My Galaxy Nexus overclocked to 1.3 on GUMMY 1.2 or MIUI is still slower than my stock RAZR and WAY slower than my incredible 2. So all the comments complaining about no ICS don't really mean anything. I'm a power user and prefer my stock RAZR over any of my other devices. I'd rather have my Incredible 2 for most things but it doesn't have 4G, which makes for a problem.

  13. So this is how Intel shows of how "quick and smooth" their processors are on smartphones. Well they sure do have a different perspective on how "quick and smooth" smartphones should be.

  14. Everything is quick until you hit the browser and then it eats shit. When my G2 had the stock froyo Rom my browser didn't lag that much.

  15. Uhh yeah there is, I just gave it to you. You can't start building a phone around software that isn't available yet, then you have to make sure your cellular equipment works, then you have to let carriers have a wack at it, which we know adds more months to the process.
    Skins don't add that much time to the process anyway, so no point in even going there.

  16. He keeps saying this phone looks quick. For me it looks anything but "quick". Did you see that browser scrolling and zooming lag?!?! SMH

  17. Come on, how is this still running Android 2.3? Version 4.0 has been out for over half a year. The hardware and software design look pretty bad to me. And even though you call it 'quick', the browser looks very choppy and unresponsive, even compared to some other 2.3 phones.

    Not impressed.

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