Capitol police officer on siege: ‘I was scared. I was absolutely scared’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

Capitol police officer Harry Dunn recounts the moment he confronted rioters who stormed the Capitol.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Capitol police officer on siege: ‘I was scared. I was absolutely scared’”
  1. "Somehow Race seeped into that too " Surely this whole story is about Race , it's Race baiting and skewed so idiots have sympathy . Reading the comments , it worked too ! I wish no harm to anyone in anywhy . I never have and never will but this video and the way it was produced is absurd and racist as it was meant to be .

  2. ‪How about Brian Sicknick who died of a heart attack. The lie was that he was killed by a fire extinguisher during “insurrection”. Don’t be bamboozled ‬

  3. I hope somehow you and other officers suffering from what you went through can somehow become fully conscious of the full extent and depth of gratitude, support, love that a huge number of people have for you. It dwarfs the negativity and hate that you had to come in direct contact with while dealing with the low life insurrectionists. But this support is not as close as that hate was so you have to know and trust it is here. It is! We are! You are not alone! Peace and power to you.

  4. Policemen Dunn I more than appreciate what you did at the Capital. I am so sorry you where called the n word and what ever else. Those incerectionist were mostly white supremacists. THEY prayed on you because of ur race, and I'm sorry. Thank you for all you did!!!

  5. Just watched this guy on CNN. He is a phony, He was so obviously acting like he was emotional and a bad actor at that. Like this was the first time he ever encountered any type of riot. Especially when he just said BLM was there but only protested peacefully, that was a dead give away right there. He is a total race baiter. I guess he forgot already how much Liberals wanted to "Defund the Police" just a few months ago including CNN?

  6. Racism is like the FROSTING on American Cake. You can't EVEN Imagine Cake WITHOUT FROSTING… CAN YOU? and just like with racism and America you can't divide them because the real reason you purchased the cake was for the SLAVE related FROSTING that Ya'll just LOVE eating up.

    All those Frosting LOVERS went home FREE AS BIRDS… what aren't you clowns getting ABOUT YOURSELVES???

  7. Billions of dollars worth of damage, dozens of deaths, businesses burned to the ground, hundreds and hundreds of injured police officers… and now the media is against riots. The riots should be happening at ABC headquarters.

  8. This guy says that they tried to disrupt this country’s democracy & failed! Yet, this idiot voted for Biden, who’s administration, fellow democrats, & followers are the ones disrupting this country’s democracy.
    What an idiot!

  9. oh a police officer was scared? Yeah well you should be. You're nothing but a thug for a tyrannical government and lo and behold; you can dish it out but you can't take it. Cry me a river

  10. I’m still troubled how Trump isn’t going to serve time for this he definitely incited this

  11. We need to finally put down the white nationalist evangelic Antebellum racist once and for all. NO UNITY with any one who supports the trumpy traitors. The democrats need to do for the people of this country for once. The GOP supports the over throw of the Constitution, they have to be demolished. My respects to this and all those officers who stood against the terrorist MAGA on that day.

  12. Secret service failed the American people. They go to every rally. They saw the trump supporters at the rally were geared up for a civil war. Secret service knew these domestic terrorists were heading tp the Whitehouse and they said nothing.

  13. My only question for you is How much did the DNC, ABC and Pelosi pay you for these lies? You are not credible and you can see in your eyes that everything you said is a lie. The eyes always give a liar away and yours gave you away.

  14. Insurrection. United States Army I swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Why weren’t those traitors who violated the capital boundaries shot dead?

  15. I support law enforcement, I condemn the idiots that used violence to enter the Capitol building. "All of them were armed." Two people were charged for weapons in their cars. Not one weapon is seen in any video. Oh maybe now flag poles and pepper spray are arms, they weren't during ANTIFA and BLM riots. People called him the N bomb? He was in a place where hundreds of videos were taken and not one confirms it. There were 1,200 officers at the Capitol, the Capitol Police Department is 29% black. 29% of 1,200 is 348. He is the only one that has said racial slurs were used. Right.

  16. Obviously antifa and black lives matter. It was known about in advance by Nancy Pelosi and probably planned by her as well. It was a trump supporters that were stopping the antifa and black lives matter I saw that video but you'll never see it on this CCP ran propaganda machine. I'm not even a Trump supportert,idn't vote for him. It will eventually come out I Pelosi was probably behind the whole thing. False flag. Does anyone believe the news anymore???

  17. These crazy people need to be punished to the fullest! I can relate to Office Dunn's incounter with thousands of armed people coming his way. As a new trooper in Vietnam i encountered thousands of armed S. Korean soldiers marching toward me! I told all the U.S. soldiers close to me,💭we are going to be overrun & we all gonna die, i cried!

  18. ✨🗽💖💖💖💖💖💖💖☔💒🎁🌞🎼⚓

  19. Merci Beaucoup, Officer Dunn for Sharing your Experiences & Hope you get a Book & Movie Rights^^ Xoxo! Thank You, too for enjoying my Grandson's YouTube's: Demitri Funnell; +, J Blagg _Only for Demitri's 16 Music Videos age 13-17 & 1/2+; he is on Scholarship at Jacobs School of Music, indiana University.. Class of 2021^^✨🗽💖⚓

  20. Merci Beaucoup, Officer Dunn for Sharing your Experiences & Hope you get a Book & Movie Rights^^ Xoxo! Thank You, too for enjoying my Grandson's YouTube's: Demitri Funnell; +, J Blagg _Only for Demitri's 16 Music Videos age 13-17 & 1/2+; he is on Scholarship at Jacobs School of Music, indiana University.. Class of 2021^^✨🗽💖⚓

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