By the Numbers: Alarming school absenteeism – Car Mod Pros Portal

Millions of American children may have had no formal education, virtual or in-person, in almost a year, and thousands of students are now unaccounted for.

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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Alarming school absenteeism”
  1. I have seen some unreasonable solutions here. Sure…vax the teachers first and NOW. But they want all new ventilation systems, etc in the sxhools b4 they go back. Cannot happen. You've done a good job so far BUT it's time to go back. Our Children weren't that bright compared to the others in the World…we need to catch up!!

  2. People, it seems, are finally getting it and keeping kids home from school during the pandemic. However, make sure your children are either home taught using a curriculum designed to cover all academic bases or use digital learning. Taking kids out of school completely is a disaster waiting to happen. Even though there is in person classes at my 14 year old's school we have opted for distance learning regardless and the school has to accommodate. It doesn't matter if every other kid is in attendance personally and she is the only one using distance learning. They have to accommodate her. But we've gone rounds with and won against the school before and the schoolboard as well.

  3. Open the schools in person! The science doesn’t support kids and public schools being a primary transmission vector. The kids are suffering, time to open stop making this political.

  4. Longest summer of their lives. It not like the need to catch up to the kids in other countries 👍 Nah. I mean those Asian countries tell their kids go have fun at spring break. It not like they go all morbid gladiatorial trying to get in best school. 😉

  5. You can thank everyone that said covid-19 wasn't real. That is why a lot of parents are not putting their kids in school, our kids already bring bugs home from school as it is and now we have 2 types of Covid-19 and we don't want to catch covid and that is why we are protecting ourselves and others. Plus our school systems are failing our kids more and more programs are being removed but they are all keeping sports and sports are not the most important thing in school but music and computer labs and other programs are more important but schools today would rather have sports then teach our kids things they can really use in life

  6. The sad part is when you extrapolate the data of persons who use meth/ opiates, you wind up with numbers equal to "parental units" of the unaccounted for kids (with some minor exeptions to the variables).

  7. Dont worry about school focus on survival✊✊🏻✊🏿

  8. There should be a vote to shut down schools for the time being due to the fact of people struggling to put food on the table and that it is stresding our people no wonder no one wants to attended if all they teach is absolute garbage and the districts still keep on going???shoutout to the hard working teachers just shut down the schools

  9. Uhh yeah. United states dont think of the people because they did they would not be surprised. Parents are not trying to catch virus and neither there children by RUSHING THEM BK iNTO SCHOOL TO PLEASE ECONOMY.

  10. Covid deaths US 527,226 Mexico 186,152 UK 122,953 Canada 22,017 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 26 Taiwan 9.

    Two thirds of the Covid variants originate from the US making Covid the US virus.

    There are 15 Covid variants, 10 from the US, 2 from the UK and 1 each from South Africa, Brazil and China.

    Traitor Trump's "Do nothing" pandemic strategy will be written into the history books as America's biggest-ever failure.

  11. It has taken only one 21 year old New Zealander to place New Zealand back into lock down…

    He is old enough to know better but young enough to still be stupid.

    The daily US Covid death toll average is 2,000. That is 80 times New Zealand's 12 month total of 26.

    MAGATs, Anti-maskers, Anti-vaxers and QANON are killing Americans. Some may be young but all are stupid.

  12. US, UK and European school attendance are a year behind children from countries that listened to the WHO.

    The educational gap and associated social issues will be a reminder of the failed western pandemic management for years to come.

    Jesus birth saw the Wise men coming from the East. Today the Wise men still come from the East and also New Zealand.

  13. 🚫💉💦Get those children back to their 8 hour shifts of indoctrination

  14. Socialism is so easy to sell.

    Hey everybody life is now free!!!! No responsibilities. Our friend the Government will take of all our needs. Darn….we don't even need to think!!! YAHOO
    May God help us all.

  15. We are in a pandemic not seen in 100 yrs. My children will catch up but if they bring home the virus to me and I end up dying who will care for them. Stop trying to open schools & focus on saving people! Find a cure!

  16. Well when you can't have a roof over your head, or food on the table, because the state can't even give you your unemployment check, or assistance, survival is more important. Rich people are very uninformed. Dah.

  17. What did you expect from us? You let us be sheep and fail, or let us drop out and still have our futures ruined. All to please the Democratic Party.

  18. Child sex trafficking is at an all time high. In some cases there have been pay offers to disgruntled, or drug addicted parents. Or kids have been stolen, for same, when families are homeless. None of this chaos and destruction over a fake p. should ever have taken place. But, even worse is planned for us, straight ahead, compliments of your gov. authorities.

  19. Besides schools don’t teach them about the real world when a lot of kids need to be job ready not was money but how to work not bull crap acardemtics but job skills period stop wasting parents money but teach them job and life skills

  20. Maybe they realized this country has yet to handle the virus and thinks it’s way safer to stay home instead of having below average education that’s not worth risking your life for?

  21. I love all American people.

    I love all Saudi people.

    I love BIDEN JOE my uncle.

    I love king Salman bin Abdul Aziz AL Saud my uncle.

    I love Saudi new crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz AL Saud my brother.

    I love Saudi Prince Matiab bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz AL Saud my brother.

    I love Saudi Prince waleed bin talal my brother.

    I don't like Eia.
    I don't like Pakistan people.
    01 02 03 04 06 10 14 17 19 23 12 Thief.

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