Daunte Wrights Family Speaks Out After Ex-Police Officer Appears In Court | NBC Nightly News

Daunte Wrights Family Speaks Out After Ex-Police Officer Appears In Court | NBC Nightly News

Daunte Wrights family is demanding justice after the 20-year-old was killed by former Minnesota police officer Kim Potter during a traffic stop.
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Daunte Wrights Family Speaks Out After Ex-Police Officer Appears In Court | NBC Nightly News


31 thoughts on “Daunte Wrights Family Speaks Out After Ex-Police Officer Appears In Court | NBC Nightly News

  1. I’m pretty sure it’s the diabetes hurting her heart. How about encouraging people to simply comply with police?

  2. Boohoo.. you’re baby boy is a criminal but you should thank him coz you’ll be swimming in benjamins. Why don’t you show his aggravated robbery case and gun toting photos instead of showing baby photos?


  4. Play stupid games when stupid prizes. It's a felony warrant arrest if you don't resist arrest you will stay alive. But the more that black folk continued to be defiant to police ,expect more of this to happen.

  5. He shouldn’t have given them a reason to tase him and she would have never mistaken her gun for it

  6. You should have cared so much and gotten as angry when you saw that your "baby boy" chose a life of crime. Long Rap sheet with felony warrant, showing off guns, drinking, smoking drugs, two year old baby, all by the age of 20. He was real busy. Guess that's why he tried to flee the arrest, he had gangsta business to take care of.

  7. No way 10 years is too soft for her she need death sentence in have no body going to this pain to my child & get a easy 10 years . She is one happy woman . Listen is killing for killing .

  8. If this boys family is awarded a large cash settlement, then anyone who was victimized by him should be able to sue the family and get their cut of the pie.

  9. shame on the news for showing him holding a baby and not pointing out his crimes and what put him self in that situation and dnt get me worg if that cop knew she had her gun out then yes thow under the bus not if she telling the truth and it's the news responsibly to report botth sides not ju6make a criminal look gd

  10. How do you not know the difference between a plastic taser and a fully loaded firearm? Was the officer not properly trained on it? Come on.

  11. Don’t fight with the police stupid games wins stupid prizes. The man had weapons charges he was wanted

  12. Don't blame the police. Don't blame this on racism. Blame this on a young man who made poor life choices and unfortunately paid the ultimate price. If you want to see change, it all starts from home. Teach your kids how to respect the law and comply with police if confronted. If you do that, you have almost a zero percent chance of dying at the hands of the police regardless of the color of your skin.

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