The Johnson & Johnson vaccine remains paused as the CDC requests more information, former Minnesota police officer Kim Potter is charged in the shooting death of Daunte Wright, and the U.S. announces new sanctions on Russia in response to cyber-attacks and election hacking.
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#KimPotter #JohnsonAndJohnson #NBCNews

Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – April 15 | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Morning News NOW Full Broadcast – April 15 | NBC News NOW”

    Dr Michael Yeadon, is Former Vice-president and Chief science officer allergy and respiratory research unit, Pfizer pharmaceuticals,

  2. They keep saying this happens over and over again the police are having unfavorable actions with the community but all these interactions were with criminals can’t we do something about all these criminals maybe if they weren’t committing crime there wouldn’t be a problem just like if you hit at a restaurant don’t eat there anymore if you hate the way police are dealing with criminals maybe you should commit any crimes

  3. Lies from nbc🤭🤭🤭

  4. Ain’t nothing extremely rare about those blow clots… tell the American people anything huh !

  5. 🌿🇺🇸🗽🌿
    Due to the Law enforcement being worse than the everyday Criminals and, The capital of Tallahassee excepting and, do nothing about it, has causes Jacksonville; Florida to be a very dangerous for the majority of individuals that not only live their, yet, for those that visit there.
    There are many places in America that, like Jacksonville; Florida have been and, still are this way for many, many years.🌿

  6. Lies lies and more lies …. this people are sick in the Brain …. we need real reporters and real news media this is propaganda and smells like propaganda from a mile far !!! Reeeks DS

  7. Look at the video real good..when he yelled I mean she yelled taser 3times thats when sandman came in shot once😁she dropped the gun in said I shot em ..the other cop was laughing the hole time..

  8. She's a white woman. Of course they will use her as a token of your a Officer not above the law. Did she think white male rules applied to her. They gave us our freedom before the white female they still couldn't vote after we freed. I expected them to throw her to the pigs to take the heat off the hogs!!! That's why there feminists White women need to stand for the inequality of male to female officers.

  9. I bet you if that was an animal from the jungle they would have used the taser silly cop now watch somebody come under my comment to her rescue

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  11. Oh well and anyway yes I do know the cause of them and you should be told and informed as for one such as has been since even long before the Korean war as I will tell you he though I do know technically who he is though you say I and Barak yet I do know technically and anyway he is actually his son and such as has been said and done was done by his father they do not have supper powers and neither do you and you do not know who my ministering spirits are though I do they may have power with the creater reasons they don't actually want told though they were before man and anyway you are not better than they and is one of the reasons though they are in a different relationship as is every individual you explain murdering my mother or I will yet the Korean war and world intelligence enough said.

  12. The defense witness absolutely did know the make and model of the squad car and even knew it was a hybrid. Your reporter named Shaq totally got that wrong. Sloppy work from the media once again.

  13. Sorry, but I regard Sharpton as an ambulance chaser. He routinely takes the worst case interpretation and does not modify his initial statements if subsequent information to the contrary comes out. In this case, neither Potter's actions before or after the shooting supports any suggestion of intent.
    The coroner in the Erik Garner case said that a chokehold was not the cause of death. Sharpton and everyone he seems to interact with on TV seem not to have noticed that. This is not to say that there are no problems with the Garner case, but the actual police reform which the case demands will not be made as long as the chokehold issue ispushed as fact.

  14. All these police you think that they’re not in initiation illuminati or you’re in one way or you’re out with the people do not consent

  15. Check it out we are not stupid the work nation will not let ignorance that you’re claiming we did not see what we saw it was a public execution with a smile on his face because he’s got better rewards

  16. Why would they use a retired medical examiner to do anything! He isn’t even a Minneapolis resident nor did he do the examination!

  17. Honestly can any American answer this: is there no white people being accidentaly or otherwise killed by the police in America? If so, why is that only black people make it to the big time? Is that not obviously ridiculous, biased and on it self down right racist? I am black btw

  18. Was there a condition for the use of a "taser"? Was the victim acting unruly or aggressive that warrant use of a "taser"? Wouldn't a reminder that the freshener was illegal in the rear window?

  19. The vaccine IS the mark of the beast. It is also the Locusts in the parable in Revelations Chapter 9. The only ones the "locust" harm are those that do not have the seal of God. The seal of God is the Holy Ghost. No one that is following Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost would ever get the vaccine because it is the mark of the beast. The vaccines began Dec 14, 2020. The time period given in Revelations 9 for the Locusts is 5 months. We are very close to that time period. Then the 6th Trumpet will sound which will begin persecution of the non vaxers, the saints, the followers of Jesus Christ. Get ready Saints. Stand in the holy place, faith in Jesus and follow his commands. Overcome. Jesus comes soon but persecution first. Pray the Holy Ghost will help you endure to the end.

  20. Wait, Snape was only a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for one year. Mostly he was a Potions teacher who even taught how to make potions and things to cure people (like the bezoar and the werewolf potion).

    That sounds like the Professor Snape fighting COVID.

  21. Floyd was alive for 46 years before police showed up.. Dante was 20 then 4 cops showed up. She could have allowed 3 men to handle the 20 year old. She may be charged but a jury can let her off

  22. Bail protects the rich. She went home to her family and was employed longer as an officer than Dante lived on this planet..The state must compensate the family.

  23. Yeah murder us with vaccines!! And pretend oops.. we have no idea what's happening we will have to investigate and see what chemical in the Johnson and Johnson causing this problem, and then rectify it, then they will trust us to jab them. reaally? Better guess again.😏

  24. I think the defense should have done a demonstration I think the defense should have got whoever's on their side to lay down on the ground handcuffed and then the defense attorney place his knee on his neck with the same amount of pressure for 9 minutes and 29 seconds and see what happens. If the guys alive okay if not you should be charged too. So what I said my comment was ridiculous just like this alleged doctor retired who did not, I repeat did not examine the body.

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